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, , , , , ,
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XX (OREVI JOVANOVI: 2009, 80-81).
, .
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( 1927: 42).

( 1923:57-59).

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XX ( 1887: 291-296)
( 1903:437-438).
I, a . ,
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Rum Millet ,

(ROUDOMETOF 1988: 35) ,

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1804, . .
1860. 1868.

26. 1867, , ,

1878. -
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1 1. 1903. 10 (
1903: 437-438).
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60 .
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600 3.000 ,
, 6580 , 3285 2755 .

650 ,
1000 .
1887. 85.000 , 60000
, 20.000 , 5000 ,
, 60993 , 47270
, 13. 723 , , , .
600 , 300
300 . ,

. 1000 , 700
300 . 1887.
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XX .

, , : 1923.

OREVI JOVANOVI, ovanka, In the Service of Politics: Serb-Greek Literary

Relations since the 19th. Greece in the Balkans: Memory. Conflict and Exchange.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge 2009.
, , 1318
(1900). 5-6. . 1993.

, . ', . '. . ,
, , , ). . .

, . ', . '. . ,
, , , ). . .
ROUDOMETOF, Victor, From Rum Millet to Greek Nation: Enlightenment, Secularization,
and National Identity in Ottoman Balkan Society, Journal of Modern Greek Studies,
16. Modern Greek Studies Association. Cambridge 1998.

, , : .. .

Kosovo in Greek Travel Literature

Travelling through the Balkans, the Greek travel writers from the late 19th and the
early 20th century N. Kasasis ( .
), I. A. Sophianopoulos ( . ,
) and S. Melas ( . ) reached Kosovo. The

reflections of these travel writers differ, but what they have in common is the knowledge
that the Battle of Kosovo, viewed from the perspective of Serb-Greek connections, is
manifested as a link which, through the Christian suffering of these two peoples, reveals a
strong marker of self-same destinies. Thus the fall of the Serbian empire is projected onto
the fall of Constantinople in the middle of the 15th century, or the collapse of the Great
Idea and the exile of Greeks from Asia Minor in the 1920s. The death of Prince Lazar in
battle is paralleled by the tragedy of the last Byzantine King Constantine.
Z. Molossoss travel guide ( , . ',
, . '. .
, , , , ), as
the actual title suggests, provides invaluable archaeological, historical, geographic,
strategic, statistical and trade data about Kosovo in the 1890s and in the first decade of
the 20th century. This guide certainly facilitated travelling through Kosovo, from
Thessaloniki to Mitrovica, from Bitolj through Pritina to Novi Pazar, by providing an
inventory of road-houses, the state of the roads, as well as information on the ethnic and
religious make-up of the population of Katsanik, Pritina, Mitrovica, Lipljan, Vuitrn.
The data provided by Molossos appear to be dependable and coincide in many respects
with the data pertaining to censuses contained in Turkish yearbooks (Salnme), and thus
constitute a source for contemporary research into the past.

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