Jounral Entry 2-Portfolio-Final

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4/28/2014 11:21:00 AM Identity Define: Identity is what describes a person and makes them unique to others.

Appearance Background Where you are from Thumb print Unique identification How you are viewed in the world/by others (first impression) Labels Includes the group you belong to Companies, countries etc. all have identities Characteristics Talents Traits Stereotypes Combo of who I think I am and how people see me

What is my identity: My identity is what my family, friends and surrounding has made me. I am a loving person who thrives off of making memories, meeting new people and trying my best to have an impact on others happiness. I personally dont prefer thinking and talking about myself. I think my identity is mainly the people around me. My identity has a lot to do with the things and people I love. My multimodal project got me thinking about a lot of different topics that really interested me and that I would like to know more about, such as Photography. I tend to think my identity is pretty unique. Throughout this year I have learned and realized that I have many, almost random passions. A few of my random passions are recycling, gay rights, holocaust remembrance, the moon, music, children, helping others and photography. Because my identity is kind of all over the place in reference to my passions, its really been a challenge to really find the right major for me. After a lot of time of filtering and really finding my identity I decided psychology feels right for me right now.

4/28/2014 11:21:00 AM

4/28/2014 11:21:00 AM

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