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St.Josephs College Of Engineering Chennai 119

Semester : IV Branch: Mech

Rigid and Deformable bodies Strength, Stiffness and Stability Stresses; Tensile,
Compressive and Shear Deformation of simple and compound bars under axial load
Thermal stress Elastic constants Strain energy and unit strain energy Strain energy
in uniaxial loads.

1. Differentiate between a rigid body and a deformable body.
When a body is subjected to external forces, if it undergoes deformation, it is called
as deformable body. If it does not undergo any deformation, it is called rigid body.
2. What does equilibrium signify? What are the conditions for equilibrium to exist?
Word equilibrium signifies the body does not undergo any displacement under the
application of external force. The conditions are
Sum of all force in x direction must be zero and also in y & z direction.
Moment about any point is zero.
3. Define stress and explain tensile and compressive stress.
Stress is defined as the external force applied per unit area. When body is subjected
to equal and opposite pulls, it elongates. The resistance offered to this elongation is tensile
stress. If body is subjected to equal and opposite pushes, it contracts and the resistance
offered to this contraction is compressive stress.
4. Define strain and explain tensile and compressive strain.
It is the ratio of change in dimension to the original dimension. The strain
corresponding to the tensile stress is called tensile strain and it is defined as the ratio of the
increase in the length to the original length. The strain corresponding to the compressive
stress is called as compressive strain. It is defined as the ratio of decrease in length to the
original length.
5. Define shear stress and shear strain.
The two equal and opposite force act tangentially on any cross sectional plane of
the body tending to slide one part of the body over the other part. The stress induced is
called shear stress and the corresponding strain is known as shear strain. Or Shear stress is
the resistance offered to the force applied. It is the ratio of shear force to shear area. The
corresponding strain is called as shear strain.
6. State Hooks law and explain elastic limit.
It states that within elastic limit, the ratio of the stress and strain is a constant.
Elastic limit is a point on the stress strain diagram below which the body regains its
original shape when deformed, not necessarily obeying the hooks law.
7. What is elasticity?
It is ability of by which the material regains its original shape when deformed.


9. Define Poissons Ratio
It is the ratio of lateral strain to the normal strain. It is dimensionless and is denoted
by or 1/m.
Note: The Poissons ratio for a material cannot be more than 0.5.
10. Explain Ultimate stress.
There is a particular maximum load, which any material can withstand, above
which it starts creeping and breaks. The stress corresponding to this load is called ultimate
11. Define modulus of elasticity.
According to Hooks law, the ratio of stress to strain is a constant. This constant is
modulus of elasticity, E and its unit is N/mm
12. In a bar of varying cross section of length
and area of A
is subjected to
axial pull of P. Find total elongation for bar as varying cross section.

13. What is the principle of super position?
The resultant deformation of the body is equal to the algebraic sum of the
deformation of the individual section. Such principle is called as principle of super
14. Define factor of safety and state reason for its necessity.
The term factor of safety is applied to the factor used to evaluate the safeness of a

* Allowable stress is also known as Design stress or Working stress or permissible stress.

15. What is modular ratio?
It is the ratio of the Youngs modulus of two different materials.

16. What are the governing equations in compound bar?
a) Total load (P) = Load carried by Bar 1 (P
) + Load carried by Bar 2 (P
b) Change in length in Bar 1 = Change in length in Bar 2,

17. What you mean by thermal stresses?
If the body is allowed to expand or contract freely, with the rise or fall of
temperature no stress is developed but if free expansion is prevented the stress developed
is called temperature or thermal stress and the corresponding strain is temperature strain.

Thermal stress = . T. E
Thermal strain = . T
= the coefficient of thermal expansion of the material, T = change in temperature
18. Relate the three modulus of elasticity.

19. Define the three elastic modulii and give a relationship between Youngs modulus
and shear modulus.
Youngs modulus: The ratio of tensile stress (or compressive stress) to the
corresponding strain within the elastic limit. It is denoted by E and its unit is

Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus: The ratio of shear stress to the
corresponding shear strain within the elastic limit. It is denoted by G or C or N and
its unit is N/mm

Bulk Modulus is the ratio of linear stress to volumetric strain, with in the elastic

20. Write the equation for elongation of circular bar due to its self weight.

21. State the equation for the elongation of the taper rod.

22. Define Strain Energy
When a material undergoes deformation, under the action of external load work is
done on the material. The work done on the material is stored as Strain energy .

Strain energy =
A / 2E.
23. Define Resilience.
Strain energy stored per unit volume is called Resilience. (
/ 2E )
24. Define Proof Resilience.
It is the maximum strain energy stored by a body without undergoing permanent
deformation. It is the value of resilience when the stress (), equals the stress at elastic
limit (
25. Define Modulus of Resilience.
It is the maximum energy, which can be stored by a bar per unit volume.


