Amanda Myers 59403 My Sigma Kappa Journey

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Amanda Myers Agosta English 1102 February 7, 2014 My Sigma Kappa Journey Coming into UNCC I was having

to live up to the fact that both of my parents were Greek. My mom and my dad had both attended UNCC, one was a DZ and the other a Kappa Sig. Naturally when I was coming through rush, my dream was to join Delta Zeta just like my mom. Well when rush played out, I was not even offered a bid for DZ. I immediately dropped rush and was just like Im not meant to be Greek. I was heartbroken, and never would have thought that I would have gone Sigma Kappa. On bid day, while all of my friends were running out to get their bids from their dream sororities I was sitting in my dorm nursing wounds. However my now sorority everything short of begged me to come out to their bid day, and I am so glad they did. I hope that this can tell you a little bit of why. At bid day I was so mad to be at this sorority., I did not even want to be seen. I kept thinking that maybe DZ made a mistake and would come back any minute to offer me a bid. This picture was the first in which I had made with my now sorority, it is vital because I think it shows how much I did not want to be there. (Yes, I put a yellow circle around my head. Everyone around me was celebrating, while I couldnt wait to leave.

Comment [t1]: Interesting! My parents had a totally different college experience than me, so when I joined a music fraternity (prob. different than your experience) I worried that they wouldnt get why I did it.

Comment [t2]: Eek, hard to see others getting what you really wanted and hoped for. Comment [t3]: New?

Comment [t4]: Ah, yes, the Im not sure about this or I dont wanna be here face is present.

However I stuck with it, and saw how many these girls loved each other, more importantly cared for one another. The first event we did was watermelon bash, and it was a blast. I met a bunch of new friends and it only took a few days for me to know that I was in the right place. Doing activities which involved all of the other sororities, I could see that mine had what they didnt.

Comment [t5]: Interestingso with some time, it grew on you.

Next came big little reveal, and I knew that I was a Sigma Kappa at heart. Our motto which is one heart one way really fit the way in which these amazing young women act. However I was still holding onto that tiny little hope that I would somehow still become a DZ. My time was running out to decide where I really wanted to belong. I had to make a decision in a little less than two weeks, which

would bind me to Sigma Kappa for life. #struggle

After bid day, we soon held elections. During elections I was elected to the office of Public Relations (P.R) which is a huge deal, especially to be entrusted with it as a new member. This is when I really blossomed in the sorority, realizing that I could make that change. After this I even moved into the sorority house, so that I would be able to live with all of these amazing ladies. To this day Im so happy to have made the decision in which I made although taking a position and working during my freshman year it is a lot to handle.

Comment [t6]: You immediately were recognized as a leader, which binds you closer to the group and adds responsibility. I can relate. I was named president of our pledge class and then served on the main committee my first semester in. I know this position let me grow closer to the group, which it sounds like this was the same for you. Comment [t7]: It seems like your sorority moves faster than others? I had some students last semester who would not become sisters until this semester. Comment [t8]: Im glad youre happy and found your placeeven if it wasnt what you expected

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