Creating A New Nation Jacobsbaskinmcghee

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Averial J, Eric B, Charles M

We have a monarchy Ruler is King James But there is equal treatment for everyonetuyytu7 Police enforce laws higher power=


Police & army members are chose by physical

and mental abilities


are required to have their own lodging, including those with families

Have to pass a series of tests If officers die, new people will be chosen


who have rights are the ONLY ones that have freedom of speech Everyone has right to bear arms Everyone is REQUIRED to be a Christian Everyone is required by law to bathe Daily
Includes using deodorant, female products
No longer reeking of B.O (basically is what this means)

maintain a presentable island

Includes cleaning your lawn, picking up trash in

your lawn, taking care of wild animals etc.

Children are not considered FULL ADULTS until they are 20 y/o Mandatory for EVERYONE 15 y/o and older to work

Must salute the flag whenever you walk by Mandatory schooling for children ages 5-16 y/o Children are not allowed to work after the hours of 12 am

Jobs for the disabled are offered also

Parents are punishable by whippings and



laws are broken- no matter the severity of the law, the person who broke the law is subject to be whipped, (35 of them) and imprisonment.


will be enforced by the police/army Town meetings every month-everyone is required to attend
Those with no rights will have NO say in laws


who actively WORK in the society have rights. If you do not work, you have NO rights.
The disabled also have rights, which are

opposite the rights of people who are not disabled


currency is called Guwop

Our society pays Guwops for goods and

services that people in our society work for


for our people Education for the children Social security (for those 70 y/o and up) Health services Water Amenities i.e. (heat) Food services



services are paid for through

A higher tax is applied to those who have

higher paying jobs according to King James People who make more money WILL pay more in taxes!- King James


James has made it that EVERYONE is allowed to use the public goods and services that are provided. No one is excluded from using these services.


money will be distributed once a week, where everyone will receive a pay check of 33% of whatever the government makes
This is EVENLY distributed among the citizens


in charge- who are appointed by the King will monitor, making sure that everyone in society has what they need
Designated people for certain things

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