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Business English
I treneBarrallI Nit olasBarrallI

Introduction Unit1 get started Let's

10 Unit2 48 U n i t 1 0

Present information
5 2 U n i t1 1

Make contact
7 4 U n i t3

Present an argument
56 U n i t1 2

Receive visitors
1 8 Writing1
U n i t1

Dea[ with problems

6 0 Writing 4

Messages andnotes
20 Unit4

62 U n i t1 3

Lefs get started

Thisunit witl.hetpyou review key phrases to usewhenyou meetpeopte for the first time.Youcanalsolearn expressions for talkingaboutyourjob andopening a meeting. Page 6.

guest Bea good

24 U n i t 5

Run a meeting
6 6 U n i t1 4

Ta[k history about company

28 U n i t 6

70 U n i t1 5

Participate in meetings
3 2 Writing 2

74 Writing5

34 U n i t 7

Short reports practice 76 Good business profi[e 82 Cutture reference 83 Grammar 95 Pairwork 105 Audioscripts

Make by phone appointments

38 U n i t8

round Show a newcoll.eague


42 U n i t 9

Make appointments by phone

Thisunit witl. hetpyou practise telephone expressions for making andchanging appointments. Youcanatsoreview how to saydatesandtimes.Page 34.

Make suggestions
46 Writing3


U n i tL L

Present an argument
0n the insidebackcover of this bookyou witl find an interactive CDR0M with extraactivities andaudiofi[es. There is alsoa reference sectionwith grammar, culture notes practice andgoodbusiness information. Thisunit witt hetpyou review the language for presenting an argument; ctarifying information and presenting arguments for andagainst. Page 52.

The Intelligutt Br'siness He-IntermediateSkilts Book usesa practical approach to help you developimportantbusiness skills:presentations, attendingmeetings, telephoning, negotiating and socialising. The book is for pre-intermediate learners who are either alreadyin work, or studyingand preparing for a career in business. How can the book be used? The SkillsBookprovidesall the components for a completecourse. However,it can also be usedwith the lntelligant BtdnessPre-lntermediate coursebook. Eachskills Bookunit givesfunher practiceof language introduced in the coursebook units. The SkillsBookcan be taughtas a one-week intensivecourse of m contact hours.Or, it can be usedfor classes that attend onceor twice a weekover a lon$erperiod.It is designed for groupsof four to eightstudents, but can be adaptedfor usewith largergroups, or with one-to-one (See students. Intelligant &,sinessPre-Intqntediate Teacher's Book for gui deli nes.) What is in the units? Eachunit contains threepractical speaking tasks, which are designed to help to developthe skills you needto meetthe objectives of the unit. After each task,you will havea shon analysis session, which will help you to think aboutyour performance. here are alsolisteningactivities in eachunit, which providea modelof key language and will alsohelp you to develop your listeningskills. The sectionWhat do you thxnk? givesyou the chanceto discuss your own experience of business. If you don't haveany experience of work, you can referto the Cnod B,tsinr-ss Pracnce sectionat the back of the book. The culturenoteswill help you to find out how othercultures approach commonbusiness situations. You can makeyour own cultureprofile by completing the charton page82. Thereare five writing units in the book which will giveyou practice in the kinds of writing that are importantfor business: messages and notes, emails, memos,lettersand short reports. You can go to the grammarreference for informationaboutthe main grammarpoints,and for exercises to help you practise key points. The integrated CDROMwill giveyou extrapracticeactivitiesto do on your own and you can practise listeningagainto the dialogues from eachunit. we hopeyou enjoyusingthis book and find it helpful in improvingyour English. C'oodluckt lreneand NikolasBarrall

1 Contact i e0-120 jminute block Lefs get started T6

Meetpeople for the first time Ta[k aboutwhatyou do Open a meeting

2 Intenction

3 Change

4 Chattenge

5 Conctusion

Be a goodguest
420 Shovt appreciation Tatk about[ikes and distikes products Describe and grve oprnrons

