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Ch 4: Convection of Heat Transfer 3rd Year College of Technical

Chapter Four
Convection Heat Transfer
4.1 Introduction

Convection Heat Transfer

Free Convection Force Convection Convection with Change Phase

(by Bouncy Force) (by Pump or Fan) (by Boiling & Condensation )

External Internal
A Plane Wall The entry region
Fully developed
A Cylinder
A Sphere

4.2 Force Convection for External Flow ‫اﻟﺤﻤﻞ اﻟﻘﺴﺮي ﻟﻠﺠﺮﻳﺎن اﻟﺨﺎرﺟﻲ‬

Figure 4.1 Developments of the Velocity and Thermal Boundary Layers

in Flow Over a Flat Surface of Arbitrary Shape.

From energy balance of fluid to determined Heat transfer coefficient:

qconv = qcond
hx A (Ts - T∞ ) = − kA 4.1
dx y =0

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dT ( x )
−kf y =0
hx = dx 4.2
Ts − T∞

Where kf: a film thermal conductivity for fluid

Local heat transfer coefficient (hx) depends on:

1. Geometry of surface
2. Surface and fluid Temperature
3. Velocity and type of fluid flow (Laminar or Turbulent )
4. Physical properties fluid (Cp, µ , ρ, k)

Table (4.1) Ranges of Heat transfer coefficients Values

Type of Convection h w/m2 k
Free Convection 5 - 25
gases 25 - 250
Force Convection
liquids 50 - 20000
Boiling & Condensation 2500 - 100000

dq = hx dAs (Ts − T∞ )
dq = h As (Ts − T∞ )
h : Average convection coefficient
hx : Local convection coefficient
A= w x and dA =w dx
Equal last equations and substitution A and dA
hwx (Ts − T∞ ) = w∫ hx dx (Ts − T∞ ) 4.3
h = ∫ hx dx 4.4

4.3 The Velocity and Thermal Boundary Layers

Mechanism of heat transfer by convection:
1. Random molecular motion
2. Bulk motion

Figure 4.2 Laminar and Turbulent flow Over a Flat Surface plate.

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The velocity boundary layer development on a flat plate. The boundary layer is initially
laminar ,but some distance from the leading edge, small disturbance are amplified and
transition region, and the boundary layer eventually becomes completely turbulent

Figure 4.3 Heat transfer coefficient and velocity distribution.

Three different regions may be delineated in Turbulent Boundary layer is
1. A laminar sublayer in which transport is dominated by diffusion and the velocity
profile is nearly linear.
2. A buffer layer in which diffusion and turbulent mixing are comparable
3. A turbulent zone in which transport is dominated by turbulent mixing.
In calculating boundary layer behavior it is frequently reasonable to assume that
transition begins at some location xc. This location is determined by a dimensionless grouping
of variables called the Reynolds number
Re x =
where x is the distance from the leading edge. The critical Reynolds number is the value
of (Rec =5×105) for which transition begins, and for flow over a flat plate

The velocity boundary layer

du dv
+ =0 Continuously equation
dx dy
du dv ∂ 2u Momentum direction x
v +u =µ 2
dx dy ∂y
dT dT ∂ 2T
v +u =α 2 Energy equation
dx y ∂y
5x Local boundary layer thickness
Re x
Assume a velocity distribution in boundary layer in one dimension flow is
B.C. 1 u=0 at y=0
B.C. 2 u=u∞ at y=δ
B.C. 3 du/dy=0 at y=δ
2 2
B.C. 4 d u/dy =0 at y=0
A result is ‫ﻻ‬
ً ‫ﻳﻄﺒﻖ اﻟﺸﺮط اﻟﺤﺪي اﻻول واﻟﺮاﺑﻊ او‬

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u 3 y 1⎛ y ⎞
= − ⎜ ⎟ 4.5
u∞ 2 δ x 2 ⎜⎝ δ x ⎟⎠
Assume a temperature distribution in boundary layer in one dimension is
θ=a+by+cy2+dy3 θ=T-Ts
B.C. 1 θ =0 at y=0
B.C. 2 θ = θ∞ at y=δ
B.C. 3 dθ /dy=0 at y=δ
B.C. 4 d2θ /dy2=0 at y=0
A result is
θ T − TS 3 y 1⎛ y ⎞
= = − ⎜ ⎟ 4.6
θ ∞ T∞ − TS 2 δ t 2 ⎜⎝ δ t ⎟⎠
The ratio of the velocity to thermal boundary layer thickness is
= 1.026 Pr 3

