Evidence Based Practice

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Katie Love

Evidence Based Practice-Music Therapy in Post-Op Cardiovascular Patient

The article I read was about the use of music therapy and quiet rest in a post op patient The !oal was to reduce pain and an"iety with the use of music therapy Music was played with C# players in post op patients rooms with a !oal of reducin! pain and an"iety after sur!ery Cardiovascular patients usually spend a wee$ in the hospital after sur!ery and many e"perience a lot of an"iety about their procedures %tress and pain can impair wound healin! and lead to a lon!er hospitali&ation Music was played for twenty minutes several times a day The study showed si!nificant pain relief and overall rela"ation in the patients Music is a cheap and simple non-pharmalo!ical option for pain mana!ement 'ot all hospitals are incorporatin! music therapy( but I believe it should be used more often )ospitali&ation is a stressful e"perience for many people( providin! music would promote rela"ation This study used music with nature sounds( and su!!ested that if the patient was able to listen to their own music they may achieve even better results In my own nursin! practice I plan to use what I learned from this article to consider alternatives to pain mana!ement It is important to loo$ at the patient as a whole and providin! comfort and rela"ation Medications are often necessary for pain mana!ement( but alternative therapies should be considered in con*unction to improve rela"ation Music therapy may decrease pain intensity( and improve overall mood Music therapy also decreased an"iety which would decrease ulcers and promote healin!
Bauer( B ( Cutshall( % ( Bauer B ( et al( Effect of the combination of music and nature sounds on pain and an"iety in cardiac sur!ical patients+ a randomi&ed study ,lternative Therapies In )ealth - Medicine( .uly /011213456+17-/8 ,vailable from+CI',)9 Plus with :ull Te"t( Ipswich( M, ,ccessed ,pril /;( /015

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