Student Parenting DVD Recording Rubric

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DVD Recording Rubric

Each student teacher will record one class period for this assignment. The student teacher will evaluate his/her DVD recording using this rubric and the recordings of other student teachers. In other words, each student teacher will receive an evaluation from the University esource !erson as well as the other student teachers.

Abigail Kenny
___________________________________ Name of the student teacher being reviewed ___________________________________________ Name of reviewer


The teacher was enthusiastic and had a motivating beginning to the class. The introduction drew the students into the lesson with a compelling question or idea or with students interests. The introduction also built on prior knowledge and helped to structure and prepare the student for learning on that day.

Good Needs some improvement

The teacher was somewhat enthusiastic and mildly motivating. The introduction related somewhat to students interests. is!her introduction helped to structure the learning for the day but did not tie it to prior knowledge.

Fair Needs considerable improvement

The teacher could improve his!her demeanor" enthusiasm" and motivation. The introduction indicated what the students would do that day.

Weak or Unacceptable
There was no introduction to the class. #t $ust seemed to start. #t did not structure the learning or tie it to previous learning.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as fair.

Student Centered earning

The classroom is student centered% students uncover information and involved in inquiry activities for the ma$ority of the class. The teacher is in a facilitator role has superior facilitation skills.

The classroom is student centered with students uncovering information for the ma$ority of the class. The teachers facilitation skills need some improvement

The teacher lectures or talks close to half of the time or more and uses student centered techniques the rest of the time. &acilitation skills are adequate or need improvement

'earning is teacher centered. The teacher lectures or talks the ma$ority of the class. er role is primarily information giver.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as good.

C!ecking "or Understanding "dditional #omments$

The teacher checks for understanding with well(timed and appropriate questions.

The teachers checks for student understanding by asking at least two questions appropriately timed.

The teacher asked one question giving her information about student understanding.

The teacher did not check for student understanding.

# would rate myself as fair.

#eac!er $oise and Con"idence

The teacher appears confident and comfortable in front of the classroom. )he!he demonstrates energy" enthusiasm" and a positive attitude throughout the class. er voice is clear and can be heard by all.

The teacher seems comfortable in the classroom. )he!he shows enthusiasm at points during the class and has a positive attitude. er voice is clear and can be heard by all.

The teacher seems comfortable for most of the class period. At times she!he seems frustrated but she!he recovers. )he!he has energy but not enthusiasm. There are times when it is difficult to understand and hear the teacher.

The teacher is visibly nervous and lacks confidence. )he!he gets frustrated and unsure of herself and her actions. #t was difficult to hear and understand the teacher.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as good.

Delivering In"ormation and Directions The teacher delivers the needed information and clear directions *orally and written+ in an interesting manner. )he!he appears well( prepared and holds the students attention. The teacher delivers the needed information in smooth manner. The directions were fairly clear with only minor clarifications needed. )he!he has some difficulty in holding the students attention. The teachers delivery of information was not smooth or interesting. ,irections were somewhat unclear. )tudents were not attentive during this time. The teacher does not deliver information that is needed in order for students to learn. #nformation that is delivered seems boring and uninteresting. ,irections are minimal and!or confusing.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as good.

#ransitions and %rgani&ation The teacher moved seamlessly from one topic!activity to another with an appropriate e-planation. The class period seemed organi.ed with good transitions. The purpose of the movement was clear. The teacher has a few /starts and stops0 but mostly moved smoothly from one topic!activity to another. The class seemed organi.ed. )ome of the transitions seemed smooth but not all. The teacher had breaks in the smoothness of the class. #t often appeared choppy and disconnected. The purpose of the movement was not always clear. &ew" if any" transitions were used. The class seemed disorgani.ed and chaotic. The teacher moved from one topic!activity to another in a choppy" disconnected manner. #t did not appear that the students understood the purpose of the movement and no transitions were used.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as good.


The teacher seemed to thoroughly understand the concepts!content being taught. No inaccuracies were evident. )tudent(centered work addressed the concepts so in(depth learning occurred. )tudents clearly accomplished the ob$ectives of the lesson plan.

The teacher understood the concepts!content being taught. There were no inaccuracies. )tudent(centered work addressed the concepts but seemed somewhat surface and could have a deeper level of learning. 1ost students accomplished the ob$ectives of the lesson.

The teacher seemed somewhat unsure about the concepts!content. There were a few inaccuracies. )tudent(centered work covered the concept with no depth. The students did not accomplish the ob$ectives through their work in class.

