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F.#201 IR00532
:CR 14

- against -

Cr. No.------------
(T. 8, U.S.C., 1324a(a)(l)(A), 1324(a)(2)
and 1324a(f)(l); T. 18, U.S.C., 371,
981(a)(l)(C), 982(a)(6), 982(a)(7), 1341,
1343, 1347, 1512(c)(2), 1623, 2 and 3551
T. 21, U.S.C., 853(p); T. 26,
U.S.C., 7206(2) and 7212(a); T. 28,
U.S.C., 2461(c))
'-'":'. .
At all times relevant to this Indictment, unless otherwise indicated: ,
I. The Defendant
I. MICHAEL GRIMM was the managing member of, and a in,
Granny Sayz, LLC ("Granny Sayz"), a domestic limited liability company created on or
about November 7, 2006. According to Granny Sayz' tax filings with the Internal Revenue
Service ("IRS"), GRIMM held a 45% partnership interest in the company. Since January
2011, GRIMM has served as a member of the United States House of Representatives,
representing New York's I Ith Congressional District, which includes the borough of Staten
Island and parts of the borough of Brooklyn, in New York City.
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II. Healthalicious
2. In numerous filings with New York State, GRIMM stated that Granny
Sayz did business as "Healthalicious." Healthalicious was a restaurant located at 1594
Second Avenue in New York, New York, that served fast food and employed cooks,
cashiers, and delivery persons, among other personnel. From 2007 through 2010, GRIMM
oversaw the day-to-day operations ofHealthalicious, which included the reporting and
distribution of the restaurant's payroll. Specifically, GRIMM set the employees' rates of
pay, reported their pay-rates and hours worked to Healthalicious' payroll processing
companies, and distributed wages to employees. When GRIMM was not present at the
restaurant to perform these tasks himself, he delegated those responsibilities to managers
under his supervision and control.
III. GRIMM's Schemes to Under-Report Payroll and
Gross Sales, and Defeat Federal and State Taxes
3. During the period in which GRIMM oversaw Healthalicious' day-to-
day operations, in order to increase the profitability of the restaurant, he engaged in schemes
to fraudulently under-report the wages he paid his workers - many of whom did not have
legal status in the United States - and fraudulently under-report the true amount of money
the restaurant earned to both federal and New York State tax and insurance authorities.
4. Specifically, GRIMM paid a significant portion ofHealthalicious'
employees' wages in cash and did not report those cash wages to federal and state
authorities, thereby lowering the restaurant's payroll tax costs. GRIMM also under-reported
the true amount ofHealthalicious' payroll to the New York State Insurance Fund ("NYSIF"),
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allowing him to receive lower monthly workers' compensation insurance premiums. In
addition, GRIMM substantially under-reported the amount of gross receipts Healthalicious
earned to both the federal and state governments, thereby dramatically lowering the federal
and state taxes the restaurant owed and paid. In total, GRIMM concealed over $1,000,000 in
Healthalicious gross receipts alone, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars of
employees' wages, fraudulently depriving the federal and New York State governments of
sales, income and payroll taxes.
5. In an attempt to conceal his schemes, in January 2013, while a member
of Congress, GRIMM lied under oath during a civil deposition about his role in operating the
restaurant, including falsely denying that he had paid Healthalicious' workers in cash.
IV. Backg,round
6. LCK Services Corp. ("LCK") was the payroll processing company
GRIMM retained to manage Healthalicious' payroll from 2007 until 2009, and My Strategic
Payroll ("MSP") (together with LCK, the "Payroll Processing Companies") was the payroll
processing company GRIMM retained to manage Healthalicious' payroll in 2009 and 2010.
Among other things, based on the data supplied by GRIMM and others at GRIMM's
direction, the Payroll Processing Companies calculated and withheld federal and state taxes
from Healthalicious' employees' wages.
7. As a restaurant that operated under the laws of the United States and
New York State, Healthalicious was legally required to accurately report its gross receipts
and payroll to various government entities. Several of those obligations are set forth below.
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8. The Federal Insurance Contributions Act ("FICA") required employees
and employers to pay taxes on all wages employees received and defined wages to include
"all remuneration for employment." The federal government used such taxes to fund the
Social Security and Medicare programs that provide benefits for retirees and the disabled,
among other things. As an employer, Healthalicious was legally required to withhold federal
income taxes and FICA taxes from Healthalicious' employees' wages, and was legally
obligated to pay the federal government a matching amount as well. Along with these
obligations, Healthalicious was required to file an Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return
("Farm 941 ") with the IRS accurately reporting the wages, tips and other compensation that
Healthalicious' employees received, as well as the total amount of income and FICA taxes
withheld from its employees' wages.
