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Group 2 Spellings

Week beginning Monday 28 April, Test on Friday 2 May 2014 Who for? Angel, L !y, "o#inik, $!ott, Tiannah, $ophie, Lois, %ai, &arry, Lo is, Ashton
th nd

$pelling 0nfor#ation1 All yo r +ords ha)e the s ffi2 34ing4 +hi!h #akes it past tense fro# the root +ord nderneath it, 5e !aref l as pretty # !h all the +ords ha)e a 3i6ing4 so nd b t this is spelt 3ying4,

Word to learn

Copy it once

Copy it twice

Cover and write once

Cover and write twice

Rainbow write it!

!rying '!ry( frying 'fry( trying 'try( applying 'apply( !arrying '!arry( replying 'reply( tidying 'tidy( )arying ')ary(
Turn over to practise spellings using; Rainbow writing, the spelling word in a sentence. t ho!e you could try S"y Writing and #ac" Writing to help practise. $.T.% Re!e!ber *n yo r test, yo +ill ha)e & e'tra +ords to spell, These +ill ha)e the sa#e phoni! and spelling pattern as the 8 yo ha)e learnt this +eek, This +ill help s find o t +ho has learnt the phoni! and spelling patternsGroup 2 Spellings
Week beginning Monday 28th April, Test on Friday 2nd May 2014 Who for? Angel, L !y, "o#inik, $!ott, Tiannah, $ophie, Lois, %ai, &arry, Lo is, Ashton
$pelling 0nfor#ation1 All yo r +ords ha)e the s ffi2 34ing4 +hi!h #akes it past tense fro# the root +ord nderneath it, 5e !aref l as pretty # !h all the +ords ha)e a 3i6ing4 so nd b t this is spelt 3ying4,

Word to learn

.ainbo+ +rite it-

/se it in a senten!e

!rying '!ry( frying 'fry(

trying 'try( applying 'apply( !arrying '!arry( replying 'reply( tidying 'tidy( )arying ')ary(
Re!e!ber *n yo r test, yo +ill ha)e & e'tra +ords to spell, These +ill ha)e the sa#e phoni! and spelling pattern as the 8 yo ha)e learnt this +eek, This +ill help s find o t +ho has learnt the phoni! and spelling patterns-

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