1. A load of 50kN is suspended by a steel pipe of 50mm external diameter. If the ultimate
tensile strength of steel is 500 N/mm
and the factor of safety is 4, determine (i) the
thickness of the pipe. (ii) Elongation of the pipe over a length of 200 mm if it is stressed to
its maximum permissible value. Take E = 200 kN/mm

2. A member ABCD is subjected to loads as shown. Find the value of P and determine the
total change in length of the bar. Take E = 210 kN/mm

3. A compound bar 900 mm long is made of a bar of steel 300mm long 30 mm diameter
attached to a bar of copper 600 mm long. Under a pull of 50 kN the extensions in each
portion are found to be equal. Determine (i) the diameter of the copper rod, and (ii) the
stresses in steel and copper. Take E
= 2.05 x 10
and E
= 1.11 x 10

Composite Bars:

4.* A steel rod of 25 mm diameter is enclosed centrally in a hollow copper tube of external
diameter 50 mm and internal diameter of 40 mm. The composite bar is then subjected to an
axial pull of 50 kN. If the length of each bar is equal to 0.25m, determine: (i) the stress in
the rod and tube and (ii) load carried by each bar. Take E for steel = 2 x 10
and for
copper = 1 x 10


5.* A mild steel rod of 25 mm diameter and 300 mm long is enclosed centrally inside a
hollow copper tube of external diameter 40 mm and internal diameter of 30 mm. The
composite bar is subjected to an axial pull of 50 kN through rigid cover plates. If E for
steel and copper is 200 GN/m
and 100 GN/m
respectively, find the stresses developed in
the rod and tube. Also find the extension of the rod.

6. A solid steel bar 500mm long and 70mm diameter is placed inside an aluminium tube
having 75mm inside diameter and 100mm outside diameter. The aluminium cylinder is
15mm longer than the steel bar. An axial load of 600kN is applied to the bar and the
Cylinder through rigid cover plates. Compute the stresses developed in the steel bar and
the aluminium tube. Assume E
= 2.1 x 10
and E
= 0.7 x 10

7.Two vertical rods of steel and copper are rigidly fixed with the ceiling at their upper ends
at 100cm apart. Each rod is 3m long and 25mm in diameter. A horizontal cross piece
connects the lower ends of the rods. Where should a load of 3.5 tonnes be placed on the
cross piece, so that it remains horizontal after loaded? Assume E
= 2 x 10
and E

=1 x 10

10.* A reinforced short concrete column 500 mm x 500 mm in section is reinforced with 8
steel bars of diameter 25mm. The column carries a load of 200 kN. (i) If the modulus of
elasticity for steel is 18 times that of concrete, find the stresses in concrete and steel. (ii) If
the stress in concrete shall not exceed 5 N/mm
, find the diameter of the steel rod required
so that the column may support a load of 500 kN.

Temperature stress:

11.* Find the expansion of a 2 m long rod, when the temperature is raised from 20C to
95C. If this expansion is prevented, find the stress induced in the material of the rod. Take
E = 1 x 10
and =0.000012 /C.

8.* Two brass rods each of diameter 35 mm and a
50 kN as shown in Fig. Find the stresses in the rods.
Take E
=2 x 10
and E
=1 x 10
9. A load of 300 kN is carried by a short concrete
column of cross section 300mm x 300mm. The column
is reinforced with 8 bars of 15 mm diameter. Find the
stresses in concrete and steel if the modulus of
elasticity for steel is 18 times that of concrete.

12.* A steel rod 50 mm diameter, 5 m long and connected to two grips is maintained at a
temperature of 100C. Find the stress and force exerted when the temperature falls to 25C
if (i) the ends do not yield, and (ii) the ends yield by 1.5mm. Take E = 2.1 x 10

and = 12 x 10
/ C.

13. A bar of length 1m is clamped at the ends and subjected to a rise in temperature of
20 C. If the co efficient of expansion of the material of the bar is 1.2 x 10
/ C, the
Young's modulus is 2 x 10
and the cross sectional area is 314 N/mm
, what is the
magnitude and nature of the stress induced?

14. A steel rod of 20mm diameter passes centrally through a copper tube of 50mm
external diameter and 40mm internal diameter. The tube is closed at each end by rigid
plates. If the temperature of the assembly is raised by 50C, find the stresses in steel rod
and copper tube. Take E
= 200 kN/mm
, E
=100 kN/mm
= 12 x 10
/ C,
= 18 x
/ C.

15. A steel tube 50mm external diameter and 5mm thick encloses centrally a solid copper
bar of 30mm diameter. The bar and the tube are rigidly connected together at the ends at a
temperature of 30C. The composite bar is subjected to an axial compressive load of 60kN
and the temperature is raised to 150C. Determine the stresses in steel tube and copper rod.
Assume E
= 200 GPa,
= 12 x 10
/ C, E
= 100 GPa,
= 18 x 10
/ C 16. A steel
tube 24 mm external diameter 18 mm internal diameter encloses a copper rod of diameter
15 mm, they are both rigidly attached to a wall at one end and are attached to a rigid plate
at the other. At 10
C there is no stress. Calculate the stress in the rod and tube at 200
For steel E
= 210GPa,
= 11x10
C; for copper E
= 100 GPa,
= 18x10

17. A compound bar is made up of a central plate 60mm wide and 10 mm thick, to which
copper plates 60 mm wide and 5 mm thick are rigidly connected one on either side. The
length of the bar at normal temperature is 1m. If the temperature is raised by 70C,
determine the stress in each metal and its nature. Also find the change in length. Youngs
modulus for steel and copper are 2 x 10
MPa and 1 x 10
MPa respectively, while the
thermal coefficients are 12 x 10
/C and17 x 10
/ C.

18. A brass rod 2.4m long is held horizontally between two rigid vertical walls 2.403m
apart. The temperature of the rod is gradually raised such that the ends of the rod get fixed
against the walls and has a compressive stress of 21 MPa. What is the rise in temperature?
Assume E = 1.05 x 10
MPa and = 11.8 x 10
/ C.Poissons Ratio:

19. A bar of cross section 10mm x 10mm is subjected to an axial pull of 8 kN. Due to this,
the lateral dimensions changed to 9.9985mm x 9.9985mm. If the rigidity modulus is
, find poissons ratio and modulus of elasticity.

