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Skilling 1

Chaney Skilling Mrs. Rogers Honors English III 29 April 2014 The Words Men a!k They are "ea#$i%#l& $hose hills in $he dis$an!e& no '#es$ion a"o#$ i$. (or $he pas$ $)o *on$hs )e+,e "een $o#ring $he !i$ies o% E#rope& ad*iring $he se,en$een$h-!en$#ry !a$hedrals& ye$ no$hing has s$r#!k *e '#i$e like $hese hills. Riley is o%% ordering drinks. a$ely& $ha$ see*s $o "e $he only $hing he !an do properly. Things ha,e "een $ense "e$)een #s. (oolishly& I had $ho#gh$ $his $rip )o#ld help. "#$ $here is no es!ape %ro* i$. /o$hing !an dis$ra!$ #s. 0I$+s really an a)%#lly si*ple opera$ion& 1ig.2 And $here he goes. This *ay "e a ne) re!ord %or hi*. $)en$y *in#$es )i$ho#$ *en$ioning i$. T)en$y *in#$es o% pea!e and '#ie$. Wi$h one las$ glan!e a$ $he hills I $#rn "a!k $o hi*& re*aining silen$. 3e$$er $o le$ hi* $hink "e%ore speaking again. 0I+ll go )i$h yo# and I+ll s$ay )i$h yo# all $he $i*e.2 S$ay& o% !o#rse he )ill. He+d "e$$er& a%$er all $he hell he+s p#$ *e $hro#gh. Tho#gh& "e$)een his eli$e paren$s and sno""y %riends I *igh$ as )ell 4#s$ go $hro#gh )i$h i$& )on+$ !hange $heir opinion o% *e. I+ll s$ill "e $ha$ $ra*p he pi!ked #p on holiday %ro* Har,ard. Choosing *y )ords !are%#lly I ask& 0Then )ha$ )ill )e do a%$er)ards52 0We+ll "e %ine a%$er)ards. 1#s$ like )e )ere "e%ore.2 6h& isn+$ $ha$ a pleasan$ $ho#gh$5 1#s$ like )e )ere "e%ore. 3a!k $o "eing sea$ed in $he "a!k ro) o% $he $hea$re& "eing $old 0sorry& so*e$hing !a*e #p&2 or *y a"sol#$e %a,ori$e& )alking

Skilling 2

in$o a roo* o% h#shed )hispers& $he !ons$an$& 07es& $ha$+s her. I don+$ kno) )hy Riley )o#ld !hoose her.2 3#rying *y rising $e*per& I look Riley #p and do)n. 0Wha$ *akes yo# $hink )e+ll "e okay52 My o)n ,oi!e is "e!o*ing snippy. I !an %eel $he anger "#ilding in $he pi$ o% *y s$o*a!h. Riley *#s$ sense *y $e*per $oo as he h#rriedly sp#$$ers& 0I% yo# don+$ )an$ $o yo# don+$ ha,e $o.2 Seeing *y look o% disdain he $ries $o !orre!$ hi*sel%. 0We+ll "e happy no *a$$er )ha$. I+,e kno)n lo$s o% people $ha$ ha,e done i$.2 And $hen...)ai$ %or i$& 0I lo,e yo#.2 8sh. o,e& )ha$ an ill#sion. They say $hey lo,e yo# and $hen %eed yo# $o $heir lion o% a *o$her. They say $hey lo,e yo# and lea,e yo# alone $o !hoose $he lesser o% $)o e,ils9 e$ernal 4#dg*en$ or e$ernal g#il$. Taking a *o*en$& I $#rn "a!k $o $he hills o% E"ro& long and )hi$e. This is )ha$ I )an$. This pea!e& $his %reedo*& )hy !an+$ )e ha,e $his5 S#ddenly& "eer so#nds good. The ri!h !ool li'#id r#nning do)n *y $hroa$& easing *y #neasy s$a$e o% *ind. 0Co#ld )e ha,e ano$her "eer52 A "i$ sho!ked& Riley orders. I $hink $his )ill sh#$ hi* #p& a%$er all& he+s al)ays a%$er *e $o drink )i$h hi*& "#$ he !arries on& digging a deeper hole %or hi*sel%. 07o#+,e go$ $o reali:e&2 he s$ar$s& and I kno) $hings are a"o#$ $o ge$ a )hole lo$ )orse. 0I don+$ )an$ yo# $o do i$ i% yo# don+$ )an$ $o. I+* per%e!$ly )illing $o go $hro#gh )i$h i$ i% i$ *eans any$hing $o yo#.2 Means any$hing $o *e5 Means any$hing $o *e5 6h& no) he+s done i$. he+s #nlo!ked 8andora+s 3o;. 3#$ )e+re in p#"li! and I+,e go$ $o keep $he *y lid on or risk "eing s$randed in Spain )i$h no)here $o go. <i,ing hi* 0$he look&2 I s$ernly ad,i!e hi* s$op $alking.

Skilling 3

03#$ I don+$ )an$ $o. I don+$ !are any$hing a"o#$ i$.2 And $ha$+s $he las$ s$ra). /o$hing !an repair $he da*age he+s 4#s$ done. Silen$ly %#*ing I open *y *o#$h& preparing $o le$ hi* ha,e i$. Tha$+s )hen <od s*iles #pon $he poor s#!ker as $he )ai$ress in$err#p$s& )arning #s o#r $rain is a"o#$ $o arri,e. =no)ing he 4#s$ es!aped $he ,er"al "ea$ing o% his li%e Riley goes $o *o,e o#r "ags& kissing *y head as he e;i$s. He+s gone a good %e) *in#$es& $ho#gh I !an see hi* drinking ye$ ano$her "eer a$ $he "ar. He pro"a"ly kno)s I need spa!e& %inally sees ho) he+s #pse$ *e. I r#n *y hands do)n *y %a!e& $ake a deep "rea$h& $ry and re*ind *ysel% he+s only $rying $o )rap his head aro#nd i$. The s!#%%le o% his shoes approa!hes. I !on,in!e *ysel% $o p#$ e,ery$hing else "ehind *e and plas$er on a s*ile. /o need $o s$ar$ any$hing "e%ore a $hree ho#r $rain ride. I !an 4#s$ i*agine i$& $he !old sho#lder& $hree "eers an ho#r. And $hen )ha$+ll I ha,e5 A dr#nk& helpless *an5 7es& "es$ no$ $o go do)n $ha$ road. As he dra)s near& his s$eps slo). I !an al*os$ hear $he gears $#rning as he $ries $o %ind $he righ$ )ords. And $hen he speaks. 0>o yo# %eel "e$$er52 My s*ile %ades. Tha$+s i$& I+,e de!ided. There+s no$hing le%$ $o dis!#ss. Mali!e layering e,ery sylla"le.. 0I %eel %ine. There+s no$hing )rong )i$h me. I %eel %ine.2

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