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Clerk of the District Court

6500 Cherrywood Lane

Greenbelt, MD 20770
Re: Kimberlin v. National Bloggers Club,
No, PWG13-3059
April 24, 2014
APR 28 2014
Re: Request to withdraw Motion for finding of default under FRCP 55
Dear Clerk of Court:
On April 16, 2014, I filed a letter request for a finding by the Clerk for default against
Defendant, for failure to respond. Following the filing of that letter,
Attorney Mark Bailen contacted me by phone and stated that he would be filing his
appearance for Breibartcom, and would respond to the pleadings or otherwise
move once the Court rules on the motion for leave to file Second Amended
Complaint Accordingly, Mr. Bailin and I agreed that I would withdraw my letter
requesting default
I contacted the Clerk of Court and stated that I wished to withdraw the letter
motion. The Clerk advised me to do so in writing.
I hereby ask the Court to allow me with withdraw that request for default
ubmi1rY ()
Br me in U\.A
8100 Beech Tree Rd
Bethesda, MD 20817
(301) 320 5921
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