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Curriculum Map

1 (Introductory week) Introductory games Student surveys Class norms

2 5 Review of norms Team building activity Team statement: journal entry Large group share: team statement

3 Team discussion of morals and plans of action Class debate on opinions 6 Injustice (when has it happened to you, when you have watched it happen, when you have stood against it): journal to questions, then team discussion Research the topic you came up with, and help teammates research their topics (Inquiry/Research) 1-1 conferences about chosen Injustice topic. 9 Writing narratives about Injustice topic and reasoning behind Active project: use own writing as a model (model text) Students begin to write their own narratives about their topics. Incorporate at least 4 vocabulary terms.

4 (Reading Experience)

Before Reading: Anticipation guide Quote activity o Discuss in groups Watch music video o Give background info of video: Libertys Kids o 3-W-Chart Picture book Vocab intro to The Lottery (vocabulary development*)

During Reading: Guided Reading sheet Annotating a work o Question flood (model text) Team discussion on Guided Reading questions After Reading: Drama: Act out The Lottery o Journal: in character perspective Write: Alternate ending to The Lottery Revisit vocabulary terms 8

Discuss final project Gallery Video: Kid President Team talk: Questions to consider Work on Active project about your Injustice topic. - What can you do to promote Poem: The Ballad of the your topic? Landlord Langston Hughes - Team time: talk about ideas (Mentor text) for final project Gallery. Discuss the form of poetry (writing - Create a plan what will you instruction) include? What will it mean? Students begin writing poems about their Injustice topic. incorporate Start working towards a tangible at least 2 vocabulary terms product Ex: Artwork, photographs, Creating a song, petitions, childrens book, etc.

10 Finish narratives draft: turn in Finish up work on Active projects. Let students work in different stations with different forms of technology. ents/edit/42e2c5c8-5327-d6339d38-2e9a0a005809#?demo=on Create a poster that gives your audience a quick idea of what your project is about (Embedded technology)

11 Mini-lesson on 3 most common grammar mistakes from narratives. (language concept) Hand back narratives draft: students revise for the 3 grammar mistakes. Finish Poster, or anything else that needs to be done.

12 Gallery Day Students set up their final projects and we have an exhibition Projects include: - Poem - Narrative writing - Poster - Action piece Reflection


Cognitive (know/understand): 1. Students will know the relationship between writing and action. (6.7, 6.4) 2. Students will understand that they have the ability to make change in the world. (6.5) 3. Students will understand the theme of change through the texts from the unit (6.5)

AFFECTIVE (to feel/value) & NON-COGNITIVE 1. Students will feel empowered with their capabilities to make a difference. 2. Students will value the importance of fighting for change of improvement. 3. Students will feel comfortable challenging norms and suggesting ideas for change.

PERFORMATIVE (to do) 1. Students will be able to demonstrate the association between writing and action through writing of their own (6.7). 2. Students will be able to write about themes from the literature studied in class. (6.7, 6.4) 3. Students will be able to share in small and large groups their understandings of change and how it affects their lives. (6.5)

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