20. Find the youngs modulus and Poisson's ratio of a bar of length 300 mm breadth 40
mm and depth 40 mm. When this bar is subjected to an axial compressive load of 40 kN,
Decrease length is 0.75mm and increase in depth is 0.03mm. Also find the modulus of


21. A solid circular bar of diameter 20mm, when subjected to an axial tensile load of
40kN, the reduction in diameter was observed as 6.4 x 10
mm. The bulk modulus of the
material of the bar is 67 GPa. Find (i) Young's modulus (ii) Poisson's ratio (iii) modulus of
rigidity (iv) change in length per meter length and (v) change in volume of the bar per
meter length.

22. A bar 250mm long, cross sectional area 100mm x 50mm, carries a tensile load of
500kN along lengthwise, a compressive load of 5000 kN on its 100mm x 250mm faces
and a tensile load of 2500 kN on its 50mm x 250mm faces. Calculate (i) the change in
volume (ii) what change must be made in the 5000kN load, so that no change in the
volume of the bar occurs. Take E
= 200 GPa and 1/m = 0.3.

23. A cast iron flat 300mm long, 30mm thick and 50mm wide is acted by the following
forces 250 kN (Tension) in the direction of its length, 350 kN (compression) in the
direction of its width and 200 kN (Tension) in the direction of its thickness. Calculate the
stress, strain and change in dimension along each principal direction and also the change in
volume of the flat. Assume the modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of cast iron as 1.4
x 10
and 0.25 respectively.

24. A circular alloy bar 2m long uniformly tapers from 30 mm diameter to 20mm
diameter. Find the elongation of the bar under an axial load of 50 kN. E = 140 kN/mm

25. A rod of length 500 mm, which tapers uniformly from 50 mm to 30 mm diameter, is
subjected to an axial load of 5kN. If E = 2 x 10
, find the extension of the rod.

26. A rod tapers uniformly from 50 mm to 30 mm diameter in a length of 400 mm. Find
the youngs modulus of the rod, if it extends 0.05mm when subjected to a load of 5000N.

27. A rectangular bar made of steel is subjected to an axial tensile load of 50 kN. The
width of the 2 m long and 10 mm thick rod varies from 60 mm at one end to 25 mm at the
other. Find the extension of the rod if E = 2 x 10

28. A rectangular steel bar of length 1m and of thickness 25 mm tapers uniformly in width
from 80 mm to 40 mm. Determine the axial tensile load on the bar which produces an
extension of 0.25 mm. Take E for the bar as 2.1 x 10


Types of beams: Supports and Loads Shear force and Bending Moment in beams
Cantilever, Simply supported and Overhanging beams Stresses in beams Theory
of simple bending Stress variation along the length and in the beam section Effect
of shape of beam section on stress induced Shear stresses in beams Shear flow.

1. What is known as shear force?
The algebraic sum of the vertical forces at any section of a beam to the right or to
the left of the section is known as shear force.

2. What is bending moment?
The algebraic sum of the bending moment due to all the individual forces to the
right or to the right of the section.
3. What are the types of the beam?
The different types of the beam are
a. Fixed beam b. Cantilever beam
c. Simply supported beam d. Over hanging beam
e. Continuous beam
4. What are the different types of loading?
a. Point load
b. Uniformly distributed load
c. Uniformly varying load
5. What is S.F.D(shear force diagram)?
The diagram which shows the variation of shear force along the length of the beam
is known as S.F.D.
6. What is B.M.D. (bending moment diagram)?
The diagram which shows the variation of bending moment along the length of the
beam is known as B.M.D.
7. The shear force suddenly changes at section where there is a point load.
8. The shear force between any two vertical loads remains constant.
9. Shear force for a UDL varies according to a straight line law.
10. What is the value of shear force at the point of max. bending moment? ZERO
11. What is point of contraflexure?
The point where B.M changes its sign or the point where the value of BM is Zero.
12. When a beam is subjected to a couple at a section, then bending moment remains
unaltered. (TRUE or FALSE) FALSE.
13. When a beam is subjected to a couple the maximum bending moment does not
occur at the point of zero shear force. (TRUE or FALSE) TRUE.
14. What is the nature of curve of B.M.D for any beam carrying UVL? Cubic
15. Derive the relation between shear force and bending moment, in bending theory.

= F

(The rate of change of bending moment is equal to the shear force at that section)
= - w
(The rate of change of shear force is equal to the rate of loading)


1. What are the assumptions of simple bending theory?
Assumptions made in the simple bending theory are
o The material of the beam is perfectly homogeneous throughout.
o The stress induced is directly proportional to strain.
o The value of modulus of elasticity is the same, for the fibres of the beam
under compression or tension.
o The transverse of the beam, remains plane before and after bending.

o There is no resultant pull or push on the cross section of the beam.
o The loads are applied in the plane of bending.
2. What is neutral axis ?
As a result of bending moment, a length of the beam will take up a curved shape. It
follows that outer radii of the material will be in tension and at the inner radii in
compression, and at some radius there will be no stress. This layer of the material is the
neutral axis (NA).


3. What is section modulus?
It is the ratio of moment of inertia about the neutral axis to distance of the most
distant point of the section from the neutral section
. Z = I / Y
where, Z is the sectional modulus
I is the moment of inertia about neutral axis
is the distance of the most distant point of the section from the NA
4. Write the classic flexure formula or bending stress expression.

