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The Mystery on Titan___ by: Gabriella Gabbardo Zaffari

It was a busy day on NASA center. Everybody was working extremely hard to achieve theyre super important project go to Titan the largest moon around Saturn. They were wondering if a human could survive there. As Earth is spinning to the west, half of Earth is facing the sun and the other half facing space. Days were passing really fast and the astronaut Harry Lee got more nervous because he would launch in 5 hours. Then, NASAs vice-president Garry Roth counted up10, 9, 8, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 launch! After three years flying, Harry Lee landed on Titan; it is 1.2 million kilometers from Saturn. It is 2,574 kilometers wide. Rain drops were falling that ordinary foggy morning. When he crept on Titan for the first time he felt butterflies on his stomach out of excitement. I know probably right now you may be saying How can it rain on Titan a MOON well first of all, Titan has an atmosphere just like Earth but not like our moon. The atmosphere makes all the clouds water evaporates and rains. One strange thing that he noticed was a faeces or poo that had the colors of the rainbow and it was shining, that made a path. There was a horse footprint; it was really hard to walk because of the fog. He went really slowly because of the strange thing he saw. He followed the footprints. He heard this really creepy sound but at the same time it was lovely and hypnotist, after walking a long distance finally the fog ended until he found a Space Unicorn! The Unicorn got so elated that he started speaking Finally someone to talk I was so lonely, Harry was flabbergasted, and he said Are really talking, are this is my imagination, No, I am real, my name is Berry, what is your name, Berry asked Um my name is Harry, Harry Lee, saying confident. The unicorn explained the entire story, All my family had died because of the meteorite named Hoba it measures over 6.5 meters sq. It fell right on top of my village; it was almost burning up as it rubbed threw the gases, but then it passed through our atmosphere. But 2 unicorns survived - Rose and I. But the astronaut remembered that he had a Rose and she was his boss. He had a little crush on her. So he got disappeared but at the same time he was wondering if it was his Rose or another Rose, so he asked Rose and why she was not with him, the unicorn continued. Rose got lost in Titan and now Im looking for her years passing. The unicorn did a pause and then said, Do you want to drink some water, you look thirsty, the astronaut replied, Yes, please, It had many rivers with few water but the water was special, it had oxygen. So the astronaut drank and started to talk about his life. They were now best friends and now both were searching for Rose. Of course now that both are living in the same shelter, drinking the same water, searching for Rose, they became best friends. They lived on the space ship or else if they lived out there they would float. Harry brought a soccer ball and they played

together all the time. Gravity was a little problem but they didnt care. But one day, they found a canyon a small one bur it had everything floating. The strange thing was that one side of Titan had gravity and the other one didnt. At least, thats the explanation for why that water was floating. They went down the canyon. It took about 30 min, they just found water. So they climbed it up again. When they were close to the space ship, there was a strange noise, a radio noise that was bothering them all the time. So Harry went there to see it while Berry was playing soccer. Harry Lee, Harry Lee exchange are you alive. Garry, yes I am alive How are you breathing did you make a forced landing are you all right Calm down Garry Im alright I didnt do a force landing, about oxygen I drink the magical water from here, Harry was nervous because, he didnt know what to say about the Berry. Harry, hi its Rose how are you, Im fine, but I need to tell you something, Yes tell me then, Well, I found a unicorn a Space Unicorn his name is Berry, Rose was shocked. Did he hurt to we will send NASA police officers right away, ok dont worry, Rose I am all right he speaks but he is my friend. WHAT, he talks great we can bring in him to Earth and make experiences with him. No, he is my friend I wont let you do that, he needs to find his friend Rose she is lost n Titan, the unicorn started shouting. Harry, Harry I heard a noise from that canyon we went come The astronaut hanged the call and ran as fast as he could to reach Berry. They went down the canyon again and followed the noise. It was wet and there were many rocks and slippery places. They walked very creepily very slowly because there could be a savage creature. But accucually it was Rose! She was right under Hoba meteor and very weak. Berry shouted Rose, Rose I will take you out of there believe me, After doing a lot of hard work they took her out of there. The astronaut saw that they were accucually boyfriend and girlfriend. But then all three of them heard a loud noise of a rocket. Oh, yes it was NASA police officers, Rose, Berry, and Harry went running. Harry asked the police officers What are you guys doing here," "Well Harry, we are here because Gary and Rose sent us here to take the unicorn, please give him to us or else," "Or else what, I will never let you get them." "Them? said the one in the right side. Ohm so there is more than one," "Well, yes there is but I won't let you get Berry and Rose." But then oh yes, the both police officers shot him with his gun but Berry pushed Harry, and stabbed his horn on both police officers and both fell in the canyon. Harry went back to Earth but he still went there to visit them. And Rose and Berry procreated and had babies.

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