Annotated Reference List 4

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Deanna Diaz Prof.

Waterhouse English 1102 25 February 2014

Annotated Reference List

Antov, A. (2009). MACRO Photography Made Easy. PSA Journal, 75(8), 22

This article talks about why Macro Photography can be preferred. The author discusses simple strategies to creating great macro shots with little equipment. This article is going to help my project by teaching me to take quality macro shoots with the little about of equipment I have. the author gives you this perspective that macro photography is pretty easy and less of a hassle them some landscape photography. The article also talks about how unique each macro shot can be. The author discusses how to find good places to take macro pictures, as well as how to spot the perfect flower or insect to capture.

Diprose, L. (2013, January). A Behind-the-Scenes look at how 35mm film is developed and printed at a lab. Retrieved from

The article is titled: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at How 35mm Film is Developed and Printed at a Lab. I found this article to be really interesting and informative. The author actually included step-by-step instructions and images of how to develop film negatives into printed

copies. I think using the information provided from this article will add to my website because I will be able to educate viewers on this subject better. This article taught me well.

Fisher, D. K., & Novati, A. (2009). Make a Pinhole Camera. Technology Teacher, 69(3), 15-19. Reading this article I was able to figure out how to make a pinhole camera. The author showed me what exactly a pinhole camera is and how it works. This article is relevant to my inquiry project in how it taught me about pinhole cameras which is something I can add to my website. I am now planning on using the steps written in the article to create my very own pinhole camera and maybe posting the images create with my pinhole camera on the website for an example.

Harris, R. (2005). Being a Photographer. American Scientist, 93(4), 378.

Jachimowicz, L. (2014). Macro Photography Careers Education Information Retrieved February 2014, from (credible??)

This article discusses what macro photography actually is as well as what careers there are with macro photography. This article is a lot of help in letting me know what I could do with macro photography is I decided to make it part of my career. The author goes on letting the readers know what schools and education is needed to become a macro photographer. I can use this information to add to my website to inform others about the careers as a macro photographer.

Lombardo, Daniel. "Harnischmacher, Cyrill. Closeup Shooting: A Guide to Closeup, Tabletop, and Macro Photography." Library Journal 15 Nov. 2007: 56.Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.

Mignot, P., & Lang, P. (2000). Using Visual Methods in Careers Education and Guidance. Pastoral Care In Education, 18(2), 8.

Rebibo, R. (n.d.). The beginners guide to film photography - I still shoot film. Retrieved February 2014, from (website)

This website will be very helpful to my inquiry project. The author discusses film cameras and how they are used. Because I do not have any experience in film photography this beginners guide to film photography will help me learn all I need to know about taking film pictures as well as developing them. This website is going to be very beneficial to me because I can use the information I learned about film photography and accurately compare it to the other types of photography I am interested in. Another thing about this website that has been help is the fact the author provides a lot of other sources that I can also use.

Woodworth, C. (n.d.). HowStuffWorks "how photographic film works". Retrieved from

This article is about how film photography works. The reason I find this article to be really beneficial in helping me build my website is because it is broken down into different subtopics. The subtopics include: The Basics; Light and Energy; Inside a Roll of Film; Film

Options; Taking a Picture: Film Speed; Taking a Picture: Exposure Chemistry; Developing Film: Black & White. When making my website and talking about film photography, I know I will be able to include these subtopics on that specific page. This article provides enough information to educate me about each of these specific topics so I can include it on my website.

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