5.What is flitched beam?
It is defined as a section, made up of two or more different materials, joined
together, in such a manner that they behave like a single piece and each material bends to
same radius of curvature.
6. Draw the shear stress distribution diagram for a rectangular beam with values at
important points.


Cross section Stress
of beam diagram


7.Draw the shear stress distribution diagram for an I section.

Sketch the shear stress distribution diagram across the depth of a T section.

9. Bending stress in any layer is ---------- proportional to the distance of the layer from
the neutral layer. Ans: Directly
10. What is moment of resistance of the section?
The total moment of these forces about the neutral axis for a section is known as
moment of resistance of that section.
11. Where is the bending stress maximum in a beam?
The bending stress is maximum at the outermost fibre in a beam.
12. The max. shear stress is at the N.A. for a rectangular section is q
= 1.5 q

13. In case of triangular section the maximum shear stress is not maximum at the N.A
but is maximum at a height of ----------- Ans: h / 2
14. The max. Shear stress is at N.A. for a circular section and is given by q
= 4/3q





1. A 250 mm x 150 mm rectangular beam is subjected to a maximum Bending Moment of
750 kN.m. Determine (a) maximum stress in the beam (b) if E = 200 GPa, find the radius
of curvature for that portion of the beam where Bending Moment is maximum.

2. A rectangular beam 300mm deep is simply suported over a span of 4m. What UDL/m
length the beam may carry, if the bending stress is not to exceed 120N/mm
. Take I = 8

3. A timber joist is to carry a load of 9 kN spread uniformly over a span of 6m. The joist
is freely supported at the ends. If the maximum bending stress is not to exceed 9 N/mm
find out a suitable cross section taking the width as 0.4 times the depth of the section.

4. A beam of rectangular cross section is Simply Supported over a span of 6m. The beam
has a depth of 400 mm and width of 300mm. Find (i) uniformly distributed load, the beam
can carry if the bending stress is not to exceed 16 MPa and (ii) the central point load,
which the beam may carry for the same bending stress.

5. A beam of uniform strength and varying cross section is Simply Supported over a span
of 6m. It carries a UDL of 20 kN/m and the uniform strength is 100 MPa. Compute (i)

depth at a distance of 1.5m from one end if the width is same throughout the span and
equals 300 mm, and (ii) the width at the mid point of the beam if the depth is constant
throughout the length and equal to 200 mm.

6. A circular pipe of external diameter 70 mm and thickness 8mm is used as a Simply
Supported Beam over an effective span of 2.5m. Find the maximum concentrated load that
can be applied at the center of the span, if the permissible stress in the tube is 150 N/mm

7. A beam of size 150 mm wide, 250 mm deep carries a UDL of w kN/m over entire span
of 4 m. A concentrated load 1 kN is acting at a distance of 1.2 m from the left support. If
the bending stress at a section 1.8 m from the left support is not to exceed 3.25 N/mm
find the load w.

8. A 10m long CI pipe 50 cm ID and 2 cm thickness is simply supported at its ends. Find
the max intensity of bending stress induced in the metal when the pipe is running full with
water. Take unit weight of CI = 72kN/m
and that of water as 9.81kN/m

9. A vertical power transmission pole is 6m high; square section 280 mm x 280 mm at
bottom and 140 mm and 140 mm at the top. A horizontal pull of 8kN is applied through
the geometric centre of the section. Find the position and magnitude of the maximum
bending stress.

10. The cross section of a Simply Supported Beam of length
4m is triangle as shown in fig 1. If the maximum tensile and
compressive stresses in the beam are limited to 100MPa and
250MPa respectively, determine the safe central concentrated
load the beam can carry.

11. A simply supported beam of span 6 m carries udl of
intensity 32 kN/m over the full span, including its self weight. The cross sectional
properties of the beam are :

Shape : Unsymmetrical I section
Overall depth : 250 mm
Width of top flange : 180 mm
Thickness of top flange : 20 mm
Width of bottom flange : 100 mm
Thickness of bottom flange: 30 mm
Thickness of web : 15 mm
Determine the maximum extreme fiber stresses induced in the beam.

12. The shear force acting on a section of a beam is 50kN. The section of the beam is of
T shaped of dimensions 100 mm x 100 mm x 20 mm (Flange width 100mm; flange
thickness 20 mm; thickness of the web 20 mm; depth of the web 80mm) the moment of
inertia about the horizontal neutral axis is 314.221 x 10
. Calculate the shear stress
at the neutral axis and at the junction of the web and the flange.

13. A Simply Supported Beam of span 3m carries a uniformly distributed load over the
entire span. The cross section of the beam is 200 mm x 350 mm. The maximum flexure
stress due to bending is 10 N/mm
. Calculate the intensity of the load. Calculate also

14. A beam of T section shown in fig- 2 is subjected to a shear force
of 20 kN. Find the maximum shear stress intensity and draw the
shear stress distribution diagram.

15. A beam of rectangular cross section is of 250 mm wide and 300
mm deep, 4m of its length is simply supported and carries a
uniformly distributed load of 10 kN/m for the entire span. Calculate
(i) the shear force at 2m from the left support and (ii) shear stress
distribution at every 100 mm level from the top surface.
Sketch the shear stress distribution.