B. Federal Income Tax
9. Under federal law, businesses organized as partnerships, including
limited liability companies such as Healthalicious, were required to file a U.S. Return on
Partnership Income, IRS Form 1065 ("Form 1065") with the IRS each year. The Form 1065
required a partnership to accurately report its gross receipts and the wages it paid its
employees for the tax year. To the extent that a partnership generated taxable income, such
income flowed to the partners, who were required to declare that income on their personal
tax returns, in proportion to their share of ownership of the company. As a partnership,
Healthalicious was obligated to file true and accurate Forms 1065 each year.
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C. New York State Sales Tax
I 0. New York State imposed a sales tax on the sale of all tangible goods
and some services. All food and drink sales, whether sold "to-go" or eaten in a restaurant,
were subject to sales tax and sales tax reporting. Businesses that sold goods and services that
were subject to sales tax, including restaurants like Healthalicious, were required to register
with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance ("NYS Tax Department") as
sales tax vendors. Such businesses had a fiduciary responsibility to impose a sales tax on the
purchases of its customers and remit such sales taxes to the NYS Tax Department on either a
monthly or quarterly basis, depending on the size of the business. Such businesses were
required to accurately report the total amount of gross and taxable sales to the NYS Tax
Department with their monthly or quarterly payments of sales tax. Accordingly,
Healthalicious filed New York State and Local Quarterly Sales and Use Tax Returns ("Form
ST-100") with the NYS Tax Department during the period 2007 through 2010. These
quarterly filings purported to set forth Healthalicious' true and accurate gross sales for each
quarter in which they were filed.
D. Workers' Compensation Insurance
11. In New York State, employers were required by law to obtain workers'
compensation insurance coverage for each of their employees through an insurance carrier.
Such insurance provides both medical care and weekly cash benefits to employees that had
been injured while working and who therefore could not work. Insurance carriers
determined the insurance rate to be paid by an employer through an assessment of a number
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of factors, including the numbers of paid employees, the type or classification of the work
performed by those employees, and the salary levels of the employees.
12. NYSIF was a not-for-profit insurance carrier that offered workers'
compensation insurance plans to businesses in the state. NYSIF was a New York State
agency that guaranteed the availability of workers' compensation protection to employees in
the state.
13. In March 2007, GRIMM applied to NYSIF for a workers'
compensation insurance policy for Healthalicious employees. The NYSIF application, which
GRIMM signed, explicitly identified the size ofHealthalicious' payroll as a primary factor
considered by NYSIF in determining the amount of the monthly premium Healthalicious
would have to pay to maintain the workers' compensation policy. The application further
stated that Healthalicious "must notify [NYSIF] promptly of any change in the number of
your employees or in the payroll or other remuneration paid to your employees so that we
can apply the correct premium basis." In response to this application, NYSIF wrote a
workers' compensation policy for Healthalicious that remained in effect from April 2007
until November 2010.
V. GRIMM's Criminal Schemes
A. Under-Reporting ofHealthalicious' Payroll
14. In or about and between 2007 and 2010, GRIMM paid a significant
portion ofHealthalicious' employees' wages in cash, with nearly all such employees having
received cash wages. Many received approximately half of their weekly pay in cash and the
other half by check or through direct deposit into a bank account, while other employees
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received their entire weekly pay in cash. GRIMM maintained electronic spreadsheets
detailing the true payroll information pertaining to Healthalicious, which included cash
wages (the "Second Set of Payroll Records"). GRIMM concealed the Second Set of Payroll
Records from the Payroll Processing Companies, among others. In addition, GRIMM
physically handed out cash payments to his employees on numerous occasions. Those cash
payments were taken from the daily cash receipts ofHealthalicious.
15. In addition, GRIMM knowingly hired and knowingly continued to
employ workers who did not have legal residency status and accordingly did not have valid
authorization to work inside the United States.
16. In order to calculate and report state and federal payroll taxes (which
involved filing quarterly Forms 941 and preparing annual IRS Forms W-2, which calculated
and recorded the annual wages of individual Healthalicious employees), the Payroll
Processing Companies relied on Healthalicious to report to them on a weekly basis the names
of the employees who had worked during the week in question, the amount of hours those
employees worked, and the employees' rate of pay. As part of the fraudulent scheme,
GRIMM and subordinates acting at his direction did not report the cash wages paid to
Healthalicious' employees (the "Off the Books Wages") to the Payroll Processing
Companies. Indeed, the Payroll Processing Companies had no record of those employees
who received the entirety of their pay in cash. By under-reporting employee hours and
concealing the existence of some employees - and by concealing the Second Set of Payroll
Records - GRIMM caused the Payroll Processing Companies to calculate and then report
less than half of the wages Healthalicious actually paid its employees.
