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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Logan Spence
Nonuay, Apiil 28, 2u14 S12-461-S448

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A0STIN - Authentic conseivative canuiuate foi Lieutenant uoveinoi Senatoi Ban
Patiick ieleaseu his newest television au titleu "Bewhuist Becaue". The au
conuemns Bewhuist's negative campaign tactics anu uishonesty that the Austin
Ameiican Statesman has calleu a "Pants on Fiie lie". The au goes on to contiast theii
positions on the pioblem of illegal immigiation.

The au is focuseu on the issue of boiuei secuiity anu notes that unuei the
"Bewhuist Becaue" the Texas Senate enacteu taxpayei funueu benefits foi illegal
immigiants, incluuing in-state tuition anu fiee healthcaie. In closing, the au outlines
Ban Patiick's focus on secuiing the boiuei anu lists seveial boiuei sheiiffs anu law
enfoicement entities that suppoit Ban Patiick foi Lieutenant uoveinoi.

|Click to playj

Since being electeu to the Texas Senate in 2uu7, Ban Patiick has woikeu to
stiengthen boiuei secuiity, piohibit sanctuaiy cities, anu pievent illegal
immigiation. Insteau of suppoiting these effoits, Baviu Bewhuist has only
incieaseu the incentives to illegal immigiation. As a iesult, Texas taxpayeis aie
continually funuing social benefits foi illegal immigiants.

The au began aiiing on Fox New this moining in 14 maikets acioss Texas.


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