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DESKTOP GUIDE’ To KEYNOTES AND CONFIRMATORY SYMPTOMS Roger Morrison, M.D. This book is not intended for purposes - of self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Patients should not use this book without direct supervision of healthcare by a trained medical professional. The paper used in this book is acid free and meets the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences. ‘Copyright © 1993 by Roger Morrison, M.D. All rights reserved (including all ranslations into foreign languages). No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ‘or transmitted in any form ot by any means, electronic, enechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. 789 ISBN 0.9635368.0-X Hahnemann Clinic Publishing 13974 Glenn Pines Road Grass Valley, CA 95945 Printed in the United States of America Dedicated to my beloved Nancy FoREWORD The perpetual challenge of all students of homeopathy, whether begin- ner ot experienced, is the overwhelming volume of detailed symptoms in our Materia Medicas. We constantly strive to simplify the information, to sort out the clinically useful from the non-distinguishing and general symptoms, to grasp in a single picture the essential features of the remedy. Compounding this difficulty is the fact that most of our sources belong to another era in time; the rapid changes and unique pressures of modern society have brought forth new facets of our remedies, and even well- known symptoms are expressed in a modern idiom which obscures their relationship to the material in older texts. This task of separating the truly essential from the commonplace, and adapting the form to present day expression, has been approached by Roger Morrison with characteristic dedication. Building on his innate scholarly mastery of the classical literature sources and his advanced training in Greece with George Vithoulkas, he has passed what he has been given through the filter of his own extensive clinical experience. This work, seven years in preparation, has resulted not only in a remarkable blending of the old and the new, but has come truly close to achieving the perfect - balance between too much and too little. The information is reliable and clearly presented in such a form as may be easily accessed in the midst of the demands of everyday practice. Yet the true depth and precision of this text only reveals itself after careful study and reflection in the quiet of one's own home. This book should be a mandatory addition to the library of every homeopath, occupying a place on the desk next to the repertory. Jonathan Shore, M.D. Bill Gray, M.D. January 1993 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS At the outset of my work on this book, I asked myself, “Does our profession really need this text?” I was convinced to proceed finally, by my own desire to have at my desk exactly the book I was contemplating writing. knew that my need for a concise reference of confirmatory symptoms must be echoed in the community. My fifteen years of study and practice is far to few to claim mastery of homeopathic materia medica. I therefore wish to state clearly that I claim little originality or discovery of the information contained in this text. Rather] have tried to bea careful and precise collector and evaluator of this information which | am sharing. The basis of this book comes from my time of study in Athens at the Center of Homeopathic Medicine under the supervision of George Vithoulkas. The opportunity to work closely with so many well-trained homeopaths, at a center which follows some hundred thousand patients was fertile ground for learning. This was especially true because of Mr. Vithoulkas’ tireless, unselfish and careful supervision of every aspect of the center. It is impossible to imagine this splendid center without Mr. Vithoulkas’ guid- ance. [tis equally impossible to imagine the current resurgence in homeopa- thy without the influence of this remarkable man. Mr. Vithoulkas has contributed to homeopathy on virtually every level - materia medica, repertory and philosophy. In addition to these contributions, Mr. Vithoulkas’ dynamic teaching and innovative use of computer analysis and