Analysis of torsion of circular bars Shear stress distribution Bars of Solid and
hollow circular section Stepped shaft Twist and torsion stiffness Compound
shafts Fixed and simply supported shafts Application to close-coiled helical
springs Maximum shear stress in spring section including Wahl Factor Deflection
of helical coil springs under axial loads Design of helical coil springs stresses in
helical coil springs under torsion loads

1. What are the assumptions made in the theory of torsion?
a. The material of the shaft is uniform throughout.
b. The twist along the shaft is uniform
c. Normal cross sections of the shaft which were plane and circular before twist must
remain plane and circular after twist.
d. The diameter of the cross sections which were straight before twist must remain
straight without any change in the magnitude.
2. Define Torsion.
When equal and opposite torque are applied at ends, the shaft is said to be in torsion.
3. Define Torsional rigidity.
We know, = T / GJ,
The quantity GJ is called torsional rigidity. Product of rigidity modulus and polar moment
of inertia is called torsional rigidity
4. Define polar modulus.
Polar modulus is defined as the ratio of polar moment of inertia ( J ) to the radius of

the shaft. It is also called torsional section modulus and is denoted by Zp
5. Why hollow circular shafts are preferred than solid circular shafts.
a. The torque transmitted by the hollow shaft is greater than the solid shafts. Hence
the solid shafts are stronger.
b. The weight of the hollow shaft is less when compared with the solid shaft of same
material, length and torque. So the solid shafts are economical.
6. Write an expression for the angle of twist for a hollow circular shaft with external
diameter D, internal diameter d, length l and rigidity modulus G.

= length of the shaft, T = Torque transmitted and G = Rigidity modulus

7. The shear stress at the centre of the circular section of the shaft is _____. Zero
8. What is composite shaft?
Some times a shaft is made up of composite section i.e. one type of shaft is sleeved over
other types of shaft. At the time of sleeving, the two shafts are joined together, that the
composite shaft behaves like a single shaft.
9. What is a spring?
A spring is an elastic member, which deflects, or distorts under the action of load and
regains its original shape after the load is removed.
10. State any two functions of springs.
To measure forces in spring balance, meters and engine indicators.
To store energy.
11. Define Stiffness of spring.
Stiffness of spring (K) is the force per unit deflection. Its unit is N / mm in SI units.
12. What is spring index (C)?
The ratio of mean or pitch diameter to the wire diameter for the spring is called the
spring index.
13. What is solid length?
The length of a spring under the maximum compression is called its solid length. It
is the product of total number of coils and the diameter of wire.
= n
x d, Where, n
= total number of coils.
14. Define free length.
Free length of the spring is the length of the spring when it is free or unloaded
condition. It is equal to the solid length plus the maximum deflection or compression plus
clash allowance.
Lf = solid length + Y
-0.15 Y

15. What are the differences between closed coil & open coil helical springs?
Closed coil helical springs: (i) The spring wires are coiled very closely, each turn is nearly
at right angles to the axis of helix. (ii)Helix angle is less than 10
Open coil helical springs: (i) The wires are coiled such that there is a gap between the two
consecutive turns. (ii) Helix angle is large (>10)

16. Define stiffness of a helical spring and write an expression for it.
Stiffness of a spring is defined as the load required to produce unit deflection.

17. Find power transmitted by a circular shaft subjected to a torque 700kN-m at
110 rpm.

18. Write the expression for the Strain energy stored in a solid circular shaft.

19. Write the expression for the Strain energy stored in a hollow circular shaft.


1. A solid circular shaft transmits 75 kW power at 200 rpm. Calculate the shaft diameter, if
the twist in the shaft is not to exceed 1 in a shaft length of 2m and shear stress is not to
exceed 50 N/mm
. Take G = 100 kN/mm

2. A hollow shaft is to transmit 300 kW at 80 rpm. If the shear stress is not to exceed 60
and the internal diameter is 0.6 times the external diameter, find the diameters.

3. A hollow shaft with diameter ratio 3/8 is required to transmit 500kW at 100 rpm, the
maximum torque being 20% greater than the mean. The maximum shear stress is not to
exceed 60 N/mm
and the twist in a length of 3m is not to exceed 1.4. Determine the
minimum diameters required for the shaft.

4. A hollow steel shaft 24 cm external and 16 cm internal diameter is to be replaced by a
solid alloy shaft. If both the shafts should have the same polar modulus, find the
diameter of the latter and the ratio of torsional rigidities. Take N for steel = 2.0 * N for

5. A shaft 7m long is securely fixed at each end. A torque of100 is applied to the
shaft at a section 3m from the left end. Find the fixing torque setup at the ends of the
shaft. If the shaft is 35mm diameter find the maximum shear stresses in the two
portions. Find also the angle of twist for the section where the torque is applied.
Assume G = 8.4 x 10



1. A close coiled helical spring is to carry a load of 1kN. Its mean coil diameter is to be
times that of wire diameter. Calculate these diameters if the maximum stress in the
material of the spring is to be 90N/mm
. Also find the stiffness of spring. Take G = 8.5
x 10

2. A closely coiled helical spring made out of a 10 mm diameter steel bar has 12 complete
coils, each of mean diameter of 100 mm. Calculate the stress induced in the section of
the rod, the deflection under the pull and the amount of energy stored in the spring
during the extension if it is subjected to an axial pull of 200 N. Modulus of rigidity is
0.84 10

3. The close coiled helical spring is to have a stiffness of 900 N/m in compression under a
maximum load of 45 N. The maximum shear stress in the wire of the spring is 120
. The solid length of the spring (when the coils are touching) is 45 mm. Find the
diameter of coil, diameter of wire and number of coils. G = 40 kN/mm

4. A close coiled helical spring of 80 mm mean diameter is made up of 10mm diameter
rod and has 22 turns. The spring carries an axial load of 300N. Find the shearing stress
and deflection under this load. Also find Stiffness. Take G = 80 GPa.