4.4 Dimensionless Parameters:

Table (4.2) Dimensionless Groups of Importance for Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow
Group Definition Interpretation
Biot number hL Ratio of internal thermal resistance of a solid body to its
Bi =
ks surface thermal resistance
Nusselt number hc L ratio of convection heat transfer to conduction in a fluid
Nu =
kf layer of thickness L
Peclet number Pe = Re L Pr Product of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers
Prandtl number Cpµ ν Ratio of molecular momentum diffusivity to thermal
Pr = =
k α diffusivity
Reynolds number νρL Ratio of inertia to viscous forces
Re L =
Stanton number Nu L Dimensionless heat transfer coefficient
St =
Re L Pr

4.5 Heat transfer coefficient

To calculate heat transfer coefficient by several methods:
1. Solve the boundary layer equation(Exact solution).
2. Using experimental data.(empirical correlation)
In convection heat transfer the key unknown is the heat transfer coefficient. From Eq.
(4.1) we obtain the following equation in terms of the dimensionless Parameters:
k f dT
hx = y =0 4.7
L dx
Inspection of this equation suggests that the appropriate dimensionless form of the heat
transfer coefficient is the so-called Nusselt number after Wilhelm Nussult, Nu, defined by
Nu = c 4.8

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The Local Nusselt Number depends only on x, Re, and Pr:

Nu x = f(x , Re ,P r ) 4.9
Once this functional relation is known, either from an analysis or from experiments with
a particular fluid. Moreover, from the local value of Nu, we can first obtain the local value of
h and then an average value of the heat transfer coefficient h and an average Nusselt
number Nu l
Nu = f (Re, Pr) 4.10
Nu l = C Re Pr m n
To determine parameters (C, m and n) from experimental data to give Empirical

4.5.1 Empirical Correlations for Flat plate in Parallel flow

A Laminar Flow Rec < 5 ×105
1 1
hx X
Nu x = = 0.332 Re 2 Pr 3 Pr > 0.6, Rex < 5x105 4.12
h X
Nu x = x = 0.565(Re Pr) 2 Pr < 0.1, Rex < 5x105 4.13
h = ∫ hx dx 4.4

Substitution Nux equation in equation 4.3

ρν 2 3 x −0.5
1 1
h= 0.332( ) Pr ∫ x dx
X µ 0

h = 2hx
1 1
hL X
Nu L = = 0.664 Re 2 Pr 3 Pr >0.6 , Rex < 5x105 4.14
B Turbulent Flow Rec > 5 ×105
hx X
Nu x = = 0.0288 Re 0.8 Pr 3 0.5<Pr <60 & Rex > 5x105 4.15

C Laminar and Turbulent Flow

For mixed boundary layer conditions:
xc L
h L = ( ∫ hLa min ar dx + ∫ hTurbulent dx )
L 0 xc
With transition at Rec = 5 x105
hL X
Nu L = = 0.036 Pr 0.33 (Re 0.8 − 32200) 0.5<Pr<60 & Rex>5x105 4.16

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hL X
Nu L = = 0.036 Pr 0.33 Re 0.8 0.5<Pr <60 & Rex > 5x105 4.17
Physical Properties of fluid evaluated at the mean film Temperature T f :
Ts + T∞
Tf = 4.18

4.5.2 Empirical correlations for cylinder in cross flow

Edge of
boundary layer

Figure4.4 Schematic Sketch of the Boundary Layer on a Circular Cylinder

Near the Separation Point.

103 < ReD < 105

Small turbulent
Laminar boundary Turbulent boundary
layer layer
ReD > 105
(e) for Cross-Flow over a Circular Cylinder at Various
Figure 4.5 Flow Patterns
Reynolds Numbers.

