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Taking Notes - P.E.E. EXAMPLE - If I was writing about a character I admire I would take notes like this: Pg.

1 ! - "Auslander" Point - P - Peter is bra#e and $aring. E#iden$e%E&a'(le - E - )e gi#es food to the star#ing Polish bo* e#en though he $ould be (unished b* the +esta(o. ,-.TE - "I knew it was dangerous but I $ouldn/t lea#e the' star#ing when we had so 'u$h food at ho'e. It wasn/t fair." E&(lain - E - E#en though Peter $ould be (ut in (rison or 'a*be e#en killed b* the Na0is he still wants to hel( those who are unwell. Taking Notes - P.E.E. 1!2 EXAMPLE - If I was writing about a book with lots of exciting action I would take notes like this: Pg 13 - "The Ene'*" Point - P - 4es$ribes #iolen$e in an e&$iting and dra'ati$ wa* whi$h attra$ts the reader. E#iden$e % E&a'(le - E - 5hen a diseased dog atta$ks near the start the bo*s kill it #iolentl*. ,-.TE - "The baseball bat s'ashed against its skull and blood s(ra*ed fro' its 'outh like a fountain" E&(lain - E - This $reates a #er* $lear (i$ture of what ha((ened. 5ord $hoi$e of "s'ashed" suggests (ower and the si'ile tells 'e there was lots of blood s(ra*ing e#er*where. 6or both of these e&a'(les *ou should e&(and on these in 'ore detail to for' full7 detailed (aragra(hs.

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