Memo-Hannah Solsky-3

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To: From: Date: Subject: Dr. Judith Sylvester Hannah Solsky Feb. 12, 2014 Pledge a Pack and eau! S"oke Free#

$n order to get students involved in %S&'s cause (or a s"oke)(ree ca"*us as +ell as *ro"ote the *olicy to "ake %S& a s"oke)(ree ca"*us, $ +ould like to host an event at 11 to , *.". on -arch 1.. 2014 in Free S*eech /lley. 0Pledge a Pack and eau! S"oke Free# +ill be a si"*le event1 ho+ever, it +ill dra+ students into 2oining the cause and in(or" student's +ho *reviously did not kno+ about /ct. 211. 3he event +ill also hel* get students e!cited (or 4ick 5utts Day. 3o "ake this event a success, a table, t+o chairs, in(or"ation *a"*hlets, a banner and dis*lay, di((erent colored shar*ies and lolli*o*s need to be *rovided. 6aroline /ins+orth and $ +ill be +orking together to e!ecute the event. 3he banner +ill be based o(( o( 3obacco Free Su""it's design. 3o cut costs, 6aroline and $ +ould be +illing to dra+ out the banner and *aint it. Students +ill sign their na"e on the banner and state a short reason +hy they su**ort %S& beco"ing a s"oke)(ree ca"*us. 7nce the student has signed the banner, +e +ill *rovide the" +ith a *a"*hlet to (urther their kno+ledge about the *olicy along +ith the har"(ul side e((ects o( s"oking. / lolli*o* +ill also be given to students to thank the" (or su**orting the *olicy.

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