5. A closely coiled helical spring made of circular wire is required to absorb 25,000 of energy, when its deflection is 120 mm and the shear stress not exceeding 120
MPa. Determine a suitable diameter and length of wire to make the spring, if the spring
diameter is to be 150mm. Take N = 8.5 x 10

6. In a compound helical spring the inner spring is arranged inside and concentric with
the outer one, but is 9 mm shorter. The outer coil is of mean diameter 24 mm, wire
diameter 3 mm and has 10 turns. Find the stiffness of the inner spring if an axial load
of 150 N causes the outer one to compress 18 mm.

7. A composite spring has two close coiled helical springs in series. The mean coil
diameter of each spring is 8 times the wire diameter. One coil has 20 coils of wire
diameter 2.54 mm. Find the diameter of the wire of the other spring, if it has 15 coils
and the stiffness of the composite spring is 1.26 N/mm. Find the maximum axial load
that can be applied and the corresponding extension if the maximum shear stress is 310
. Take G = 80GPa.


Elastic curve of Neutral axis of the beam under normal loads Evaluation of beam
deflection and slope : Double integration method, Macaulay Method, and Moment-
area Method Columns End conditions Equivalent length of a column Euler
equation Slenderness ratio Rankine formula for columns


1. Write down the general Differential equation of a beam .
EI [d
y / dx
] = M
Where , M
= BM at section at xx, EI = Flexural Rigidity.
2. State the theorms of Moment Area Method stated by Mohr.
THEOREM I : The change in slope between any two points ( Say P and Q ) in a
beam is equal to the area of the BMD, under that particular portion of the beam divided by

THEOREM II: The deflection between any two points in a beam is equal Moment
of the area of the bending moment Diagram, under that particular portion of the beam
divided by EI.
Y = (AREA OF BMD between P & Q) * X / E I = A X / E I
3. What is Elastic curve
When the load is applied within the elastic limit, the deflected shape of the beam is
called Elastic Curve.
4. Define Slope.
Slope at any point is the angle between the tangent (drawn to the elastic curve at
that point) and the horizontal.
5. Define Deflection.
When the beam is loaded with transverse loads the axis of the beam will deviate
from the actual position. The deviation at any cross section is called Deflection
6. A cantilever is subjected to a point load W at the free end. What is the slope and
deflection at the free end?

7. What condition is used for finding maximum deflection?
The condition used for finding deflection of the beam is dy/dx = 0 (ie.,slope at the
point of maximum deflection is equal to zero)
1. Differentiate a Column and a strut.
A column is a long vertical slender bar or vertical member, subjected to an axial
compressive load and fixed rigidly at both the ends.
A strut is a slender bar or a member in any position other than vertical, subjected to a
compressive load and fixed rigidly or hinged or pin jointed at one or both the ends.
2. What are the causes to fail the column?
Direct compressive stress, buckling stresses, combined of direct & comp. stresses
3. Define slenderness ratio.
Slenderness ratio is the ratio of unsupported length of the column to the minimum
radius of gyration of the cross sectional ends of the column. It has no unit.
4. Define Buckling load or Crippling load.
The maximum limiting load at which the column tends to have lateral displacement
or tends to buckle is called buckling or crippling load. The buckling takes place about the
axis having minimum Radius of gyration or least Moment of Inertia.

5. Define Short column, Medium sized column, Long columns.
Short column: Columns, which have lengths less than eight times their diameter or
slenderness ratio less than 32, are called short columns.
Medium sized column: Columns, which have lengths varying from eight times their
diameter to thirty times their diameter or slenderness ratio lying between 32 and 120, are
called medium sized columns
Long columns: Columns, which have lengths more than thirty times their diameter or
slenderness ratio more than 120, are called long columns.
6. State the assumptions made in the Eulers Theory (Long Columns)
1. The column is initially straight and of uniform lateral dimension.
2. The compressive load is exactly axial and it passes through the centroid of the
column section.
3. The material of the column is perfectly homogeneous and isotropic.
4. Pin joints are frictionless and fixed ends are perfectly rigid.
5. The weight of the column is neglected.
6. The column fails by buckling alone and Limit of proportionality is not exceeded.
7. What is effective length and write the effective lengths for different end
conditions of columns.
The effective length of a given column with given end conditions is the length of an
equivalent column of the same material and section with hinged ends having the value of
crippling load equal to that of given column.
Sl# End conditions
Equivalent Value of
length -

Both ends hinged or Pin jointed or Rounded or


2 One end fixed , other end free 2 0.25

3 One end fixed , other end pin jointed / 2 2

4 Both ends fixed / 2 4

8. State the parameters influencing Buckling load of a long column.
a. Moment of Inertia
b. Youngs modulus
c. Length of the column
d. Support condition

9. What is the expression for crippling load when both the ends of the column are
hinged and fixed?

10. State the limitations of Eulers theory. (Refer notes)


1. A simply supported beam 5m long carries point loads of 10kN each at points 1m from
the ends. Using Moment area method or otherwise, Find (a) the maximum slope and
deflection (b) the slope and deflection of the beam under each load. Take EI = 1.2 x 10


2. A beam of length 6m is supported at its ends and carries two vertical loads of 50 kN
and 100 kN at a distance of 2m and 4m respectively from the left support. Using
moment area method or otherwise calculate the slope and deflection under the load of
50 kN. Assume EI = 2.5x 10

3. A beam 6m long is subjected to a 450 kNm clockwise couple at a distance of 4m from
the left hand end. If the uniform flexural rigidity of the beam is 8 x 10
, find (a)
the deflection at the point of application of the moment (b) the maximum deflection.

