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Hayden Benjamin Aria S.

Halliday English 106 3/26/14 Mirabelli Service occupationsinclude any kind of work which fundamentally involves face-to-face and voice-to-voice interactions and conscious manipulations of selfrepresentation. I have a brother who serves and worked in the restaurant business for two years, and would have to say that serving does not look easy, and if all of the servers I met were telling the truth, it isnt. That is not the exactly focus of this essay, but it is very much a point in this essay. Can we judge somebodys literacy based on where they are in life? This article goes on to say that today, literacy is often measured by achievement. Is there any other way though? I find it hard to believe that there is any way of measuring a persons literacy, though it is sometimes clear who has more and who has less. This article was written towards experts in the same field as Mirabelli. The purpose of this was to emphasize that there is really no way to measure a persons literacy. This writing reminds me that I might be better or prefer to do a certain style of writing and that is okay. We all have our own form of literacy that has developed in our lives somehow. We talked about varying forms of literacy awhile back when we spoke of literacy narratives, but I do not see a clear way to relate this to our current lesson. Maybe this will move us forward into a new lesson and help explain to us what we will be doing. Or this could also be seen as another example of an ethnography. This one goes into more detail and has more of a focus than I have read in any of the previous examples so it makes

sense that this article would confuse me. However, it is clear now that this article is an example of an ethnography about literacy in the restaurant business.

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