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17. From 2007 through 2011, GRIMM regularly corresponded about
Healthalicious business using an AOL email account (the "GRIMM AOL Email Account").
GRIMM continued to use the GRIMM AOL Email Account through February 2013. In
January 2010, GRIMM hired an individual whose identity is known to the Grand Jury
(the "Manager") to help him oversee Healthalicious, including its payroll, while GRIMM
campaigned for a seat in the United States House of Representatives. On numerous
occasions from March 2010 through June 2010, GRIMM sent the Manager emails from the
GRIMM AOL Email Account containing excerpts from the Second Set of Payroll Records,
detailing how much cash each Healthalicious employee should receive for a particular week.
18. Healthalicious employed an accountant (the "Healthalicious
Accountant"), an individual whose identity is known to the Grand Jury, who prepared the
restaurant's Form 1065 tax returns and the New York State Form ST-100 sales tax returns,
and who participated in audits that NYSIF conducted. As part of the scheme, GRIMM
concealed the Off the Books Wages and the Second Set of Payroll Records from the
Healthalicious Accountant.
19. By concealing the Off the Books Wages and the Second Set of Payroll
Records from the Payroll Processing Companies and the Healthalicious Accountant,
GRIMM caused the following false filings to occur:
i. FICA Tax
20. As a result ofGRIMM's concealment of the Off the Books Wages and
the Second Set of Payroll Records, the Payroll Processing Companies did not accurately
report the true amount of wages GRIMM paid Healthalicious employees on Healthalicious'
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Form 941 quarterly tax returns filed with the IRS, and did not withhold the proper amount of
FICA taxes required under the law. This scheme enabled GRIMM to defeat his obligations
to withhold and pay over the proper amount of FICA tax due and owing to the federal
11. Federal Partnership Tax Returns
21. As a result ofGRIMM's concealment of the Off the Books Wages and
the Second Set of Payroll Records from the Healthalicious Accountant, Healthalicious' Form
1065 tax returns filed with the IRS for tax years 2008, 2009, and 2010 were each false
because they did not accurately report the correct total wages Healthalicious paid to its
111. NYSIF
22. As a further result of GRIMM's concealment of the Off the Books
Wages and the Second Set of Payroll Records, Healthalicious, through the Healthalicious
Accountant and the Payroll Processing Companies, under-reported its true payroll to NYSIF,
thus fraudulently lowering the monthly workers' compensation premium it paid to NYSIF
under the NYSIF policy.
B. Under-reporting ofHealthalicious' Gross Sales
23. GRIMM fraudulently concealed from the Healthalicious Accountant a
significant amount of the cash sales that Healthalicious generated from March 2007 through
August 2010. As a result of this concealment, GRIMM - through the Healthalicious
Accountant - filed numerous false tax returns with the federal government and the State of
New York.
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1. New York State Form ST-100 Sales Tax Returns
24. From June 2007 through August 2010, GRIMM caused and authorized
the filings of false New York State Form ST-100 quarterly sales tax returns with the New
York State Tax Department. These false filings fraudulently concealed approximately $1.3
million in Healthalicious' gross sales over that period, causing a substantial tax loss to New
York State.
n. Federal Partnership Tax Returns
25. Healthalicious' Form 1065 tax returns for tax years 2008, 2009, and
2010 were each false because they did not accurately report the amount of Healthalicious'
gross receipts for each tax year. As a result ofGRIMM's fraudulent concealment of the
restaurant's income, Healthalicious' true earnings were not reported on the Forms 1065 and
consequently did not flow through to the partners of the business and were not reflected on
the personal income tax returns of the partners, including GRIMM.
VI. Concealment, Perjury, and Obstruction of Justice
26. In January 2013, GRIMM was deposed in a federal lawsuit brought in
the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York by two former
Healthalicious employees who alleged that GRIMM did not pay them minimum wage or
overtime pursuant to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and the New York State Labor
Laws, among other claims.
27. In an attempt to avoid disclosing to the plaintiffs the criminal schemes
he perpetrated while operating Healthalicious, GRIMM lied while under oath during the
deposition in response to questions concerning his actions at Healthalicious, including: (a)
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whether he paid employees in cash; (b) whether he interacted with the Payroll Processing
Companies; ( c) whether he corresponded through email regarding Healthalicious business;
and ( d) whether he still had access to such an email account.
