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Baldwin Wallace University Division of Education Lesson Plan#1/Day1 I. Major o!

ic: Language Arts Date: April 29, 2014 "rade Level: 6th

II. M# E$I#L%: PowerPoint on figurative language, figurative Language worksheet, overhead pro e!tor, s"art #oard III. &#'DID# E $esources: PowerPoint on figurative language, figurative language worksheet I(. '# I)'#L/% # E %tandards: ODE ACS: ademic-ContentStandards/English/Grade_ _E!A_"odel_Curricul um_Octo#er$%&'.pd(.asp)

I(. *a+ 'ational/%tate tec,nolo-y standards: $%A (. ).jective*s+/ &' the end of one !lass period, students will #e a#le to understand the !on!ept of figurative language #' viewing the power point, taking part in the (uestion answer session, and !o"pleting the figurative language worksheet. (I. P$)&EDU$E%: Introduction )trateg' and *rouping Pattern +sed%*roup )i,e: -hole.!lass instru!tion for power point presentation and (uestion and answer session. / will keep in "ind the students0 a#ilities, #ehaviors, and knowledge when asking and answering (uestions. )tudents will work in pairs on figurative language worksheet. 1ransition%2o!us Attention: 1o fo!us the attention of the students, / will use a Power point presentation to introdu!e the !on!ept of figurative language. 3otivation%4ook: 1o fo!us the attention of the students / will !ondu!t a (uestion and answer session prior to presenting the power point to the students to gauge what the' know a#out figurative language. )et &ehavior 56pe!tations: )tudents will #e e6pe!ted to listen and parti!ipate in (uestion and answer session. )tudents are e6pe!ted to !o"plete figurative language a!tivit'. )et Purpose: 1he purpose of this lesson is to tea!h students a#out the !on!ept of figurative language.

(II. %te!s/Learnin- #ctivities/Differentiated Instruction: 1. / will introdu!e the "aterial to the students #' asking the" a few (uestions a#out figurative language. 78 "in9 $. / will show power point on figurative language and ask the" (uestions a#out figurative language. 7: "in9 8. / will divide students up in pairs of two for !lass assign"ent. 72 "in9 4. / will then have students !o"plete student tea!her generated worksheet on figurative language 712 "in9 ;. 1he student pairs will present parts 5 and 2 to the !lass. 6. 1he tea!her will !ondu!t a review over the "aterial !overed in !lass with the students. 7;"in9 &losure: 1he students will have a (ui!k review session with "e over the "aterial / presented to the" in the power point, and the "aterial that was !overed during !lass dis!ussion. After the review session is over, the student tea!her will turn the !lass #a!k over to 3s. -hite. #ssess0ent #ctivities: / will assess the level of parti!ipation during all of the !lass a!tivities #' using strategi! (uestioning te!hni(ues to deter"ine whether students have a grasp of the su# e!t "atter and assure that the' are pa'ing attention. / will also use results on the in !lass a!tivit' to see if the students understand the "aterial. ransition: )tudents are e6pe!ted to parti!ipate in all !lass a!tivities. )tudents will #e per"itted to leave when 3s. -hite dis"isses the". $eflection/ 1ow do you 2now t,e students learned t,e 0aterial3 &' the responses the' gave during !lass dis!ussion, (uestion and answer session, and results fro" the in !lass a!tivit'.

#ssess0ent of %tudent Learnin<n Aril 2:th, 2014 / gave a lesson on figurative language. 2or this lesson plan to #e effe!tive / used a power point and in !lass assign"ent that re(uired the students to work together. 1his lesson plan was re!eived (uite well #' 3s.-hite0s !lass. =uring this lesson / tried to "ake the !on!epts relevant to the students #' linking it to their life. 1he !lass dis!ussion helped get students interested in the lesson. 1he students had a lot of (uestions a#out figurative language. / found this lesson to #e (uite #enefi!ial to the students. 1he photos in "' power point presentation reall' registered with the students and / !ould tell the' "ade a real !onne!tion with "e and the lesson #' their (uestions and enthusias" the' displa'ed during the lesson and !lass a!tivit'.

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