Juice Plus November Newsletter

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Sunday 1 November 2009

Written & Published by David Donahoo, Rachael Campbell and Christine Clais
Visit our websites at: www.ddonahoojuiceplus.com;
www.rachaelcampbelljuiceplus.com www.christineclaisjuiceplus.com;
Contacts: Rachael: 0419 333 033; Christine: 0410 556 557; David: 0419 517 716

Welcome to the 3rd edition of the Juice Plus+ (R) Team newsletter. Our aim each month is to provide
valuable information about Juice Plus and its benefits. To contribute to this newsletter, please email your
articles to: rachael@juiceplusaustralia.com.au

Dealing with Fatigue!

When you feel tired and do not want to do anything, it can be fatigue rather than just normal tiredness.
Fatigue is a symptom with a cause. It is not a specific disorder or disease. If you suffer from fatigue, you feel
tired all the time, in your mind and body.
Suffering from fatigue can slow your reflexes which reduces what you can do in your daily life. This type of
tiredness is a known risk factor in motor vehicle and workplace accidents. It can be a difficult thing to control
as you do not have the strength, motivation and desire to get rid of it. This then feeds back onto itself so that
you cannot think clearly enough to resolve it.
When you look at the literature some of the identified causes of fatigue are:
x Not getting enough sleep.
x Taking too much alcohol or drugs.
x Not getting the right nutrients, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats
and proteins in your diet.
x Personal problems.
However, these causes are actually only symptoms. They are seen as causes since they are usually
physical and able to be measured.
If, for example, you are not getting enough sleep and it is causing you to be fatigued, think about the reason
why you are lacking sleep? Often it is because of the thoughts going through your mind; the worries,
concerns, or even adventures that could happen in your life. These come from your subconscious, not from
your physical world. Your subconscious mind holds your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, history and all the
decisions you have made in the past including those that result in fatigue.
So, rather than focusing on the external causes of fatigue only, you need to focus on the internal causes of
address what comes up.
At the same time you need the cells in your body to continue to repair and combat the fatigue by keeping
your immune system functioning properly. You can do this by getting the right whole fruit and vegetables that
will provide the required nutrients to keep the body in shape while you tackle the subconscious issues.

David Donahoo is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner in NLP. He helps you
awaken your inner light to mental, emotional and spiritual and behavioural freedom, so
you can achieve your life purpose.
control, quitting smoking, doing Past Life Regression.
To learn more visit: www.theeyesofhorus.com.au or www.ddonahoojuiceplus.com

You have been on my mind since taking your juice plus products everyday now! I just wanted to say thank you. Even
though I take a range of vitamins, supplements and antioxidants, I feel that extra little brightness and wellbeing from
taking your Juice Plus fruit and vegetable combination and know that my body is all the more healthy for it.
My warm regards Dr. Brett Barton.

This newsletter is sent to those who have identified their interest in information from Juice Plus+®. We value your
privacy and never share our mailing list with anyone.

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