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EDUC 362 Professor Nottis Test #2 Take home SPSS Questions April Ma 04/29/2014 1> Appropriate measure of central


Gender: Mode because it is nominal data. Weekly practice time: Median because the data is highly skewed with the kurtosis of -1.5, the number bigger than 1. Time at start of season: Median because multiple modes exist for 16.2. Time at end of season: Median because the data is highly skewed with the kurtosis of -1.055, the number bigger than 1. Satisfaction with the athletic program: Median because it is ordinal data.

2> Significance:

Yes, the students as a group significantly improved. I selected t-test because the combined number of these two data sets adds up to >40. t-test can be used. Also, I selected dependent samples t-Test because these two variables are different, but associated samples. They are paired samples for the same group being tested twice at

the start and at the end. In the Paired Sample Test table, under the column labeled Sig. (2-tailed), the value .047 indicated that there is a significant difference between the mean Time at the Start of the Season on 100-meter and Time at the End of the Season on 100-meter at the p<0.05 level. 3> Difference significance:

There is not a significant difference in the speed of males and females in the 100 meter dash at the start of the season because first, the Sig value for Levenes test for Equality of Variances is not <0.05, but .761 in this case. Then equal variances are assumed. Therefore, we would use the top Sig (2-tailed) values of 0.824, which is bigger than 0.05 indicating there is no significant difference. I selected independent samples t-Tests because I want to compare the means of two groups, which are independent of each other, on a third variable common to each group. In this case, considering the speed at the start of the season and compare those between Males and Females. 4> Graph:

5> Regression:

No, practice time cannot predict speed in the 100-meter dash at the end of the season because the prediction results using linear regression is not significant with the Sig value of .401, bigger than 0.05. I selected linear regression because I want to make prediction about a criterion (dependent) variable speed at the end of the season based on linear relation (means straight line through data on a Scatterplot like above graph in question 4) using information provided by predictor (independent) variable practice time. 6> Correlation:

The satisfaction level and the speed at the end of the season are negatively and moderately correlated with the value of -.515. The relationship is statistically significant because its Sig (2-tailed) value is .001, less than 0.01. I use Spearman Rank-Order Correlation because both of these variables use Median as the appropriate measure of central tendency. One of the variables is ordinal data.

7> Extra Credit: Mark Davis has the highest score of 1.84 and Walt Bedford has the lowest score of -1.81.

Mean z-score for 100-meter dash times at the start of the season: .00 Ogive:

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