Childers - Light Assessment

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Light Test

Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________

True or False (2 pts. each) Circle the correct answer for each statement. 1.) An object that does not produce its own light is nonluminous. a.) true b.) false 2.) Light is a type of energy. a.) true b.) false 3.) The chemical reactions in animals that produce light are forms of bioluminescence. a.) true b.) false 4.) Radio waves are dangerous to humans. a.) true b.) false 5.) White light is made up of all of the colors in a rainbow. a.) true b.) false

Multiple Choice (2 pts. each) Circle the correct answer for each statement. 6.) An object that allows no light to pass through is _______________. a.) transparent b.) opaque c.) translucent 7.) An object that allows some light to pass through is _______________. a.) transparent b.) opaque c.) translucent

8.) An object that allows nearly all light rays to pass through is _______________. a.) transparent b.) opaque c.) translucent 9.) Which muscular part of the eye controls how much light enters the eye? a.) lens b.) iris c.) pupil 10.) Light being taken into a surface is _______________. a.) refracted b.) reflected c.) absorbed

Fill-in-the-Blank (4 pts. each) Fill in the blank in each statement. 11.) Light is being _________________ when you see a pencil that looks broken in a glass of water. 12.) Red light is being _________________when you see a red apple. 13.) All colors of light are being _________________when you see a black car. 14.) All colors of light are being _________________when you see a white t-shirt.

(6 pts.) Number the types of waves on the electromagnetic spectrum in order from longest wavelength to shortest wavelength. Write each number on the blank. (1 will be the longest wavelength, 6 will be the shortest wavelength.) ___ Microwaves ___ X rays ___ Visible Light ___ Infrared waves ___ Radio waves ___ Ultraviolet waves

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