4. A simply supported beam of span 20 m carries two point loads 2kN at 8m and 5kN at
12m from the L.H end. By using Macaulays method determine (a) deflection under
each load and (b) the maximum deflection. Take EI = 2 x 10

5. A simply supported beam of length l carries two point loads W each at a distance
a from the ends. Using Moment area method or otherwise, calculate (a) the maximum
deflection (b) the deflection of the beam under each load.

6. A simply supported beam of span L and flexural rigidity of EI is loaded with a single
concentrated load P at L/3 from the left support. Using area moment theorems
determine the slope and deflection of the beam below the load.

7. A simply supported beam of span 6 m is acted upon by a point load of 60 kN at 4 m
from one support. Taking I = 8000 cm4 and E = 2 105 N/mm2 and using area
moment method, calculate deflection at the point of loading and the slope at both the
supports. Also, calculate the maximum deflection.

8. A cantilever beam with a span of 3 m carries a point load of 35 kN at a distance of 2
from the fixed end. Determine the slope and deflection at the free end and at the point
where the load is applied. Take I = 11924 cm
and E = 200 GN/m

9. A 3 m long cantilever of uniform rectangular crosssection 150 mm wide and 300 mm
deep is loaded with a point load of 3 kN at the free end and a udl of 2 kN/m over the

entire length. Find the maximum deflection. E = 210 kN/mm
. Use Macaulays

10. A simply supported beam of span 6 m is acted upon by a point load of 60 kN at 4 m
from one support. Taking I = 8000 cm
and E = 2 X 10
and using area moment
method, calculate deflection at the point of loading and the slope at both the supports.
Also, calculate the maximum deflection.

11. A simply supported beam of length 4 m carries two point loads 3 kN each at a distance
of 1 m from each end. E = 2 x 10
. I = 10
. Using conjugate beam method
determine slope at each end and deflection under each load.

12. A cantilever beam with a span of 3 m carries a point load of 35 kN at a distance of 2
m from the fixed end. Determine the slope and deflection at the free end and at the
point where the load is applied. Take I = 11924 cm
and E = 200 GN/m

13. A simply supported beam of span 5m carries a point load of 10kN at mid span. Find
the deflection at midspan using Macaulays method. EI =2x10

14. A horizontal steel girder having uniform cross section is 14m long and is Simply
Supported at its ends. It carries two concentrated loads as shown in fig Q.15 (a).
Determine the deflections of the beam under the loads C and D. Take

15. Find the Eulers crushing load for a hollow cast iron column 150 mm external diameter
and 25 mm wall thickness, if it is 6m long and fixed at both the ends. Assume the
modulus of elasticity for Cast Iron as 80 kN/mm
. Compare this load with the crushing
load given by Rankines formula. Assume Rankine constant as 1/1600.


Biaxial state of stresses Thin cylindrical and spherical shells Deformation in thin
cylindrical and spherical shells Biaxial stresses at a point Stresses on inclined
plane Principal planes and stresses Mohrs circle for biaxial stresses Maximum
shear stress - Strain energy in bending and torsion.

1. Differentiate between thin cylinder & thick cylinder?
A cylindrical shell whose t\d ratio (thickness/dia.) is lesser than 1/10, then it is called
thin cylinder shell & if it is greater than 1/10, then it is called thick cylinder shell.
2. Name the stresses induced in a thin walled cylinder subjected to int. fluid
a.) Circumferential stress or hoop stress b.) Longitudinal stress.

3. What is hoop stress & longitudinal stress?
The int. pressure acting on the long sides of a thin cylinder is called as hoop stress.
Since the direction of the stress is along the circumference of the shell, it is also called as
circumferential stress. Where as longitudinal Stress is the pressure acting at the ends
transmitted to the walls of the cylinder. The direction of stress is along the length of the
4. Write the eqn. for hoop & longitudinal Stresses for a thin cylinder?

Where, p- internal pressure, d- diameter of the cylinder, t - thickness
5. Write the expression for longitudinal Strain & circumferential strain in case of thin

6. Write volumetric strain in thin spherical shell?

7. What is the effect of riveting a thin cylindrical shell?
Riveting reduces the area offering the resistance. Due to this, the circumferential
and longitudinal stresses are more. It reduces the pressure carrying capacity of the shell.
8. Distinguish between cylindrical shell and spherical shell.
Cylindrical shell
a. Circumferential stress is twice the longitudinal stress.
b. It withstands low pressure than spherical shell for the same diameter.
Spherical shell
a. Only hoop stress presents.
b. It withstands more pressure than cylindrical shell for the same diameter.
9. In thin spherical shell, volumetric strain is Three times the circumferential strain.
10. Slate principle plane.
The planes, which have no shear stress, are known as principal planes. These planes
can only have normal stresses.
11. Define principle stresses and principle plane.
Principle stress: The magnitude of normal stress, acting on a principal plane is
known as principal stresses.
Principle plane: The planes which have no shear stress are known as principal planes.
12. Define major principal stress & minor principal stress.
The plane carrying maximum normal stress is called major principal plane and the
stress across the plane is called major principal stress. The plane carrying minimum
normal stress is called minor principal plane and the stress across the plane is called minor
principal stress.
13. What is the radius of Mohr's circle?
Radius of Mohr's circle is equal to the maximum shear stress.
14. What is the use of Mohr's circle?
To find out the normal, resultant stresses and principle stress and their planes.

