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Dear Parents and Guardians, My name is Taylor Childers, and I am ecstatic to be a student teacher in your childs classroom for

the next eight weeks! Given that I will be spending so much time in the classroom with your child, I thought I would tell you a little about me. I am a senior at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, majoring in elementary education and specializing in special education. My previous student teaching placements were in first grade through sixth grade classes in Huntsville and Madison. I grew up in Huntsville and Athens, but my fianc is from Arab and currently teaches at Arab High School. I am looking forward becoming more familiar with the area in the upcoming weeks. In my free time, I enjoy drawing, crafting, and spending time with my family. Needless to say, I am thrilled to be student teaching at Arab Elementary School. As a student teacher, I will be responsible for assisting Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Maze in the classroom and working with them to teach various subjects, building up to teaching fulltime for two weeks. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child in the upcoming weeks. We will have many wonderful experiences and opportunities to learn and grow in the days ahead. Attached you will find a permission to photograph/videotape form. I am required to submit video and photos of my teaching experiences as part of my exit portfolio for graduation. Please indicate if you do or do not give permission for your child to be photographed/videotaped on the form, and please sign the form and have your child return this letter to me at school. If you have any questions you may contact me at (256) 213-1743 or Sincerely, Taylor Childers UAH Student Teacher

FORM 108 - PERMISSION LETTER FOR PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOTAPES February 26, 2014 Dear Parent/Guardian, My name is Taylor Childers. I am a student teacher candidate from The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Throughout the next six weeks, I will be working with Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Maze. I will be taking pictures and/or videos of a variety of classroom activities to represent teaching experiences during my internship. As part of my teacher education program requirements, I am expected to develop an electronic teaching portfolio. I would like to include pictures and/or videos of classroom activities in my portfolio and webpage. I would appreciate your permission to use items that may include your child. The pictures and/or videos would be included in my electronic portfolio to provide evidence of my ability to meet state and university standards and would bring to life the documents I present in my professional portfolio. All students will remain anonymous and all documentation would remain my personal property only to be used for educational purposes associated with the teacher education program and my professional teaching portfolio. Please check the appropriate statement, sign, and return the letter to Mrs. Maze. _____I grant permission for my child to be photographed and/or videotaped for educational purposes and for the photographs to be included in the candidates electronic teaching portfolio. I understand that the photos, which will be used for educational purposes only, will be posted on the UAH Department of Educations website. Access to the candidates electronic portfolio will limited to the UAH campus. _____I do not give permission for my child to be photographed for any reason. _____I do not give permission for my child to be videotaped for any reason. Students Name _________________________________________________________ School ________________________________________________________________ Teachers Name________________________________________________________

Signature of parent/guardian__________________________________ Date _________

Sincerely, Taylor Childers UAH Student Teacher

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