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PREFIX A prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word.

For example, the word "unhappy" consists of the prefix "un-" [which means "not"] combined with the root (stem word "happy"! the word "unhappy" means "not happy." A "hort #ist of $refixes%
PREFIX dedisexiliminmisnonpreproreunEXAMPLES decode, decrease disagree, disappear exhale illegal, illogical impossible, improper inaction, in(isible mislead, misplace nonfiction, nonsense prefix, prehistory proacti(e react, reappear undo, une)ual, unusual ROOT WORD &ode, Agree,appear 'ale, #egal, logical $ossible, proper Action, (isible #ead, place Fiction, sense Fix, history acti(e Act, appear *o, e)ual, usual

SUFFIX A suffix is a group of letters placed after the root of a word. For example, the word fla(orless consists of the root word "fla(or" combined with the suffix "-less" [which means "without"]! the word "fla(orless" means "ha(ing no fla(or." A "hort #ist of "uffixes%
SUFFIX -able -al -er -est -ful -ible -ily -ing EXAMPLES comfortable, lo(able comical bigger, stronger strongest, tiniest beautiful, grateful re(ersible happily, la-ily acting, showing ROOT WORD &omfort, lo(e comic +ig, strong "trong, tiny +eauty, grate ,e(erse 'appy, la-y Act, show

-less -ly -ness

friendless, tireless clearly, hourly .indness, wilderness

Friend, tire &lear, hour /ind, wilder

&omplete the sentences with the prefixes and suffixes below. 0ou will only need to use each prefix 1 suffix once. -able -ing -ive i -i! un- en" -ful -ien" Don't include the dash (-) when you type in your answer and only type in the prefix/suffix not the whole word. Link: Prefixes

2 - 3t4s always use555


to carry some cash on you, in case of an emergency.


6 - $lanning a holiday can be 7ust as excit555

as going on holiday.

8 - 3 found that this medicine is the most effect555 9 - "he spea.s arab555 : - 0ou must not be
im ic

for colds.

(ery well. 555polite to your boss.


; - <he &=> has been responsible for many ? - 34m un555


555popular decisions.

to wor. on wee.ends.

@ - 3 don4t want to get into an argu555

with you about this.


2A - #i(ing close to the station is con(en555

for me.

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