(Obstructing and Impeding the Due Administration of the Internal Revenue Laws)
28. The allegations contained in paragraphs I through 27 of this Indictment
are realleged and incorporated as if fully set forth in this paragraph.
29. In or about and between April 2007 and October 2011, both dates being
approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the
defendant MICHAEL GRIMM, together with others, did corruptly endeavor to obstruct and
impede the due administration of the internal revenue laws of the United States through
various means and methods, including, among others, the following:
a. paying, and causing others to pay, the Off the Books Wages;
b. transmitting false information to the Healthalicious Accountant
that fraudulently under-reported Healthalicious' gross sales, knowing that the Healthalicious
Accountant would include such information in the Forms 1065 that were submitted to the
IRS on behalf of Granny Sayz for the tax years 2008 through 20 IO;
c. filing a false personal Form I 040 tax return under the penalty of
perjury for the tax year 2008, which tax return was false insofar as it failed to report income
that GRIMM derived from his ownership of Granny Sayz;
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d. filing a false personal Form I 040 tax return under the penalty of
perjury for the tax year 2009, which tax return was false insofar as it failed to report income
that GRIMM derived from his ownership of Granny Sayz;
e. reporting and directing others to report false payroll information
to the Payroll Processing Companies, specifically, payroll figures that did not include the Off
the Books Wages paid to Healthalicious employees;
f. causing to be prepared false and fraudulent quarterly Forms 941
that were submitted to the IRS on behalf of Granny Sayz that under-reported employee
g. causing to be prepared false and fraudulent IRS Forms W-2
submitted to the IRS on behalf of Granny Sayz employees for the tax years 2007 through
2010, in which employee wages were under-reported;
h. providing and causing to be provided false wage information to
the Healthalicious Accountant and concealing from the Healthalicious Accountant the
Second Set of Payroll Records; and
1. providing excerpts from the Second Set of Payroll Records to
the Manager.
(Title 26, United States Code, Section 7212(a); Title 18, United States Code,
Sections 2 and 3551 et seq.)
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(Conspiracy to Defraud the United States)
30. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 27 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
31. In or about 2010, within the Eastern District of New York and
elsewhere, the defendant MICHAEL GRIMM, together with others, did knowingly and
willfully conspire to defraud the United States by impeding, impairing, obstructing and
defeating the lawful governmental functions of the IRS, in the ascertainment, computation,
assessment, and collection ofrevenue, specifically, payroll taxes.
32. The manner and means by which the conspiracy was sought to be
accomplished included, among others, the following:
a. paying, and causing the payment of, the Off the Books Wages to
Healthalicious employees;
b. transmitting, and causing the transmission of, false information
regarding Healthalicious employee wages to be reported to MSP, resulting in the preparation
of false and fraudulent IRS Forms 941 and W-2 that were submitted to the IRS;
c. transmitting, and causing the transmission of, false information
regarding Healthalicious employee wages to the Healthalicious Accountant, resulting in the
preparation of a false and fraudulent IRS Form 1065, that understated wages paid to
Healthalicious employees; and
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d. disseminating the Second Set of Payroll Records to the
Manager, and directing him to pay the Off the Books Wages to Healthalicious employees.
33. In furtherance of the conspiracy and to effect its objects, within the
Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, GRIMM committed and caused to be
committed, among others, the following:
a. In or about January 2010, GRIMM asked the Manager to help
him operate Healthalicious, which assistance required the Manager to pay Healthalicious'
employees off the books;
b. On March 23, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the
Manager from the GRIMM AOL Email Account, attached to which were excerpts from the
Second Set of Payroll Records;
c. On April 6, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the Manager
from the GRIMM AOL Email Account, attached to which were excerpts from the Second
Set of Payroll Records;
d. On April 13, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the
Manager from the GRIMM AOL Email Account, attached to which were excerpts from the
Second Set of Payroll Records. The email further stated, "[an employee whose identity is
known to Grand Jury) put the envelopes and pay checks in a bag for you";
e. On April 21, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the
Manager from the GRIMM AOL Email Account, attached to which were excerpts from the
Second Set of Payroll Records;
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f. On April 27, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the
Manager from the GRIMM AOL Email Account, attached to which were excerpts from the
Second Set of Payroll Records;
g. On May 11, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the Manager
from the GRIMM AOL Email Account, attached to which were excerpts from the Second
Set of Payroll Records;
h. On June 8, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the Manager
from the GRIMM AOL Email Account, attached to which were excerpts from the Second
Set of Payroll Records;
1. On June 15, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the Manager
from the GRIMM AOL Email Account, attached to which were excerpts from the Second
Set of Payroll Records;
J. During 2010 and 2011, GRIMM caused the preparation and
filing of false and fraudulent Forms W-2 for tax year 2010 on behalf ofHealthalicious;
k. During 2010, GRIMM caused MSP, whose offices were located
within the Eastern District ofNew York, to prepare and file false and fraudulent Forms 941
on behalf of Healthalicious; and
I. On July 10, 2010, GRIMM transmitted an email to the Manager
from the GRIMM AOL Email Account requesting that the Manager obtain from MSP
payroll information to be provided to the Healthalicious Accountant in connection with
preparation of a Form I 065 tax return;
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 371and3551 et seq.)