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Figure 4.6 Circumferential Variation of Nusselt number at High Reynolds

Numbers for a Circular Cylinder in Cross-Flow.

Ө =80 Ө =140

Figure 4.7 Effect turbulent flow on separation angle.

A correlation for cylinder at uniform temperature Ts in cross flow of fluid has been
purpose by Whitaker:
0.4 µ 4
hC D 1 2
Nu D = = 0.4 Re D 2 + 0.06 Re D 3 Pr ( ) 4.18
kf µS

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0.67< Pr <300 10< ReD<100000 0.25< ( ) <5.2
Physical Properties of fluid evaluated at T∞ except µ S at Ts :
Where: Re D =
by Zukauskas
hC D
Nu D = = C Re m Pr n ( Pr / PrS ) 4 4.19
n= 0.37 Pr<10
n= 0.36 Pr>10
Where all fluid properties are evaluated at T∞ and Prs at Ts
Table 4.3 Constants of Equation 4.11 for external flow
ReD C m
1-40 0.75 0.4
40-1000 0.51 0.5
3 5
10 - 2×10 0.26 0.6
2×105 - 106 0.075 0.7

For cylinders with non circular cross sections in gases, Jakob compiled data from two
sources and presented the coefficients of the correlation equation
hC D
Nu D = = C Re m Pr1/3 (4.20)
In Table 4.2. In Eq. (4.26) all properties are to be evaluated at Tf.

Table 4.4 Constant for forced convection perpendicular to noncircular tubes

Geometry From To m C

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4.5.3 Empirical Correlations for Sphere

hC D 1 2
Nu D = = 2 + 0.4 Re D 2 + 0.06 Re D 3 Pr 0.4 ( ) 4 4.21
kf µS
0.71< Pr <380
3.5< ReD<76000
1< ( µ / µ S ) < 3.2

Example 4.1:
Derivative equation to average heat transfer coefficient at h(x)= ax-0.1 for flat plate

h = ∫ hx dx 4.4
1 a x 0.9
h = ∫ ax −0.1dx h=
x0 x 0.9
h = 1.1ax −0.1 = 1.1h( x)

Example 4.2
A 25µm-diameter polished-platinum wire 6 mm long is to be used for a hot-wire
anemometer to measure the velocity of 20°C air in the range between 2 and 10 m/s (see below
Fig). Its temperature is to be maintained at 230°C by adjusting the current. Calculate heat
transfer rate required current as a function of air velocity.

Since the wire is very thin, conduction along it can be neglected; also, the temperature
gradient in the wire at any cross section can be disregarded. At the free stream temperature,
the air has a thermal conductivity of 0.0251 W/m °C and a kinematic viscosity of 1.57 x105
m2/s. At a velocity of 2 m/s the Reynolds number is
νρD uD (2 m/s)(2.5 x 10 -6 m)
Re D = = = = 3.18
µ v 1.57 ×10 −5
The Reynolds number range of interest is therefore 1 to 40, so the correlation equation
from Eq. (4.77) and Table 3.1 is
hC D
Nu D = = C Re m Pr n (Pr/ PrS ) 4
C=0.75, m= 0.4 n = 0.37
Neglecting the small variation in Prandtl number from 20° to 230°C, the average
convection heat transfer coefficient as a function of velocity is
h C = 799 U∞0.4 W/m2 °C
q = h As (Ts − T∞ ) = (799 U∞0.4)π(25x10-6)(6x10-3)(230-20)
q= 0.079 U∞0.4 W

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Example 4.3
The crankcase of an automobile is approximately 0.6 m long, 0.2 m wide, and 0.1 m
deep. Assuming that the surface temperature of the crankcase is 350 K, estimate the rate of
heat flow from the crankcase to atmospheric air at 276 K at a road speed of 30 m/s. Assume
that the vibration of the engine and the chassis induce the transition from laminar to turbulent
flow so near to the leading edge that, for practical purposes, the boundary layer is turbulent
over the entire surface. Neglect radiation and use for the front and rear surfaces the same
average convection heat transfer coefficient as for the bottom and sides.

