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Mobile : 91-********** Email ID: ***** Profile Summary: 3.7 Years of IT experience in software development using Java/J ee Technologies. Currently working on !aly"#o - $i%e& I'come for the client (oyal )a'* of Sco+la'& at ()S, TSI since 1.5 years. orked for around ! years on !aly"#o - !re&i+ Deriva+ive# for the client !i+i-rou" at !i+i .ec/'olo-y Service# Chennai, India. "ood #xposure and proficient in customi$ing applications using Calypso framework. %ctive involvement in interacting with clients to gather the &usiness re'uirements and providing timely solutions. "ood (nowledge on design and development of )ava*)!## +C*S , e& &ased- %pplications.

"ood knowledge of various )ava*)!ee %rchitectures. /rameworks and 0esign patterns and their implementation. ell1e'uipped with 2&3ect 2riented Concepts and their implementation. Involved in various stages of Implementation. Customi$ation and post Implementation activities of Integration.

.ec/'ical !er+ifica+io'#:
Su' !er+ifie& Java Pro-rammer +SC)4-. for the )%5% ! platform 1.5. +0ec1!667- with 718 marks.

E&uca+io'al 0ualifica+io': 9.Sc +Computer Science- from :harat 4." College. ;ydera&ad affiliated to 2smania <niversity. :.Sc +Computer Science- from "ovt 0egree College. "a3wel affiliated to 2smania <niversity.

.ec/'ical S*ill#: 2peration System= )ava Technologies= 2ther Technologies= I0#As , Tools= )!## Servers 0ata&ase * ?0:9S= indows !666. >4 , <nix Core1)ava. Swings. ?9I. )0:C. Servlets. )S4. #):. Struts , ;i&ernate )ava Script. ;T9@ , >9@ #clipse. %BT. C5S , S5B Tomcat , e&logic 2racle. Sy&ase , 9ySC@

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0ata&ase Tools :anking 4roduct= Job E%"erie'ce orking as a 1##ocia+e !o'#ul+a'+ at Polari# Sof+2are 3ab 3imi+e& from 0ecem&er !66D to till 0ate. 0uring the tenure worked with top clients in &anking domain. Pro4ec+: ()S !aly"#o $i%e& I'come 5 !a#/ Ma'a-eme'+ !lie'+ (ole Dura+io' E'viro'me'+ ; .ool# De#cri"+io': Calypso is the system used for processing fixed income &usiness for ?:S. /inancial 9arkets. It is used primarily &y ?:S. @ondon &ut supports a large num&er of legal entities including ?:S. Bew York and S45Es for the asset securiti$ation &usiness. It is mainly used for trade validation. trade settlement. trade reporting and confirmation. corporate actions and static data. Calypso uses 3ava architecture to provide real1time. event1driven processing. It provides a set of %4Is which allow extensi&le and scala&le coding. %ll processing is real1time with the data &ack&one managing the flow of data. The data &ack&one connects to an 2racle data&ase %t ?:S. calypso is used mostly for managing the :ack 2ffice 2perations. Trades are fed from various /ront 2ffice systems to calypso and all the :ack 2ffice operation are carried out in calypso and feeds their accounting*valuations info to downstream systems like /inance. 5arious products are :onds. ?epo. ?everse ?epo. :uySell&ack. Sec1lending. Cash. @oans. 0eposit and C%s etc. (e#"o'#ibili+ie#:

%'uadataStudio , ?apid SC@ Calypso

: (oyal )a'* of Sco+la'&, 6.7 : Develo"er 8)169 : $eb ::9- +ill Da+e : !aly"#o <.:.=.>, Java #2i'-#, (MI, Servle+#, JSP, ?racle 9. , 1"ac/e .omca+ a'& 6@IA

Interacted with clients to gather &usiness re'uirements and generated re'uirement specification documents. Involved in optimi$ation of Storm 4osition /eed and client tier feeds. Involved in enhancing the :0@ #20 process which updates securities from :loom&erg to calypso.

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Involved in developing new ?econciliation reports and also fixing the various reconciliation issues. Involved in various :%< Items including providing the 'uick fixes*solutions to resolve issues. Involved in code reviews and implemented &est practices. Involved in <nit Testing.

Pro4ec+: !i+i !aly"#o !re&i+ Deriva+ive Su""or+ a'& Develo"me'+ !lie'+ (ole Dura+io' E'viro'me'+ ; .ool# De#cri"+io': Calypso is the leading provider of Capital 9arkets System glo&ally. Calypso is a 1668 multi1tier )ava &ased platform that provides organi$ations with the necessary technology and architecture to meet all system needs. This integrates trading. risk management and operations functionality and supports /ront 2ffice. 9iddle 2ffice and :ack 2ffice activities of various financial products like #'uity. /ixed income. /> and their derivatives including Credit 0erivatives. %t Citgroup. Calypso is used mainly for /ront 2ffice operations , some part of middle 2ffice operations. 2perations include &ooking*amending various types of trades &oth manually*&ulk and calculating their risk*9T9 etc and generating various kinds of reports for downstream system to feed in. 5arious products are like Credit 0efault Swaps. C0S%:S and C0S%:>. This pro3ect involves in customi$ation and integration of Calypso with existing infrastructure and developing the risk platform and maintaining the down streams and also supporting the application. (e#"o'#ibili+ie#=

: !i+iBrou", 6.S.1 : Develo"er : $eb ::7-Dec ::< : !aly"#o 7, Java #2i'-#, (MI, Syba#e 1 .>, a'& 6@IA

0eveloped user friendly "eneric Client +#asy Configura&le ?eport- and report generator for Trader*<ser using 95C and ?9I. #nhanced the existing 4ortfolio editor with new features. 0eveloped a module. which is used to configure , generate set of feeds using %utosys scheduling. 0eveloped a module to make use of 0TCC and #clerx for credit event information*calculations for single name %:S from market and allow for centrali$ed settlements. Involved in various :%< Items. Involved in code ?eviews

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Involved in <nit Testing.

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