Reading Response 5

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Hayden Benjamin Aria S. Halliday English 106 4/9/14 NFG pgs.

453-456 With our papers which we are working on, the rubric tells us to respond to four prompts within the writing of the paper. What is written in those four responses seems to be a summarized version of this reading. The questions asked in this part of the book all relate to what we are working on as a class. By understanding and analyzing this alongside our paper, I believe that great improvements could be made. Proof of how this is related to our paper is when the article speaks on what we know is part of Swales CARS Model. What arguments does the author make? Does the author present a number of different positions, or does he or she argue for a particular postion? is one quote that is related to the occupying a niche section of the CARS model. Though shorter, the question asked in the reading is, Is it relevant? What this is asking is whether or not the article or paper we choose is part of a larger discussion. In fact, a paper being part of a larger discussion would be what makes it an article of discourse. Because the paper must have a message that is being read to be a good example of discourse and without the audience, it is hardly important at all. This has everything to do with class right now. We have been searching for correct sources, a topic that has been talked about in this reading. And we are writing a paper based around pretty much all of the questions that are asked within this reading. I understand why we, as students in this class, were supposed to focus on this reading; it is very relevant and important to what we are trying to accomplish.

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