Make appointments by phone

434 Say dates and times
M a k ea n a p p o i n t m e n t Change an appointment

Present information
I48 Check visuat aids Tatk abouttrends graphs Describe

Runa meeting laz

Manage time Keep to the point Ctose the meeting

I9 0 - 1 2 0 iminuteblock

Makecontact Iro
G e t t h r o u g ht o t h e right person

Talkabout Showrounda company history new colleague

Show someone round Explain howto do something Give advice andexptain procedures

424 Introduce a tatk T a k e / L e a v e a m e s s a g e Sequence events Checkinformation Present a company history


Present an argument lsz

Askquestions information Ctarify Putarguments for and against

166 Present a proposal Accept andrefuse for a creative Look so[ution

i9 0 - 1 2 0 iminuteblock

Receive visitors lu
Greet visitors po[iteoffers Make and requests Make sma[[ tatk

Participate in meetings
128 youropinion Give Askfor opinions Agree anddisagree

Make suggestions

442 Make suggestions Exptain a problem Respond to suggestions Discuss options Make a choice DeaI with a orobtem

Dea[with problems Iso

Presentations Izo
reasons Give and exptanations Summarise and concIude Dea[ with questions

90-120 minuteblock

Messages and notes

118 Write a telephone
message Write a note

432 information Request Repl.y to a request

446 Structure a memo Exptain a procedure



I60 lt+ Make a comptaint Summarise ooints Respond to a comptaint Make recommendations

U ni t15

you pnctisethe Thisunit witl heLp language for endinga presentation; summarising, concluding anddeating with questions. Youcanalsolearnexpressions for grvingreasons andexplanations. Page 70.

for ithe"filEt,titng,,

Talkaboutwhatyoudo | Open a meeting



t I


t o r ; o ur n i n k ? i l , V h ad

How do you get to know who the other people are at a meeting? Do you do any of these thingsa yourselfinformallybeforethe meeting. Introduce you. to formallyintroduce Wait for the chairperson cards. Exchange business yourself during the coffee Introduce break. Wearnamebadges. How do you introduce yourself in your language?What information do you usually give about your job and company when you meet someone for the first time?


I W n a td o y o us a y ?1
r i'..'.-::.

yourselfandothers Introducing
At the start of a meeting you may need to intrcduce yourself to other people, or the chairperson may introduce you. Match the phrases with the functions (t<). Some functions match with mone than one phrase. your jobt I'm an accountant. Pleased What's to meetyou. This is ... What'svour name? What do you do? Niceto meetyou. I'm Robert. t uur,t roduceyourself 4 respond to an introduction job name 2 asksomeone's 5 ask about someone's 3 introduceanotherperson 6 tell people what your job is


Listen and complete the two conversations. Conversation I Introduce yourself L u k a s :H i . ' Shula: '


to meet you, Lucas. I'm Shula. to meet you, Lukas: ' Shula.What'srVour

Conversation2 Introduceothers Hadi,this ' Lu. James: Lu's t accountant. Lu,' is Hadi. Hadi'so designer.
H a d i : Pleased tot Lu. Lu: YoU'

I'm an engineer. What do Shula: you ' , Lukas? Lukas:I'm a student. Task1

Nice to meet you, Hadi.

Objective: Meet people for the first time Step I Intrcduce younelf Walk around the class.Introduce yourself, and say what you do. Speak to as many people as you can in five minutes. Use real information about you and expressionsfrom Listening t, Conversation l. Step 2 Introduce others Take turns to introduce each other within your group. Use expressionsfrom Listening l, Conversation 2. Change groups and introduce each other again. peopte Howmany yourself didyou'introduce to? people informatjon What didyouuseto introduce to each other? poLite[y Didyou respond to introductions?

Exchanging business cards

When you meet someonefor the first time you often exchange business cards.It is a good idea to have one side of your card translatedinto the language of the country that you are visiting. Look at the different stylesof cards.How do you give and receive exchanging business business cards in your culture?Completeyour culture profile on page82.

Some cuttures treatbusiness cards formalty and with greatrespect. Theinformation on the card caninctude the titte of the person andtheirquatifications.

Some cultures seebusiness cards simply asa wayto personaI important exchange (name, detaiLs company, contact numbers).