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(Aiding and Assisting in the Preparation of False and Fraudulent Tax Returns)
34. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1through27 of this Indictment
are realleged and incorporated as if fully set forth in this paragraph.
35. On or about the dates set forth below, within the Eastern District of
New York and elsewhere, the defendant MICHAEL GRIMM, together with others, did
willfully aid and assist in and procure, counsel and advise the preparation and presentation to
the IRS, under the internal revenue laws, of United States Returns of Partnership Income
Forms 1065 for Granny Sayz, which tax returns were false and fraudulent as to one or more
material matters, in that each such tax return reported: ( 1) gross receipts for Granny Sayz that
were substantially less than the actual gross receipts that the company received for the tax
years set forth below; and (2) salaries and wages (other than those paid to partners) paid by
Granny Sayz that were substantially less than the actual salaries and wages paid to
employees by the company for the tax years set forth below:
3 2008 08/07/09 $507,136 $63,693
4 2009 09115110 $536,869 $56,843
2010 10/31/11 $277,191 $36,363
(Title 26, United States Code, Section 7206(2); Title 18, United States Code,
Sections 2 and 3551 et seq.)
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(Health Care Fraud)
36. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 27 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
37. In or about and between March 2007 and November 2010, both dates
being approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the
defendant MICHAEL GRIMM, together with others, did knowingly and willfully execute
and attempt to execute a scheme and artifice to defraud a health care benefit program, as
defined in Title 18, United States Code, Section 24(b), to wit: NYSIF, and to obtain, by
means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations and promises, money and
property owned by, and under the custody and control of, said health care benefit program, in
connection with the delivery of and payment for health care benefits, items and services.
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1347, 2 and 3551 et seq.)
(Wire Fraud)
38. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 27 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
39. In or about and between June 2007 and September 2010, both dates
being approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the
defendant MICHAEL GRIMM, together with others, did knowingly and intentionally devise
a scheme and artifice to defraud New York State and to obtain money and property, to wit:
sales tax revenue, by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations and
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40. On or about the dates set forth below, for the purpose of executing such
scheme and artifice, GRIMM, together with others, did transmit and cause to be transmitted,
by means of wire communication in interstate commerce, one or more writings, signs,
signals, pictures and sounds, as set forth below:
Email from GRIMM, transmitted through a computer
server located in the State of Virginia to the Healthalicious
7 06/08/09
Accountant, whose home office was located in the Eastern
District of New York, reporting Healthalicious quarterly
Email from GRIMM, transmitted through a computer
server located in the State of Virginia to the Healthalicious
8 12/21/09
Accountant, whose home office was located in the Eastern
District of New York, reporting Healthalicious quarterly
cash sales
Email from GRIMM, transmitted through a computer
server located in the State of Virginia to the Healthalicious
Accountant, whose home office was located in the Eastern
District of New York, reporting Healthalicious quarterly
cash sales
Email from GRIMM, transmitted through a computer
server located in the State of Virginia to the Healthalicious
Accountant, whose home office was located in the Eastern
District of New York, reporting Healthalicious quarterly
cash sales
Email from GRIMM, transmitted through a computer
server located in the State of Virginia to the Healthalicious
Accountant, whose home office was located in the Eastern
District of New York, reporting Healthalicious quarterly
cash sales
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343, 2 and 3551 et seq.)
