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175 Piedmont Ave 87, Atlanta, GA 30303

Home: 706-581-3374 Cell: 706-581-3374 Bcoppoc


Professional Summary
B&in%in% a li'etime o' involvement in competitive event", incl#din% pa&ticipation, admini"t&ation and p&omotion$ B#ild" "t&on% &elation"(ip" )it( ot(e& emplo*ee"$ +el'-motivated )it( e,ten"ive e,pe&ience in leade&"(ip po"ition" and )o& in% )it( team"$ -ana%e" time e''icientl* and )o& " )ell #nde& p&e""#&e$

.a"t /ea&ne& C#"tome& +e&vice 3ependa2le .a"t Pace 4o& e& 0,cellent attention to detail 1e"pon"i2le Good comm#nicato&

Work History
Cashier, 0356013 to 0456013 Nestle Toll House Cafe Planet Smoothie 7 Atlanta, GA C#m2e&land -all Clean a&ea8" needed Co#nted Ca"( 3&op5 3&a)e&" C#"tome& +e&vice 3e"i%ned ca e" 'o& event" 9p "ale -ana%e A&ea 2* *o#&"el' :nvento&* +toc Im!a"t, 1656016 to 0356013 A#er"rom#ie $ %it"h Leno& Bu"khea' +toc -aintain 3&e""in% 1oom" 1e%i"te& :nvento&* Cashier (ri)e Throu*h Cashier, 1056010 to 1156016 Ar#y+s 7 3alton, GA .&ont line Ca"(ie&$ Cleane&$ Bac line$ +toc #p Co#nt 3&a)e&" 1ea"on 'o& leavin%- /e't 'o& colle%e$ %ront (esk, 0756010 to 1156010 (efa& %amily An' Chil'ren Ser)i"es 7 3alton, GA ;pe&ated +)itc(2oa&d and (andled all c#"tome& <#e"tion and di&ected t(em to eac( emplo*ee de"i&ed$ 4o& ed t(e '&ont 3e" and (elpin% c#"tome& 'ill o#t pape& )o& and p&oce""in% it 4o& ed in t(e .ile &oom and clo"ed .ile &oom, "o&ted all t(e 'ile" and t(&e) a)a* pape&" t(at )e&e no lon%e& valid 1eceptioni"t Bi* Ri)er ,rill 0856010-1056016 +e&ve& 4ipe ta2le" Attend to c#"tome& Al'o Shoes- . /0 102/3 Present

Meet everyday sale goals Meet weekly sale goals in handbags, shoe care, men and womens Restock store, verify store

Markdowns Process ships Visual presentation lean the store lub elite member !top sales"

Urban Outfitters (seasonal) Sales associate Dressing rooms Greetings Keep up clothes on the floor #$

E'u"ation Hi*h S"hool ,ra'uate4 North5est Whitfiel' Hi*h S"hool 3 (alton- ,A Re"i!ient of 6Berni"e Boyett Business7 S"holarshi! BBA4 Business A'ministration "on"entration in 8ana*erial S"ien"esCurrent ,eor*ia State 9ni)ersity - Atlanta, GA

=&ac > .ield +tate Competito& in Al2an* GA 6010 +c(ola&"(ip 4inne&, p&ovided 2* Bette& B#"ine"" B#&ea# 6016 :nte&vie)ed and (i&ed t(&o#%( m#ltiple ?o2" C+C A)a&d > +ocial +t#die" A)a&d 6016

+a2&ina 3aniel" @Gene&al -ana%e&A - 706-581-6745 o& 706-671 0706 /inda Ga&cia @A""i"tant -ana%e&A - 706-B13-7364 =e&e"a C(ild" @A""i"tant -ana%e&A - 706-671-0706 /i"a @+#pe&vi"o&A - 678-600-0188 =a ia( @+#pe&vi"o&A - 404-6B5-6401

A''itional Information
Activitie" and Hono&"Ca&"it* Ba" et2all all 'o#& *ea&" in (i%( "c(ool Ca&"it* =&ac > .ield all 'o#& *ea&" in Hi%( +c(ool .C/A .CA +AA +t#dent Al#mni A""ociation G+9

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