In some the person receives cultures in the card quickty Thecards canbe read the jnformation bothhands andreads carefutty. andthenput in a pocket. It is not potiteto writeon a carduntess the It is 0Kto writeadditionaI person giving says the card that it is 0K. information on the card.


job Askingaboutsomeone's
Match each question 1-3 with two responses a-f. t 2 3 What do you do? What exactlydo you do in your jobz What kind of company do vou work for? a b c d e f I'm with Amtel: it's a multinational company. I'm an accountexecutive. I work in the retail business. I'm responsible for planning the company'sfi nancial strategy. we manufacturesportsequipment. I sell electricalproductsto wholesalers.


Objective: Talk about what you do Step I Ask and answer questions Take turns to ask and answer the questions in what do you sa5ft 2. Use real information about you or make up information. Step 2 Intnoduce yourself You are waiting for a meeting to start. Introduce yourself to your partner. Look at the information on your role card and talk about your job, company and job activities. StudentA use the following information. Name: useyour realname Production Manager Jobtitle: you description: coordinate projects in the factory Job name: Company WNGPlastics Company description:manufactures bottles Student B turn to page 97.
ob andcompany? s b o u ty o u r p a r t n e r 'js D i dy o u a s kq u e s t i o n a C a ny o u d e s c r i b y e o u r o w nj o b , u s i n gt h e s a m e typeof information a s S t e p2 ?

Pan I Natalya Sadova is the new CEo of the Energiy First group. She has a meeting to introduce new members of the team to the heads of department. Natalya starts the meeting by welcoming everyoneand telling them what the meeting is about. Listen and number the phrasesbelow in the order that Natalya says them. a b c d t] I I I hereto discuss We're the new company logo. Welcome to our meeting today. Letme startby introducing two new members of the team... Hello,everyone.



j c D4

Natalya intloduces two neu/ members of the team and gives information about their job and company. Usten and correct the bllowing information. There are two mistakes in the notes about eadr person.
. a . a . a . . o o d o f o r o o l o o o o o l o

r t o f

. . a . o o d o l r o J o i r

o i d o o o

N a w L eK : a r L n tS a h b a z Cowtracts vwAwagey )ob tLtLe: Rf,spor,r.s LbLe the fcr: d,esL2wLwg wevlccw+a^ULegc

NAvwe: NorLvzo YagL tLtLe: wgLweer )ob MaLwroLe: tlnewewLogo


Objective: Open a meeting Individuatly Step I Preparation

5 minutes

Prepare to open a meeting. You are going to: welcome everyone. say what the meeting is about. introduce the two new team members and say what they do. Iook at your notes and use Ustening 2 to help you. Meeting l, Student A turn to page 95. Meeting 2, Srudent B turn to page 99. Meeting 3, Student C turn to page lO2.

Groups of
10 nrinutes

Step2Openameeting Take turns to open your meeting (each person in the group is opening a dnfferentmeeting). Listen to your partners' introductions and note the subjectsof the meetings. Dideachperson wetcome everyone to the meeting? Was the subject of the meeting clear? Dideachperson introduce somebody at the meeting?

5 minutes

I Setf-assessmentThink yourperformance about youableto: on the tasks. Were meetpeopte for the first time? I talk aboutwhatyoudo? opena meeting? yes I practice needmore
t . .

yes lJ yes u

practice LJ need more practice u need more


to the right personI Take a message information I I Getthrough / Leave I Check


Making contact
Do you prefer speaking to people face-to-face or on the telephone? What differences are there between the trnlo kinds of conversation? Which of the following things do you usually do face-to-face in your own language? Which do you do by telephone? confirm an order Askfor a salary increase. you losta contract. Tell your boss Arrange lunchwith a colleague. Negotiate with a new supplier.

June Shen wants to speak to James MacDonald on the phone. Listen to the conversation and choose the expressions (a-c) that they use. l June wants to get through to James. a I want JamesMacDonald. b c 2 Can I speakto JamesMacDonald,please? Put me in contactwith IamesMacDonald. Jamessayshis name. a b c 3 JamesMacDonaldlistening. JamesMacDonald,speakto me. JamesMacDonaldspeaking. b I'm June. c Here is June.