video documentation of long-term cases has excited the growth of homeopathy throughout the world. Ithas beena great honor to train under Mr. Vithoulkas and ro be counted among his students. I wish to acknowledge some of the many people who assisted me in the preparation of this book. During my training in Greece | was fortunate to have an opportunity to study with many inspired homeopaths including Petros and Euthymia Garzonis, Olga Delakari, and George Papafillipou. My deepest thanks goes to Vassilis Ghegas for his unselfish assistance and guidance in my education and his devoted friendship. Another of my Greek instructors was the late and much loved Irene Bachas, whose knowledge, insight and generosity inspired all who knew her. oli Many other colleagues have contributed to the knowledge contained in this book. Bill Gray, Louis Klein, Alphons Geukens, and Ananda Zaren have impressed me with the accuracy and reliability of their insight into materia medica. Jonathan Shore has been a true friend, a gifted teacher and his penetrating intellect and critical judgement has given me focus and determination for this work. Most importantly, my wife Nancy Herrick has contributed to this work enormously both in encouragement and substance. She has helped me in the collection of data, in the organization of the information and in the editing of the text. If have failed to credit her work sufficiently in the body of the text, it is because our thoughts, our work and our lives are so intertwined as to be indistinguishable. I wish to also thank the many people who have contributed to this book through advice and editorial assistance - George Marks, Ernest Callenbach, Judi and Steve Roubideaux, Shiraz Januwala and Greg Bedayn. Thanks also to Katherine Amber for her assistance and warm friendship. A final thanks to some special people in my life - my best friend, Phil; my teacher, Charles; my spiritual guide, Yogi Bhajan; my three children, Lynn, Todd and Naomi; my mother, Joyce; my sisters, Janet, Ellie and Julie; and especially to my late, beloved father, Martin. Roger Morrison 1993 wd INTRODUCTION The purpose of this book is to serve as a concise guide to the main keynotes and confirmatory symptoms of each of the most commonly pre- scribed remedies in clinical practice. [ have entitled it “Desktop Guide” because | envision its place sitting handy to the interviewer to refer to during the course of case-taking. Many, many times in my practice I have reached for just such a book as this and could not find it. I reach for this book every time | wish to confirm a remedy in a case and want to ask the specific symptoms of confirmation. While there are several excellent texts of keynotes, I found none which truly compile all the most important keynotes existing. I hope that this book will fill this void. This text isa compilation of the most essential factsof our remedies, based upon my knowledge but most especially upon the copious notes of my studies with George Vithoulkas. Mr. Vithoulkas is now presenting us with his magnificent materia medica, and yct I believe this simple list of keynotes and confirmatory symptoms will remain a useful tool in the homeopathic armamentarium, I have not attempted to include every symptom known for our remedies - this is the province of our great encyclopedias. Nor is this a proper materia medica for I have given only a sketch of the full essences of the remedies. Rather it is meant as a text of the basic and practical information which is the “bread and potatoes” of homeopathic practice. The intention of this book is to be as useful as possible to the practitioner inthe consulting room. It is therefore arranged in more or less the traditional headings of Hahnemann from “ Mind” to “Skin.” | have elected to place the general symptoms immediately after the mental symptoms because of the greater importance of these symptoms in confirming the remedy. | have added sections which may not be self-explanatory: “Clinical” and “Com- bined Symptoms” and “Comparisons.” The “Clinical” section includes the most common conditions which are treated by the remedy, but the reader should note that pathological entities are our least specific information in the selection of the