Theme Lesson Plan-Graphing

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EDU234 Lesson Plan Template Explicit Model 2013-2014 Name: Halie Tonn Grade Level: 2nd grade Subject:

Math Big Idea/Lesson Focus: Graphing- Bar Graph Essential Question: Why do we create bar graphs? Date: April 22nd 2014 Class Period: Math class Lesson # & Title: How to create a Bar Graph

Context for Learning: The class is made up of 22 students, 11 boy and 11 girls. They come from a variety of ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. None of the students in this class are on IEPs. Function of the Lesson (check all that apply):

Introduce New Skill or Content X Practice

Review Remediation/Re-teaching

Content Standards: 2.MD.D.10: Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories. Solve simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems using information presented in a bar graph.

Learning Objectives: 1. 2. When given data with up to four categories, students will be able to create bar graphs from collected measurement data with 90% accuracy. When given data with up to four categories, students will be able to represent data by drawing a bar graph with 90% accuracy.

Academic Language (Academic Language Demands and/or Academic Language Objectives): Bar Graph Labels Graphing Career Categories Data Measurement Title Scales Digits Instructional Materials and Support: Whiteboard, dry erase markers, eraser Internet connection Youtube website Smartboard Speaker System Pencils and Crayons Twister game materials- Twister color circle mat, spin wheel Computers or handheld technology devices for research Blank bar graph worksheet Sticky notes

Prior Knowledge: 1.MD.C.4: Organize, represent, and interpret, data with up to three categories. Know how to play the game of twister. Assessment Plan:

Pre-Assessment for the unit: Use this information to design your lessons Assessment(s) during the lesson: Only assess what was taught

1. I will have the students TPS about where or if they have seen a bar graph and why it was used in the context that it was. 1. I will use the twister activity to monitor and record on my rating scale each student as they record the data from the activity. I will guide them in the lesson and be present in order to help them and better understand the material if they are struggling with the concept. 1. The students will have a research day on the second day of the lesson in which they will independently search for the population in four different career categories. The assessment will be based off of their project as a whole: They can draw a bar for each of the four categories, label the sides of the graph, have a title for the graph and put the numbers on the graph going up by single digits.

Assessment(s) at the end of the lesson: Clear up misconceptions

Post-Assessment for the unit: Assess all that was taught in the unit
Strategies & Learning Tasks

1. The completed bar graph with the data collected from their peers on the worksheet What We Want to Be.

Introduction/Opening: 1. I will introduce this lesson by stating our I can statements for the day: - I can create bar graphs from collected measurement data. - I can represent up to four categories of data by drawing a bar graph. 2. After I tell the students our I Can Statements I will show this Youtube video song about why we make graphs. Presentation/Explicit Instruction: 3. After watching the video, I will ask for three volunteers to restate why we make graphs that they have learned from the video. 4. Next, the students will TPS (think pair and share) about where and if they have seen a bar graph before and why it was used in the context that it was. 5. I will then go around and ask each group to share their thoughts out loud to the classroom. While they share their ideas I will write them on the whiteboard. Structured Practice/Exploration: 6. I will then say: As you can see, there are many reasons we need to create bar graphs. Bar graphs help us to organize and collect important data. 7. After that, I will draw a graph on the board without anything labeled or any data. I will tell the students: This is what a blank graph looks like. 8. I will proceed to write the title Students Favorite Colors as an example of a bar graph to present to the class. 9. I will then add the four color categories of Blue, Pink, Green, and Red to the bottom of the graph and while doing that I will state: The categories for each bar graph go on the bottom part of the graph as shown here. 10. On the left side of the graph I will write the numbers 1-25 going up by single digits to represent the number of students in our class. I will say: The left side is where the numbers go as you can see here on my example graph. 11. Next, I will ask for one volunteer to see if they can tell me what the graph is missing. - The student should say that the categories and numbers are not labeled. - The student may also say that there is no data collected so there are no bars shown.