A= 0.28 m2

Using the properties of air at 313 K, the Reynolds number is
νρL 1.092 × 30 × 0.6
Re L = = = 1.03 × 10 6
µ 19.123 ×10 −6

From Eq. (4.15) the average Nusselt number is

hL X
Nu L = = 0.036 Pr 0.33 Re 0.8 = 0.036(0.71)0.33 (1.03 x 106)0.8
the average convection heat transfer coefficient becomes
Nu L k f 2075 × 0.0265
hL = = = 91.6 W/m 2 K
L 0.6
The surface area that dissipates heat is 0.28 m2 and the rate of heat loss from the
crankcase is therefore
q = h As (Ts − T∞ ) = (91.6 W/m2 K)(0.28) (350 - 276)(K) =1898W

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Example 4.5
A Wire is placed in a 1 atm air stream at 25°C having a flow velocity of 50 m/s a cross
to the wire. An electric current is passed through the wire, raising its surface temperature to
323K. Calculate the heat loss per unit length for the different geometry of wire: (a) A circular
shape (diameter 2 x 10-3 m ), (b) A square shape (slat 1.5 x 10-3 m).
Physical properties of air at the film temperature (310K): (Density:1.177 kg/m3,
Viscosity: 1.846x10-5 Nm/s2, thermal conductivity: 0.02704 W/m oC and Specific heat: 1.005
x 103 J /Kg oC)
Physical properties of air at the surface temperature(323 K): (Density:0.998 kg/m3,
Viscosity: 2.075x10-5 Nm/s2, thermal conductivity: 0.03 W/m oC and Specific heat: 1.009 x
103 J /Kg oC)

Example 4.4
Air flow a flat plate (length 1 m and weight: 0.4 m) with temperature 34 oC and velocity
10 m/s and the plate temperature is 120 oC
What is the heat transfer rate from the plate to the air?
What is the heat transfer rate if the air velocity is double?
What is the heat transfer coefficient if the air velocity is 25 m/s in turbulent flow only?
Physical Properties of air is (Density:1.008 kg/m3, Viscosity: 2.075x10-5 Nm/s2,
thermal conductivity: 0.03003 W/m oC and Specific heat: 1.009 x 103 J /Kg oC)

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4.5 External Flow Across Banks of Tubes

Heat transfer to or from a bank (or bundle)
of tubes in cross flow is relevant to numerous
industrial applications, such as steam generation
in a boiler or air cooling in the coil of an air

Figure 4.8 Schematic of a tube bank in

cross flow.

The tube rows of a bank are either Staggered or Aligned in the direction of the fluid
velocity V (Figure 7.9). The configuration is characterized by the tube diameter D and by the
transverse pitch ST and longitudinal pitch SL measured between tube centers

(a) Aligned (b) Staggered.

Figure 4.9 Tube arrangements in a bank.
The heat transfer coefficient associated with a tube is determined by its position in the
bank. The coefficient for a tube in the first row is approximately equal to that for a single tube
in cross flow, whereas larger heat transfer coefficients are associated with tubes of the inner
rows. The tubes of the first few rows act as turbulence grids, which increase the heat transfer
coefficient for tubes in the following rows.

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A Grimison has obtained a correlation to know the average heat transfer coefficient is
Nu D = 1.13C1 Re D ,max Pr 1/ 3 4.22
⎡ N ≥ 10 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢2000 < Re D ,max < 40000 ⎥
⎢Pr ≥ 0.7 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
where C1 and m are listed in Table 4.5

Table 4.5 Constant for fluid over tube bank (N≥10).

All properties appearing in the above equations are evaluated at the film temperature Ts.
If N < 10, a correction factor may be applied such that

where C2 is given in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 Correction factorC2 of Equation 4.23 for N<10

B Zhukauskas has obtained a correlation to know the average heat transfer coefficient is
1/ 4
0.36 ⎛ Pr ⎞
Nu D = C Re D ,max Pr ⎜⎜
⎟⎟ 4.24
⎝ PrS ⎠
⎡ N ≥ 20 ⎤
⎢ 6⎥
⎢1000 < Re D ,max < 2 × 10 ⎥
⎢0.7 < Pr < 500 ⎥
⎣ ⎦
where all properties except Prs are evaluated at Tf and Prs are evaluated at Ts

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Table 4.7 Constants of Equation 4.24 for the tube bank in cross flow

If N < 20, a correction factor may be applied such that

Nu D = C3 Nu D 4.25
N < 20 N ≥ 20

where C3 is given in Table 4.8.