June saysher name. a It'sJune here.

l0 r Unit 2


Objective: C,t through to the right person Step I Preparation Your trainer will give you one of the roles below. Iook at the information on your role card and prepare for the telephone call. Use the phrases in Listening I to help you. Srudent A rurn to page 95. Srudent B turn to page 98. Student C rurn to page lOO.

of 3 i Groups
I I r'_

Step 2 Make the call Role-play the telephone call. When you have finished, change roles. Prepare and practise the call again. youandyourgroup Were ableto: askthe catter's name? saywhoyouwantto speak to? greetthe ca[[er?

i fj I 1-.': Lister:inq I
. " ' t l l ' j f : r :

frfi ;une Shen is not at her desk.June's colleague,Alex, answers her phone. Listen to the conversation and complete the information in the message.
o J o l r i a-une,
Tcr-rn q5 Coru,po-rr.9,

J f o o J o l o o t

o f i o J d o l i

phonea C o^^,^t ccotcons

P[.o^e PLeos.

Ko: caLL hcnn,

F.Etisten again and write:

I 2 3 4 5

a formal word to say Yes. a phraseto ask someoneto spell a word. a phraseto checkthat the company name is correct. a phraseto thank someone. a phrase to respond to thanks.

*.& Complete the sentencesthat Alex uses.


2 3 4 5

C a n I t _ _ _a m ___? y o u r n _ __? Canlh___

W___'syourc__ _ name? Can I t _ _ _ your telephonenumber, p I' _ _ g __ _ her the message.

Unit 2 a tl

Task 2
Pai rs 10 minutes

Objective: Take / lnave a message Role-play nro phone calls. Iook at the information on your role cards. Use the Useful phrases to help you. Student A turn to page 95. Student B tum to page 98.

Take a message (Dave) isn'there at the moment ... I takea message? Can yourepeat that, ptease? Can / spett the message. I'[[ give(Dave) Analysis
5 mirrutes

Leave a message I leave Can a message? ptease? hecatlmeback, Can youfor yourhetp... Thank

you abteto askto take/ Leave Were a message? to find the catte/s name Didyou askquestions number? f company / phone politety? Didyou endthe catL

CD7 @ listening 3 Convercation I

P ai rs 10 minutes

II Utta phonesWilliam to get some information for the company website.Listento the conversationand completethe information.
I 2 A There are o _ _ 60 new recruits. _ _ 50 per cent are women.

3 Justu

30 per centof the recruits arefrom outs

that Ulla usesto checkinformation. P. El toot at the phrases

phrases into the correct order. 1 the exactfigure / canI just / Sorry,/ check /z 2 mean / Do / you / exactly50 per cent/ ? 3 you/Sorry,/say /did /Asia,Africa andAmerica /? CDSO Conversation2 E wittiam phones Ulla with some new information. Listen and answer the questions. doesUlla Which threephrases useto askWilliam to repeat information? 2 Which two phrases doesUlla use to confirrnihat sheunderstands? doesWilliam 3 Which wvophrases useto saythat informationis correct? t +D

b c s q : t g

Sorry, I didn't catchthat. Couldyou saythat again,please? That'sright. Yes, I've got that. Can you repeat that,please? OK That'scorrect.

reference: Countabte anduncourrtab[e, 84 Grammar S:age

12a Unit 2

and clarifying Checking

You can checkand correctinformation by using stress: So,he'sarriving on Thursday? No, Friday. So,the order number is MV 926? No, NV 935. So,54 per cent of the new recruitsare women, not 5l per cent? Practise using stress to correct the information. I 2 3 4 (not September) is ir-rNovember. conference The sales (not 01+76) The areacode is 02376. (not HPC Industries) is HBC Industries. The company called (not L-I-S-A) Shespells her name L-I-Z-A.

information? Precise or approximate

This year our company is employing -+ over 60 new recruits. 1' exactly63 new recruits.

preferpreci se S o m ecul tures f i n f o r m a t i o nF . o re x a m p t ei , s t a l k i n ga b o u td a t a ,t h e y s o m e b o diy It doesnot matter u s ee x actfi gures. i s posi ti veor i f th e i nformati on Thei nformati on atw ays n e g a ti ve. and exact. needs to be cLear

use someti mes 0ther cuttures fi gures.Forexam pt e approxi mate ' sates f igur es mi ght say somebody j ncreased by al most25 per cent ' w h e nt h e e x a c tf i g u r ei s 2 1 p e r c e n t . T h i si s s o m e t i m eu to make ss e d negati ve data soundmoreposit ive.

