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David Howorth 631 S Madison Ave LaGrange, IL 60525 (815 505!

55"" dhoworth#$ahoo%&o' Summary of Qualifications A(i)it$ to wor* +nder ,ress+re A()e to wor* as a ,art o- a tea' or inde,endent)$ .onsistent and e--i&ient in ,er-or'ing assigned tas*s Good &o''+ni&ation s*i))s Employment History /ho'as /o$ota, 0o)iet IL De&e'(er 2011 thr+ Ma$ 2012 1osition2 Sa)es .ons+)tant 3es,onsi()e -or high)ighting a+to'o(i)e -eat+res, gathering in-or'ation, ins,e&ting a+to'o(i)es, &o',aring &o',etitive 'ode)s and de'onstrating vehi&)e o,erations 4+i)ding ra,,ort, 5+a)i-$ing (+$ers ($ +nderstanding interests and re5+ire'ents o- (+$er, 'at&hing interests and re5+ire'ents to vario+s 'ode)s% 6egotiating ,ri&e, &o',)eting sa)es and7or ,+r&hase &ontra&ts8 e9,)aining -inan&ing8 de)ivering a+to'o(i)es% De'onstrating a+to'o(i)es ($ e9,)aining &a,a(i)ities, &hara&teristi&s and -eat+res8 e9,)aining servi&es and warranties8 ta*ing test drives% /a&o 4e)), 3o'eovi))e, IL De&e'(er 2011 thr+ Mar&h 2011 1osition2 /ea' Me'(er /a*e -ood and drin* orders and re&eive ,a$'ent -ro' &+sto'ers :e,t resta+rant &)ean and 'ade s+re the &+sto'ers were satis-ied with servi&e Served &+sto'ers at (oth &o+nter and drive!thr+ window Education 3o'eovi))e High S&hoo)! Di,)o'a 2011 .o))ege o- D+,age /e&h 'a;or

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