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(Mail Fraud -- Eastern District of New York)
41. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1through27 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
42. In or about and between June 2007 and September 2010, both dates
being approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the
defendant MICHAEL GRIMM, together with others, did knowingly and intentionally devise
a scheme and artifice to defraud New York State, and to obtain money and property, to wit:
sales tax revenue, by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and
43. On or about the dates set forth below, for the purpose of executing such
scheme and artifice and attempting to do so, GRIMM did place and cause to be placed in a
post office and authorized depository for mail matter, one or more matters and things to be
sent and delivered by the United States Postal Service according to the directions thereon, as
set forth below:
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New York State Form ST-100 Quarterly Sales Tax
Return mailed from Brooklyn, New York to "NYS Sales
Tax Processing," Albany, New York
New York State Form ST-100 Quarterly Sales Tax
Return mailed from Brooklyn, New York to "NYS Sales
Tax Processing," Albany, New York
New York State Form ST-100 Quarterly Sales Tax
Return mailed from Brooklyn, New York to "NYS Sales
Tax Processing," Albany, New York
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1341, 2 and 3551 et seq.)
(Mail Fraud -- Southern District of New York)
44. The allegations contained in paragraphs I through 27 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
45. In or about and between June 2007 and September 2010, both dates
being approximate and inclusive, within the Southern District of New York, the defendant
MICHAEL GRIMM, together with others, did knowingly and intentionally devise a scheme
and artifice to defraud New York State, and to obtain money and property, to wit: sales tax
revenue, by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and
46. On or about the dates set forth below, for the purpose of executing
such scheme and artifice, GRIMM, did place and cause to be placed in a post office and
authorized depository for mail matter, one or more matters and things to be sent and
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delivered by the United State Postal Service according to the directions thereon, as set forth
New York State Form ST-100 Quarterly Sales Tax
Return mailed from New York, New York to "NYS
Sales Tax Processing," Albany, New York
New York State Form ST-100 Quarterly Sales Tax
Return mailed from New York, New York to "NYS
Sales Tax Processing," Albany, New York
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1341, 2 and 3551 et seq.)
4 7. The allegations contained in paragraphs I through 2 7 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
48. On or about January 30, 2013, within the Southern District ofNew
York, the defendant Ml CHAEL GRIMM, while under oath in a proceeding ancillary to a
court of the United States, to wit: a deposition conducted in Regino Perez and Carlos Perez v.
Granny Sayz, Healthalicious, Bennett Orfaly and Michael Grimm, Docket No. 11 CIV 8736
(CM), a case pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New
York, knowingly made one or more false material declarations, to wit: GRIMM gave false
testimony, including the following underlined testimony:
(a) Q: At Healthalicious did you have responsibilities for
A: Other than handing out the envelopes, no.
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Q: Who at Healthalicious did have responsibilities for
A: The back office. as I discussed before. described before.
Q: How would the back office receive information about
how much employees should be paid?
A: Are you talking about the amount or the number of
Q: Let me ask you a different question. Were employees
paid based on the hours they worked at Healthalicious?
A: Yes.
Q: And was the back office provided the information about
how many hours employees worked?
A: Yes.
Q: And how was that done?
A: I would send the schedule to the back office.
Q: And did you transmit to the back office any information
about the pay rates of the employees?
A: I did not.
Q: So did the back office have that information without you
needing to transmit it?
A: That's correct.
* * *
Earlier in the deposition, GRIMM referenced the "back office" when he stated,
"[John Doe #1, an individual whose identity is known to the Grand Jury] owned many other
restaurants. As a result, he had a corporate office set up to handle what I would consider
back office operations so he would do [sic] or someone that worked for him .... "
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Q: Can you describe how Healthalicious worked with
A: No, because it was done out of the back office.
Q: So, did you have personal responsibility with working
with LTK?
A: No.
Q: Who would know how that information was provided to
A. [John Doe#!].
* * *
Q: Did you pay employees partially by cash?
A: No, however, there were in cash envelopes for several
employees because as soon as we opened, some
employees complained that they didn't have a bank
account and that it was costly and timely to go to a check
cashing place so as a courtesy, we often cashed their
check for them. So they would get a check, but they
would get the equivalent in cash, they would sign their
check and we would just deposit the check into our bank
basically, again a courtesy, cashing the check for them.
* * *
Previously during the deposition, this exchange took place:
Q: What was the payroll company that you utilized?
A: To the best of my recollection, it was called LTK.
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 23 of 30 PageID #: 23
(d) Q: Did Healthalicious maintain records of the payments
made by cash?
A: Well, they weren't cash payments we were cashing their
checks. We had the check so that was the record.
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1623, 2 and 3551 et seq.)
49. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 27 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
50. On or about January 30, 2013, within the Southern District of New
York, the defendant MICHAEL GRIMM, while under oath in a proceeding ancillary to a
court of the United States, to wit: a deposition conducted in Regino Perez and Carlos Perez v.
Granny Sayz, Healthalicious, Bennett Orfaly and Michael Grimm, Docket No. 11 CIV 8736
(CM), a case pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New
York, knowingly made one or more false material declarations, to wit: GRIMM gave false
testimony, including the following underlined testimony:
(a) Q: Did you ever communicate business matters with anyone
else besides [John Doe # l] through e-mail?"
A: Not really, almost everything was done on the phone or
in person. I wasn't big on e-mail then.
* * *
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 24 of 30 PageID #: 24
(b) Q:
To the extent that they were sent to or from yourself,
would e-mails concerning the Healthalicious business be
in your personal e-mail account?
A: No. Back then I used a business account, it was a Yahoo
account, which I haven't used in years, but that would
have been that one, not my personal account.
Q: Do you still have access to that account?
A: No, I do not.
Q: Can you explain why you don't have access to that
A: I have new e-mail and it's just outdated. I haven't used it
in years. That one was probably closed in 2009.
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1623, 2 and 3551 et seg.)
(Obstruction of Official Proceeding)
51. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 27 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
52. On or about January 30, 2013, within the Southern District ofNew
York, the defendant MICHAEL GRIMM did knowingly, intentionally and corruptly obstruct
and impede and attempt to obstruct and impede an official proceeding, to wit: Regino Perez
and Carlos Perez v. Granny Sayz, Healthalicious, Bennett Orfaly and Michael Grimm,
Docket No. 11 CIV 8736 (CM), a proceeding before the United States District Court for the
Southern District of New York.
(Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1512(c)(2), 2 and 3551 et seg.)
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 25 of 30 PageID #: 25
(Unlawful Employment of Aliens)
53. The allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 27 are realleged and
incorporated as though fully set forth in this paragraph.
54. In or about and between April 2007 and September 2010, both dates
being approximate and inclusive, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the
defendant MICHAEL GRIMM, together with others, did knowingly and intentionally hire
for employment and continue to employ one or more aliens, whose identities are known to
the Grand Jury, knowing that such aliens were unauthorized aliens, as defined in Title 8,
United States Code, Section 1324a(h)(3), to wit: aliens who were not lawfully admitted for
permanent residence and not authorized to be employed in the United States, with respect to
such employment, and did engage in a pattern and practice of such hiring and continued
(Title 8, United States Code, Sections 1324a(a)(l)(A), 1324(a)(2) and
1324a(f)(l); Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2 and 3551 et seq.)
55. The United States hereby gives notice to the defendant that, upon his
conviction of the offense charged in Count Six, the government will seek forfeiture in
accordance with Title 18, United States Code, Section 982( a)(7), which requires any person
convicted of such offense to forfeit any property, real and personal, which constitutes or is
derived, directly or indirectly, from proceeds traceable to such offense.
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 26 of 30 PageID #: 26
56. If any of the above-described forfeitable property, as a result of any act
or omission of the defendant:
a. cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence;
b. has been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third party;
c. has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the court;
d. has been substantially diminished in value; or
e. has been commingled with other property which cannot be
divided without difficulty;
it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p),
to seek forfeiture of any other property of the defendant up to the value of the forfeitable
property described in this forfeiture allegation.
(Title 18, United States Code, Section 982(a)(7); Title 21, United States Code,
Section 853(p))
57. The United States hereby gives notice to the defendant that, upon his
conviction of any of the offenses charged in Counts Seven through Sixteen and Nineteen, the
government will seek forfeiture in accordance with Title 18, United States Code, Section
981(a)(l)(C) and Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c), which require any person
convicted of such offenses to forfeit any property constituting or derived from proceeds
obtained directly or indirectly as a result of such offenses.
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 27 of 30 PageID #: 27
58. If any of the above-described forfeitable property, as a result of any act
or omission of the defendant:
a. cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence;
b. has been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third party;
c. has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the court;
d. has been substantially diminished in value; or
e. has been commingled with other property which cannot be
divided without difficulty;
it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p),
as incorporated by Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461 ( c ), to seek forfeiture of any
other property of the defendant up to the value of the forfeitable property described in this
forfeiture allegation.
(Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461 ( c ); Title 18, United States Code,
Section 98l(a)(l)(C); Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p))
59. The United States hereby gives notice to the defendant that, upon his
conviction of the offense charged in Count Twenty, the government will seek forfeiture in
accordance with Title 18, United States Code, Section 982(a)(6), which requires any person
convicted of such offense to forfeit any conveyance, including any vessel, vehicle or aircraft
used in the commission of such offense, and any property, real or personal, that constitutes or
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 28 of 30 PageID #: 28
is derived from proceeds obtained directly or indirectly from the commission of such offense,
or that is used to facilitate or intended to be used to facilitate the commission of such offense.
60. If any of the above-described forfeitable property, as a result of any act
or omission of the defendant:
a. cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence;
b. has been transferred or sold to, or deposited with, a third party;
c. has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the Court;
d. has been substantially diminished in value; or
e. has been commingled with other property, which cannot be
divided without difficulty;
it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p ),
to seek forfeiture of any other property of the defendant, up to the value of the forfeitable
property described in this forfeiture allegation.
(Title 18, United States Code, Section 982(a)(6); Title 21, United States Code,
Section 853(p))
cfw=: E & ~ '
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 29 of 30 PageID #: 29
F. #201 IR00532
JUN. 85
(T. 8, U.S.C., 1324a(a)(l)(A), 1324(a)(2) and 1324a(f)(l); T. 18, U.S.C., 371, 98l(a)(l)(C),
982(a)(6), 982(a)(7), 1341, 1343, 1347, 1512(c)(2), 1623, 2 and3551
T. 21, U.S.C., 853(p); T. 26, U.S.C., 7206(2) and 7212(a); T. 28, U.S.C. 246l(c))

Filed in open court this _________________ day,
of ____________ A.D. 2014
Bail, $ ______________________________________ _
Anthony M. Capozzolo, Todd D. Kaminsky, Nathan Reilly,
Assistant U.S. Attorneys (718) 254-64541636716196
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 30 of 30 PageID #: 30
Title of Case: United States v. Michael G.f.ln. .
'OU 248
Related Magistrate Docket Number(s): NIA
Arrest Date: NI A
Nature of offense(s): X
Related Cases - Title and Docket No(s). (Pursuant to Rule 50.3.2 of the
Local E.D.N.Y. Division of Business Rules):
United States v. Juan Manuel Perez, 1+cR 218 (PKC)
Projected Length of Trial: Less than 6 weeks (X)
More than 6 weeks ( )
:. (_ J
- - ~ . 1
7. County in which crime was allegedly committed: Kings
(Pursuant to Rule 50.l(d) of the Local E.D.N.Y. Division of Business Rules)
8. Was any aspect of the investigation, inquiry and prosecution giving rise to the case pending
or initiated before March 10, 2012.
(X) Yes ( ) No
Has this indictment/information been ordered sealed? (X)Yes ( )No
(X)Yes ( )No
( ) Yes (X) No
Have arrest warrants been ordered?
Is there a capital count included in the indictment?
Anthony M. Capozzolo
Todd D. Kaminsky
Nathan Reilly
Assistant U.S. Attorneys
Rev. 10104112
Judge Brodie will not accept cases that were initiated before March I 0, 2012.
.. ,,,
_:"'; ~ t l ,
Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1-1 Filed 04/25/14 Page 1 of 1 PageID #: 31
J .\,_ t- r '1 I;
TO: Clerk's Office 1 ! 25 PH
. I k'

0 46_:11._
I' , ,, ,"'
,,. . '._,;;.ii

Docket Number
SUBMIITED BY: Plaintiff_- Defendant __ DOJ 4t,\J'(
Name: Anthony M. Capozzolo, AUSA
I' inn Nanie:U. S. Attorney
_s Oft ice - EDNY
Address: 271 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, NY 11201

1 A) If pursuant to a prior Court Order:
Docket Number of Case in Which Entered:
Judge !Magistrate Judge: _____________ _
Date Entered: _________________ _
B) If a application, the statute, regulation, or other legal basis that
authorizes filing under seal
Phone Number: ( 718) 2 54 - 64 54 ORDERED SEALED AND PLACED IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE,
E-Mail Address: anthony. capoz zolo@usdoj . gov AND MAY NOT BE UNSEALED UNLESS ORDERED BY
on docket sheet:
A.)_ A copy of this application either has been or will be promptly served upon all parties to this action, B.) ---Service is excused by 31 U.S.C. 3730(b), or by
the following other statute or regulation: ___ ; or C.) _{__This is ;i_ criminal dpcument subRtitted, and flight public safety, or security are significant concerns.
(Check one)

Case 1:14-cr-00248-BMC-RML Document 1-2 Filed 04/25/14 Page 1 of 1 PageID #: 32

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