How would you describeyour culture?Completeyour culture profile on page 82. Objective : Check information Role-play two phone calls. Use phrases from Listening 3 and What do you say? to check information and clarifii where necessary. Student A turn to pa$e 95. Student B turn to page 98. i n f o r n t a t i r il n andr.tarify D i dy o u c h e t - k nte c e s s a r y l eh r eck a r r dr - [ a r i f iy n l o r n t a t i ow nh e r t D i dy o u r p r a r t r r c


oe r rt h e t a s k s W . ere T h i n ka b o u lv - o u rp e r f o n n a n c V o ua b l e g e tt h r o u g h t o t l r e r i q h tp e r s o n ? | I y e s take/leaveamessage? infornration? check practice nrore t I neecl I I n e e dr r o r ep r a c t i c e I I n e e dm o r ep r a c t i c e

t lyes I lyes

Unit 2eln


Makepolite offers and reguests



b ;


people Greeting
Look at the two conversations and put them in the coffect order. Practisethe conversationswith a partner. Greeting someone for the first time Verygood,thanks. Goodmorning. ['m Marcela Welcome Janku. to TalmaFinance. tr How wasyourjourney? Thanks I Hello,Marcela. for meetinQ me. I f Task1 Objective: Greet visitors
Step I Take tums to be the visitor and the host. Look at the information and role-play the siruations. Meeting for the first time StudentA: You areJo Edwards,pR Manager at Dominion. You are at an alrport to meet the actor/ actress who is starringin your company's new advertising campaign. Student B turn to page 98. 14r Unit 3 Introduceyourself, Greethim / her. fuk about his / her iournev. Greeting someone you know f I I I I I It's $ood to seeyou too, yana! Very well thanks,and you? I'm fine, thanks.How is work? How are you? Hi, Michael.Good to seeyou again! Great.I'm working on a new sales project.And you?


i iles

Step 2 Meeting someone you know You work for RondorServices. StudentB: You areChris Green. You are meeting SamYoung, a suppliervisitingyour company. You regularly speak to him I her on the phone. GreetSamYoung. Ask about his / her work / currentprojects. questionaboutyour currentprojects (youarebusy AnswerSam's workingon a new marketing campaign for the company). Student A turn to page 95.

Imagine that you are meeting your partner for a business appointment. Use real information about yourself and your partner to greet each other and talk about curent projects. Anatysis
5 ntinutrt,,

greetings Didyou useformal or informaI in the rote-play'in Step1? 'inthe role-ptay greetings Didyou useformal or informaI in Step2? Didyou askyourvis'itor a question?

CD9 () listeninq Part I At the airpon

1,1: 1

I Yasmin Fahim meets Tim Robinson at the airport. Listen to the conversation and choose the best options to answer the questions. Yasminoffershelp with a luggage. b lunch. 2 Yasminasks about a the weather. b sport. 3 Yasminasksif Tim wantsa a hotel. b drink. t c directions. c the flight. c lift.

CD10 (-)

Pan 2 N reception I Charles Andrews is going to give a presentation. Stephanie lacourt meets him at reception. Listen to the conversation.Are the sentences true or false? meets Charles for the Stephanie first time. 2 Charles to use asks a desk. 3 Charles canuse Stephanie's office. I


Offers and nequests Listen to the two conversations again. Tick two phrases that you hear in each box. Offer tr Do you want ... ? I Can I help... ? X Wouldyou like ... ? Acceptpolitely I Thatwould be great. verykind of you. I That's I'd like a ... I Thanks, Request IIsitOrto...? E Canyou ...? ! CouldI ...? politely Refuse I I'm fine,thanks. thanks. ! Not at the moment, Not for me, thanks. !

M : o d av I e r b sp a r t 1 . ,p a g e8 5 G r a m m arre f e r e n c e

Directand indirectrequests
In some culturesit is OK to ask for things in a direct way. In other cultures, people think it is more polite to use an indirect style.Look at the example. Which is closerto the way that you ask for things in your culture?Complete your culture profile on page82. Send me the documents this ofternoon.

Could yousend me the documents this

ofternoon, please?