The teacher was confused or not confident about concepts!content. There were many inaccuracies. )tudents were not given the opportunity to learn the concept!content in a learner( centered manner. 'earning about concept!content is questionable. 2b$ectives were not accomplished.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as good. # have found it to be a challenge to really look at topics in depth and teach thoroughly in this class" due to very disconnected class time. &or e-ample" we usually only have class time once a week" if even that. Therefore" there is a lot of time in between lessons and very little class time to cover topics. # would definitely structure my classroom differently to ma-imi.e student learning.
#eac!er'Student Interactions The teacher(student interactions are friendly" yet professional" and demonstrate general warmth" caring and respect. )tudents e-hibit respect for the teacher The teacher(student interactions are mostly appropriate. There may be one e-ample of inconsistency" favoritism" or disregard for a students culture or e-periences. )tudents show respect for the teacher. The teacher interactions with students is inappropriate to the age or culture of the students. At least some of the interaction is negative" sarcastic or problematic. 1any students are disrespectful of the teacher. The teacher seems aloof with little or no interactions with students. Alternatively" the teacher is demeaning" insulting" negative" sarcastic" and!or inappropriate. )tudents are disrespectful of the teacher.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as superior.

Classroom (anagement The students seemed to have a clear understanding of the classroom procedures and policies. )tudents used class time effectively and followed the procedures. There were no disruptions or discipline issues. *#f a disruption or discipline issue occurred that was not caused by the teachers poor planning" handled it in an effective manner.+ The teacher used appropriate techniques to get the students engaged and to stay on task. 1ost students appeared to have a clear understanding of classroom procedures and policies. )tudents stayed on task and there was good use of class time. There were only minor disruptions which were taken care of immediately using appropriate techniques. *#f a disruption or discipline issue occurred that was not caused by the teachers poor planning" the teacher handled it in an effective manner. The teacher used some techniques to get the students engaged and to stay on task. )tudents were not clear about classroom procedures and policies. )tudents were not on task and did not use there class time well. The teacher made several attempts to get them on task" was successful" but they quickly got off task again. There were a number of disruptions or discipline issues. These were not handled well. The classroom was chaotic and in a state of confusion most or all of the time. )tudents did not follow the procedures and the teachers efforts *if made+ were ineffectual.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as good.


The teacher asks higher level questions that help the students to make personal connections and develop a better understanding of the concept. 3uestions are sequenced appropriately and well planned with the necessary probing questions.

The teacher asks some higher level questions but many are factual. 3uestions are sequenced appropriately but the teacher fails to ask logical probing questions.

1ost of the questions are at the factual level. These questions also do not engage the student at a personal level.

'ittle or no questioning is done.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as good.


The teacher provides a logical conclusion to the class learning. )tudents are able to reflect on their learning and look forward to tomorrow. There is ample time for closure and for cleaning 4 the room.

The teacher provides some logic and closure for the days activities!learning. )he!he does not give a clear picture of future work. The closure seems rushed. There is some time for cleaning and but it also seems rushed.

The teacher has a quick closure but mostly directly to an assignment. There are many items left to clean and organi.e.

The teacher does not have a closure. )tudents leave at the bell with a lot of cleaning and remaining.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as good.

*ssessment The teacher uses at least one strategy *formal or informal+ for assessment. The strategy is targeted toward collecting data to assess progress toward the day!units learner outcome*s+. #t appears to be effective and yields the teacher information about student progress. The teacher uses at least one strategy for assessment. The strategy appears to be targeted toward obtaining valuable information about student progress but is ineffective. The teacher uses at least one strategy for assessment. The strategy is not targeted toward obtaining the data needed to assess progress toward the learner outcome for that day!unit. The assessment tool needs improvement to be an effective method of determining student understanding. The teacher does not use a strategy or assessment tool.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as superior.

#iming and $reparedness The teacher uses time well during the class and demonstrates fle-ibility when unforeseen problems arise. The teacher is ready with all materials!resources at the beginning of class. The teacher uses most of the time well and shows some fle-ibility for unforeseen problems. 1aterials are ready at the beginning of class The teacher does not use time well. Activities take much longer or shorter than planned. )eems frustrated when there are unforeseen problems. )ome materials are ready but some have to be gathered during class. The teacher does not use time well. )he!he may wander to an unrelated new topic with no sense of moving forward with the lesson. Timing of activities is inaccurate. ,oes not seem able to cope well with unforeseen problems. 1aterials are gathered during class or eliminated because they are not readily available.

"dditional #omments$

# would rate myself as superior. The original plan was to have the students without parental permission go to the media center to work on their resume and references. The media center was une-pectedly closed" but # had several options of assignments they could work on instead. )tudents were still able to work on gather information for their resume and references on the fill(in(the(blank section of the packet.



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