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1515 Poydras Street, Suite 1200/New Orleans, La. 70112/504-301-9 00

Fact Sheet:
!"e Louisiana #a$%ai&n 'or !o(a))o-*ree Li+in& ,!*L- is a statewide to(a))o )ontrol %ro&ra$ t"at is 'unded (y a state e.)ise ta. on to(a))o %assed in 2002 !*L is a statewide non%ro'it, or&ani/ation and was 'ounded in 1997 !*L %ri$ary &oal is to $a0e a "ealt"ier Louisiana t"rou&" 1001 to(a))o-'ree li+in& !*L "as a $ission to i$%le$ent and e+aluate )o$%re"ensi+e )ontrol initiati+es t"at %re+ent and redu)e to(a))o use and e.%osure to se)ond"and s$o0e !*L )a$%ai&n &oals are2 to eli$inate e.%osure to se)ond"and s$o0e, to %re+ent initiation o' to(a))o use a$on& yout", to %ro$ote to(a))o )essation a$on& yout" and adults, to identi'y and eli$inate to(a))o-related dis%arities, and to 'a)ilitate e''e)ti+e )oordination o' all to(a))o )ontrol and %re+ention initiati+es t"rou&"out t"e state o' Louisiana !*L (i&&est sour)es o' 'undin& "a+e )o$e 'ro$ )ountless %artner or&ani/ations !*L "as ad$inistered ot"er s$o0e-'ree %ro&ra$s su)" as 3uit wit" 4S Louisiana and *res" #a$%us !*L is )urrently wor0in& wit" lo)al )o$$unities, (ar wor0ers, $usi)ians, and ot"ers still e.%osed to dan&erous se)ond"and s$o0e to (uild ad+o)a)y 'or s$o0e'ree %oli)ies t"at %rote)t e+ery Louisianan

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