Table 4.8 Correction factorC3 of Equation 4.25 for N<20 and ReD > 103.

The Reynolds number ReD,max is based on the maximum fluid velocity occurring within
the tube bank
ρVmax D V D
Re D ,max = or Re D ,max = max
µ v
The mass conservation requirement for an incompressible fluid
(a) Aligned Tube
ST 4.26
Vmax = V
ST − D

(b) Staggered Tube

ST at A1 due to A2 > A1
Vmax = V
ST − D
ST at A2 due to A2 < A1 4.27
Vmax = V
2( S D − D )
ST + D
SD <
( 2
S D = S L + ( ST / 2) 2 )
1/ 2

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Flow Chart Banks of Tubes Start

Aligned or Staggered Tube

ρVmax D Cpµ
Re D ,max = Pr =
µ k

Grimison Yes
No Nu D = 1.13C1 Re D ,max Pr1/ 3

Yes C1 & m from Tabel 4.5

1/ 4
⎛ Pr ⎞
Nu D = C Re m
Pr ⎜⎜
D , max

⎝ PrS ⎠
C & m from Tabel 4.7 No
Rows No.≥10

Stop No
Rows No.>20 No

Nu D = C3 Nu D Nu D = C2 Nu D
N < 20 N ≥ 20 N <10 N ≥10
C3 From Table 4.8 C2 From Table 4.6



Row N

N: No of Row

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4.5.2 Pressure Drop

The power required to move the fluid across the bank is often a major operating expense
and is directly proportional to the pressure drop. Zhukauskas where the pressure drop is
given by
⎛ ρV 2 max ⎞
∆P = Nx⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ f 4.28
⎝ 2 ⎠
The friction factor f and the correction factor x are plotted in Figures 4.10 and 4.11.



Figure 4.10 Friction factor f and correction factor x In Aligned tube bundle.



Figure 4.11 Friction factor f and correction factor x In Staggered tube bundle.

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Example 4.5
A tube bundle in which the water is passed through the tubes, while air is passed in
cross flow over the tubes. Consider a staggered arrangement for which the tube outside
diameter is 16.4 mm and the longitudinal and transverse pitches are SL= 34.3 mm and ST=
31.3 mm. There are seven rows of tubes in the airflow direction and eight tubes per row.
Under typical operating conditions the cylinder surface temperature is at 70° C, while the air
upstream temperature and velocity are 15°C and 6 m/s, respectively. Determine
1- the air-side convection coefficient ?
2- the air-side pressure drop?


Air (T∞ = 15°C): ρ = 1.217 kg/m3, Cp = 1007 J/kg K,
v = 14.82 X 10-6/s, k = 0.0253 W/m K, Pr = 0.710.
Air (Ts = 70°C): Pr = 0.701.
Air (Tf= 43°C): v = 17.4 X 10-6 m2/s, k = 0.0274 W/m K, Pr = 0.705

1- Since SD = [SL2 + (ST/2)2]1/2 = 37.7 mm is greater than (ST + D)/2=24mm, the maximum
velocity occurs on the transverse plane, A1 of Figure 4.11. Hence from Equation 4.26


It follows from Table 4.7 that

⎛ Pr ⎞
1/ 4 C3 from table 4.8
Nu D = C Re m
D , max Pr 0.36
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ PrS ⎠

2. The pressure drop may be obtained from Equation 4.28

⎛ ρV 2 max ⎞
∆P = Nx⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ f
⎝ 2 ⎠

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with Re D ,max = 13943 and PT=(ST/D) = 1.91 it follows from Figure 4.11 that x= 1.04
with Re D ,max = 13943 and (PT/PL) = 0.91 it follows from Figure 4.10 that f = 0.35
⎛ 1.217 × 12.6 ⎞
Hence with N= 7 ∆P = 7 × 1.04⎜ ⎟0.35 = 246 N / m

⎝ 2 ⎠

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