simillimum. The section “Combined Symptoms” indicates common doublets or triplets of symptomatology which can be considered strong indications for the remedy, even when the remedy is not famous for either of the component symptoms. For example, Cobaltum is not a major remedy for lumbago, nor is it among the most important remedies for seminal discharges. However when seminal discharges and lumbago are found in the same case, then Cobaltum becomes a very likely choice for the patient. have placed these doublets and triplets in this section. In the section “Comparisons” I have noted only the similarities between the remedies compared. The remedies mentioned are based on my experi- ence of the most common remedies to be confused with the remedy being discussed, and the reasons for their confusion. The symptoms are presented in two gradations: ordinary and bold print. This is to distinguish those symptoms which are regarded as keynotes from those that are less specific confirmations. A keynote is here defined as a symptom so indicative of a particular remedy that upon hearing this symptom strongly stated by the patient, our minds must turn automatically tothis remedy. We must attempt in all cases to justify our prescriptions in the broadest sense possible, and should never prescribe narrowly on only one symptom. However, the keynote is a strong piece of information and is often crucial in making the final determination of the remedy. The keynotes listed may also be used in further justifying our prescrip- tion. When we first examine a case, we must keep our minds free of prejudice regarding remedies. However, after the symptoms are well-delineated, it is often helpful to try to confirm the remedies which are suggested by our study of the case by asking the patient about the main keynote symptoms for these remedies. In this text, the prescriber can readily find the keynotes used to confirm the prescription by scanning down the page asking the patient concerning the symptoms listed in bold type. The * has been used to indicate that the remedy discussed is the most important remedy in our materia medica for the symptom denoted. This may be true even if the symptom cannot be considered a keynote of the remedy. All abbreviations follow those used by Kent in his Repertory. As previously stated, the symptoms listed in this text come largely from my studies with George Vithoulkas. In addition | have utilized a wide variety of reliable sources as a basis for information. There are some symptoms included in this text which I have not personally confirmed but which come to us directly from highly reliable sources such as Kent or Nash or Lippe. In ‘ these instances I have included the symptoms and referenced the author or used a qualifying phrase such as “Many authors mention the symptom ....” Otherwise, I have not listed symptoms in this book simply because they were written in another text. Rather I have included almost exclusively symptoms which I have confirmed in my own cases or cases that I have had an opportunity to examine. Also | have not included remedies of which I have only very limited experience or only theoretical knowledge. Therefore, this text is necessarily incomplete (no prescriber can claim to have seen all possible presentations of our remedies) and I welcome each prescriber to make his own additions in the margins. Despite this caveat, I have invested some seven years in preparing this text and to the best of my ability, all of the best-documented keynotes and characteristics are included. I look forward ions from my readers. to all comments and ad Gulp To SyMBoLs IN TEXT : Italics indicate Plain type other important indicates remedies for a frequently this symptom. found or confirmatory tesa ea oaer: symptom. + Cramps of the muscles espe legs, hands, feet and calves. ‘Thumbs drawn down and clenched in the fists. Qumica, Asthma. Cholera. Chorea. Colic. Bold type Diamond * Gramps Encephalitis. Casroicetinal indicates a true indicates this Migraines, Nocturnal myoclonus keynote of the is the most Pertussis. Seizure disorder. Tics. remedy. important Conmtenentany remedy for Cale, this symptom. ‘CousieD Srurtous + Asthma and seizure disorder. Diarhea and cramps in excremities on alee Combination of symptoms Other indicating remedies this remedy. which are similar. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword. Acknowledgement: Introduction ABIES CANADENSIS .. ABIES NIGRA .. ABROTANUM.. ACONITUM NAPELLUS ACTEA RACEMOSA, ACTEA SPICATA AESCULUS ..... AETHUSA AGARICUS... AGNUS CASTUS. ALLIUM CEPA. ALOE ALUMINA AMBRA GRISEA . AMMONIUM CARBONICUM ANACARDIUM ANAGALLIS ANGUSTURA ANTHRACINUM ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM APIS .. APOCYNUM ARGENTUM METALLICUM ... ARGENTUM NITRICUM ... ARNICA |... ARSENICUM ALBUM .. ARSENICUM IODATUM. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS... * CALENDULA .. AURUM.. AURUM MURIATICUM, 52 AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM 53, BADIAGA .. BAPTISIA ... BARYTA CARBONICA. BARYTA MURIATICA BELLADONNA .. BELLIS PERENNIS BENZOIC ACID BERBERIS BISMUTH, BLATTA ORIENTALIS CADMIUM SULFURATUM, CALADIUM CALCAREA ARSENICA (CALCAREA CARBONICA ‘CALCAREA FLUORICA ‘CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA .. CALCAREA SILICATA.... ‘CALCAREA SULPHURICA CAMPHORA ....... CANNABIS INDICA... ‘CANNABIS SATIVA (CANTHARIS .. CAPSICUM... (CARBO ANIMALIS ‘CARBO VEGETABILIS.. CARBOLIC ACID... CARBONEUM SULPHURATUM CARCINOSIN ...... CARDUUS MARIANUS . CASTOR EQUI CAULOPHYLLUM CAUSTICUM... CEANOTHUS CEDRON .. CHAMOMILLA (CHELIDONIUM., CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA .. CHINA OFFICINALIS .. CHININUM SULPHURICUM. CHLORALUM CHLORUM ... CISTUS CANADENSIS CLEMATIS .... COBALTUM CORALLIUM RUBRUM. CROCUS SATIVUS CROTALUS CASCAVELLA CROTALUS HORRIDUS.. CROTON TIGLIUM. DIGITALIS DIOSCOREA .. DOLICHOS. DROSERA .. DULCAMARA ELAPS ... EQUISETUM 156 ERIGERON 156 EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 157 EUPHRASIA. FERRUM ....... FERRUM IODATUM FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM, FLUORICUM ACIDUM.. FORMICA RUFA GAMBOGIA GELSEMIUM GLONOINUM .. HAMAMELIS HEKLA LAVA HELLEBORUS HELONIAS HEPAR .. HYDRASTIS HYDROPHOBINUM HYOSCYAMUS, HYPERICUM IGNATIA.. lopuM IPECACUANHA . IRIS VERSICOLAR JACARANDA, JALAPA .... JUGLANS CINEREA JUGLANS REGIA KALI ARSENICOSUM KALI BICHROMICUM KALI BROMATUM . KALI CARBONICUM .. KALI FERROCYANATUM.. KALI IODATUM KALI NITRICUM. KALI PHOSPHORICUM. KALI SULPHURICUM.. KALMIA KREOSOTUM LAC CANINUM LAC DEFLORATUM LACHESIS LACTIC ACID. LATRODECTUS MACTANS .. LAUROCERASUS LECITHIN... LEDUM. LEMNA MINOR LILIUM TIGRINUM .. LITHIUM CARBONICUM LOBELIA INFLATA .. LYCOPODIUM.. LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS .. MAGNESIA CARBONICA .. MAGNESIA MURIATICA ... MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA .. MEDORRHINUM MELILOTUS .. MEPHITIS... MERCURIUS MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS .. MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS .. MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBER MEZEREUM.. MOSCHUS MUREX MURIATICUM ACIDUM NAJA NATRUM ARSENICUM NATRUM CARBONICUM .. NATRUM MURIATICUM NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM .. NATRUM SULPHURICUM NITRICUM ACIDUM.. NUX MOSCHATA NUX VOMICA... OLEUM ANIMALE ONOSMODIUM OPIUM .. ORIGANUM OXALIC ACH PAONIA.... PALLADIUM PAREIRA ..... PARIS QUADRIFOLIA PETROLEUM PETROSELINUM PHELLANDRIUM .. PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM PHOSPHORUS PHYSOSTIGMA PHYTOLACCA. PICRICUM ACIDUM PIPER METHYSTICUM, PLATINUM PLUMBUM PODOPHYLLUM PRUNUS SPINOSA_ RADIUM BROMATUM RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS RAPHANUS .. RATANHIA .. RHUS TOXICODENDRON RHUS VENENATA .. ROBINIA ... RUMEX CRISPUS RUTA.... SABADILLA .. SABINA .. SAMBUCUS NIGRA. SANGUINARIA SANICULA SARSAPARILLA SCUTELLARIA SECALE .. SELENIUM. SENEGA .. SEPIA SILICA, SINAPIS NIGRA SPIGELIA... SPONGIA TOST, SQUILLA MARITIMA STANNUM.. STAPHYSAGRIA STELLARIA MEDIA. STICTA . STRAMONIUM .. STRONTIUM ... STRYCHNINUM SULPHUR ‘SULPHURICUM ACIDUM. SYMPHYTUM, SYPHILINUM .. TABACUM... TARAXACUM TARENTULA CUBENSIS TARENTULA HISPANICA .. TELLURIUM ... TEREBINTHINA TEUCRIUM.... THEA ... THERIDION, THLASPI.. THUJA TUBERCULINUM .. URTICA URENS. USTILAGO... VALERIANA. VERATRUM VIRIDE. VERBASCUM, VIBURNUM VIOLA ODORATA WYETHIA.... XANTHOXYLUM, ZINCUM. .... Index...

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