U s efe w e rwords.

Use more words.

Do not atwaysusepleaseor thankyou. Usuatly please you use or thank morethan ouesti ons Often U s es ta te ments questions useindirect for requests: for requests:Giveme the report. not yourpen,please? Can I use CouldI have the report? you openthe door, pleose? Could


Objective: Make polite offers and requests Read your role card and use the information to role-play a conversation between a business consultant and a trainin$ mana$er. StudentA: You are the Training Managerat Lombard Industries. You are waiting to welcomea business consultant who is giving a presentation at your company.This is your first meeting.You start the conversation. Introduceyourself(useyour real name). Greetthe business consultant. Ask about their iournev. Offer coffee. Respondto the consultant's request.. Srudent B turn to page 98. you ableto makeoffersand requests? Were H o wd i d y o u r p a r t n e r e s p o n d t o y o u r o f f e r sa n d r e q u e s t s ?

16r Unit 3

Startinga conversation
Small talk is informal conversation.It is useful in businessand social siruations when you are introduced to someone for the first time or meet someone that you do not know well. Do you find it easy to start a conversation when you meet people for the first time? What conversation subjectsdo you use to start a conversation in your countrjf Do you find it easy to make small talk in your language? page practice, business 81 Good

Making tatk smatt

Match the social questions l-5 with a responsea-e. Take tums to ask and respond to the questions. I
2 3 4

How wasyourjourney?
How are things in Turin? Is your hotel OK? How long are you stayingin Rio? Is this your first visit to Gdansk?

lt's verycomfortable, thanks. lastyear. b No, I visitedPoland c Only threedays. your directions d Fine, werevery good. it's veryhot thereat the Great, moment.


Objective: Make small talk Step I Prepare for a conversation What conversation topics do you think that the Training Mana$er and business consultant in Task 2 could talk about? Work with your partner to write a shon dialogue between the Training Manager and the businessconsultant. Include social questionsand responses. Step 2 Have a conversation Role-play a short conversation between the Training Manager and the businessconsultant.The Training Manager starts the conversation.Use ideas from your dialogue in Step l, but do not read it out. subjects did you choose? Whatconversation yourpartner questions d'id askyou? Whatsocial

yourperformance youabte on thetasks. Were to: Think about

greet v'isitors?

tr yes
yes yes t]


practice need more practice need more practice more need

makepoLite offersand requests? [

Unit 3 a t7

Writea tetephone message I Writea note I

ffiHm"t information do you usually include when you take a telephone message? ff"$nead the message. Tick the information in the checklist that is included in the message. What information is missing? Checklist I Time ! Date calling I Nameof person name Company I I Contactnumber(s) tr Nameof persontakingthe message

JO*n\, Ar


a (;reen


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l]lrn q

I Task1

Write a telephone message Look at the information about Eduardo Estervezon page 95. Eduardo calls and leavesa messagefor your colleague,Sam. He wants a meeting on Friday at 2pm. write a messagefor Sam. Include all the information in the checklist in What do you think? Compare messages with a partner.

18r Writing I


i W h a t c i oy o u w r i t e ? f[

complete the labels l-6 in the note with the following words. capitalletter full stop apostrophe hyphen questionmark comma
o J o f o o o f i o i o f o i J o S o o d J o l o

Ar Aqller's arriving a+ S+a Airport today at * 30 )oq r^ee+

*he King's Head Ho+et Catt rne ;{ +heE s any probtern ThanKs HO.rrard
l.i I'

-.{ |

fl Add punctuation to this note. Add nine capital letters, two apostrophes,one comma, a full stop and a question mark.

o . a l a . d f a o do
.obqr{ c ca^t bqcouseacrport th.-^ co^(q to tXq

b o G . o l o o d o o l o

prqserttat.o^ rv^( nn utte. r r..otqs at


L^A nn eetcng


couttd 9ot^ tokq to ^^e o|\ ..doq


tno.nks kotq


Objective: Write a note "tk; E write a note to your partner inviting them to one of the following: A meeting aboutEnglish language trainingcourses (inventa dateand time). (inventa destination, A conference dateand time). (inventa subject, A presentation dateand time). I nead your partner's note and write a reply.
Writing I I 19

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