15. Under what conditions the planes will be in pure shear?
The direct tensile stress and direct compressive stress must act perpendicular to
each other for the plane to be in pure shear.
16. Write the significance of mohrs circle?
a.) Stresses on different planes passing through a point in strained material can be
represented by the points on the mohrs circle.
b.) Problems with more analytical complications can be solved by mohrs circle method.


1. From the first principles, derive an expression for the change in volume of a thin closed
pressure vessel with cylindrical body of length L and radius R with flat bottom and
hemispherical top, subjected to internal fluid pressure p.

2. A thin spherical vessel of internal diameter 3m has to withstand a fluid pressure of 1
MPa. The efficiency of the joint is 70%. Calculate the required thickness of the shell if
the ultimate tensile stress in the material is 240 MPa. Adopt a factor of safety of 3. Also
find the changes in the internal diameter and the volume of the vessel. Assume E = 0.12
and 1/m = 0.25.

3. A thin cylindrical shell made of a copper plate is subjected to an internal fluid pressure
of 3 N/mm
. The wall thickness is 2.5mm; diameter of the cylinder is 150 mm and
length 0.8m. Determine the (a) longitudinal stress (b) Hoop stress (c) Change in
volume. Assume E for copper as 1.2 x 10
and 1/m = 0.28.

4. A thin cylindrical shell 1200 mm long, 200 mm in internal diameter, thickness of metal
10 mm is filled with a fluid at atm. pressure. If an additional volume of 40,000 mm
fluid is pumped in to the cylinder, find the pressure exerted by the fluid on the wall of
the cylinder. Find also the hoop stress induced. Take E = 2 x 10
and Poisson's
ratio = 0.3.

5. A cylindrical shell is 3m long and is having 1m internal diameter and 15 mm thickness.
Calculate the maximum intensity of shear stress induced and also the changes in
dimensions of the shell, if it is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of
1.5 N/mm
. Take E = 2 x 10
and Poisson's ratio = 0.3.

6. Calculate the (i) change in volume (ii) change in diameter (iii) change in length of a
thin cylindrical shell 100 cm in diameter, 1cm thick and 5m long when subjected to an
internal pressure of 3 N/mm
. Take E = 2 x 10
and Poisson's ratio = 0.3.

7. A cylindrical shell 3m long which is closed at the ends has an internal diameter of 1m
and a wall thickness of 15mm. Calculate the circumferential and longitudinal stresses
induced and also the changes in the dimensions of the shell, if it is subjected to an
internal pressure of 1.5 N/mm
. Take E = 2 x 10
and = 0.3.

8. A cylindrical shell 3 m long, 1 m internal diameter and 10 mm thick is subjected to an
internal pressure of 1.5 N/mm
. Calculate the changes in length, diameter and volume
of the cylinder. E = 200 kN/mm
, Poissons ratio = 0.3.

9. A thin cylindrical shell 1000 mm long, 200 mm in external diameter, thickness of

metal 10 mm is filled with a fluid at atmospheric pressure. If an additional 25 cm
the fluid is pumped in to the cylinder, find the pressure exerted by the fluid on the wall.
Take E = 2 x 10
and Poissons ratio = 0.3. Find also the hoop stress induced.

10. A thin cylindrical shell 1.5m long, internal diameter 300mm and wall thickness 10mm
is filled up with a fluid at atmospheric pressure. If the additional fluid of 300 x 10

is pumped into the shell, find the pressure exerted by the fluid on the shell. Take
E = 2 x 10
and 1/m = 0.3. Also find the hoop stress induced.

11. A cylindrical shell 1m in internal diameter and 15mm wall thickness is 3m long.
Calculate the maximum intensity of shear stress induced and also the changes in the
dimensions of the shell, if it is subjected to an internal pressure of 1.5 N/mm
. Take E =
2.04 x 10
and 1/m = 0.3.

12. A cylindrical shell 900mm long, 150mm internal diameter, having a thickness of 8mm
is filled with a fluid at atmospheric pressure. If an additional volume of 20,000mm
fluid is pumped into the cylinder, find (i) the pressure exerted by the fluid on the
cylinder and Hoop stress induced. Take E = 2 x 10
and 1/m = 3.33.

13. The principal stresses at a point across two perpendicular planes are 75 MN/m

(Tensile) and 35 MN/m
(Tensile). With a neat sketch using Mohrs circle, find the
normal, tangential and the resultant stresses and its obliquity on a plane at 20 with
the major principal plane.

14. The normal stresses at a point on two mutually perpendicular planes are 140 MPa
(tensile) and 100 MPa (compression). Determine the shear stress on these planes if the
maximum principal stress is limited to 150 MPa (tensile). Determine also the
following: (i) Min principal stress. (ii) Max shear stress and its plane. (iii) Normal,
shear & resultant stresses on a plane inclined at 30 anticlockwise to X plane.

16. A point in a strained material is subjected to a horizontal tensile stress of 80 N/mm
a vertical compressive stress of 100N/mm
. It is also accompanied by a shear stress of
50 N/mm
. Find (i) principal stresses, (ii) principal planes and (iii) maximum shear
stress & its planes.

17. The stresses at a point in a strained member are shown. The greatest principle stress is
150 N/mm
. Find the value of q. Also find maximum shear stress at that point.

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