12. I will then add the labels to the left and bottom side of the graph and complete the graph by collecting the data from each student around the room about what color shown on the graph is your favorite color. Guided Practice/Specific Feedback: 13. After that I will introduce the activity called graphing twister: We are going to play graphing twister today. Each student will get the chance to play each role. The roles are Spinner, Player, and Recorder. We rotate so that everyone gets a chance to participate. 14. I will then state the directions for the activity: The Spinner will spin the wheel and the Player will do what the wheel lands on. The recorder will add a bar for each color the player has to go to. The graph is already drawn on the board so just add what is needed while playing the game. We will then rotate after each turn. 15. After the graphing twister activity, the students will be done for that day.

Independent Practice/Application: 16. I will start the second day by showing the youtube video that was shown in the first day. I will encourage the students to sing along with the song and get up and dance. 17. After the video I will say: Does everyone remember our discussion about bar graphs? 18. I will then pass out the What We Want to Be worksheet that they will put their data on and state: Today we are going to build off of our knowledge that weve gained from yesterday. You will be creating your own individual bar graph. To do this, we will be spending the day in the classroom asking and interviewing our peers to find out what they want to be when they grow up. 19. The students will start to ask their peers around the room about which job they would like to be on the What We Want to Be worksheet. They will keep adding the data to their bar graph until it is completed. Closure: 20. Ill pass out a sticky note to each student and give them the prompt to write about: Write down one thing you have learned about drawing a bar graph AND one reason as to why it is important to create graphs. 21. As the students are leaving the classroom they will hand in their career bar graph worksheets and will stick their sticky note on the door. Differentiation, Individualized Instruction, and Assessment: For below level learners: I will give them the option of working with a partner to ensure that they are receiving help throughout the activities without coming to me every time. Also, I will give them the option to create a chart in which they state the categories and write the number of the population for each career. This way the will still have to label, have a title, and organize the information in to some type of visual aid. For above level learners: I will provide the option of having the numbers on the left side of the graph go up by more than single-units. Also these students will have the option of having more than four categories. If they really want to challenge themselves, than they can create two graphs consisting of a picture graph and a bar graph in order to display their data they have collected. Different types of Learners: For visual learners there are pictures, graphs and charts shown on front boards and handouts to accommodate their learning style. For Auditory learners the lesson will be taught by stating the directions and the activities out loud so that they can listen to the material. For kinesthetic and tactile learners the twister activity will engage them in their learning and help them to be hands-on while they create and record the graph. Research and Theory: I allowed the students to Think, Pair and Share because John Dewey says that language is an important factor in the learning process. Dewey believes that learning is social and interactive processes. In order for the students to build their learning and to make meaningful to them they need to interact with students so that they can process the material. Having the students work in groups will promote this type of processing for the students. Dewey also believed that social skills were important out of school as well and to help students develop social skills they can be taught in the classroom talking to their peers. Lev Vygotskys theory of ZPD is also found in this lesson. I incorporated structured, guided and independent practices for the students in this lesson. This represents the ZPD because the students are at a certain level and the teacher will scaffold them to a new level. The teacher will present the lesson in the structured practice and will scaffold by the guided practice which will eventually put them at the individual practice level. Howard Gardner believes that each person has multiple intelligences. I have incorporated some intelligences in this lesson in order for each student to have interest in the lesson so that they can pay attention and make meaning

to the material. The intelligences that are presented in this lesson are: Musical- the youtube video graph song, Interpersonal- having the students work in pairs and groups, Logical- the use of numbers and math subjects, and Spatial- the use of pictures since making a bar graph is a visual aid. Jean Piaget states that we have existing schemas and since the students in this group have already had prior knowledge in making bar graphs in first grade, than they will be adding and using their previous schemas in this lesson. In first grade they learned to make a bar graph with up to three categories and now they are up to four categories. This would be considered assimilation since they are adding a new object/technique in to their previous schema.

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