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BIVONA Monday - April 28, 2014 Dear 3rd Grade Parents and Guardians, ! The fourth & fifth grade students learn to use a SKETCHBOOK as a place to develop ideas for projects in Art class. These sketchbooks will be used in 4th grade and will be kept over the summer to be used again in 5th grade, I have heard students even continue using them in the middle school. At the end of the year in 5th grade students will take their sketchbook home. ! We will be ordering sketchbooks for ALL students going into 4th grade for the 2014/2015 school year. If you will not be attending Mount Prospect School for the 2014/2015 school year, please indicate that on the form below and send the form back to Mrs. Bivona. Students will receive their sketchbook in September 2014. ! The cost of the sketchbook is $5.00. Please send a sealed envelope with a check made out to Mount Prospect School and the bottom portion of this form to Mrs. Bivona no later than Friday, May 16th, 2014. All money must be collected before the sketchbook order can be placed. Your cooperation and promptness is very much appreciated. If for any reason the purchase of this sketchbook is a burden, please contact Mrs. Bivona at 470-1600, ext. 257, this information will be confidential. Most sincerely, Susan Bivona Art Teacher, Mount Prospect School Please return this form to Mrs. Bivona By Friday May 16th, 2014 ______________________________ Students Name (PRINT) Teacher: ______________________ Please check the following: _______ I have enclosed a CHECK for $5.00 made out to Mount Prospect School for my childs SKETCHBOOK. CASH CANNOT BE ACCEPTED! _______ My child will NOT be attending MOUNT PROSPECT SCHOOL for the 2014/2015 school year (Starting September 2014) ____________________________ Parents/Guardians Signature

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