Vending Machine

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import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.text.


public class VendingMachine extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private class MoneyButton extends JButton { private double amount; private boolean isCoin; public MoneyButton(ActionListener listener, String text, double amount, boolean isCoin) { super(text); this.amount = amount; this.isCoin = isCoin; this.addActionListener(listener); } public MoneyButton(ActionListener listener, String text, double amount, boolean isCoin, String iconFileName) { super(text, new ImageIcon(iconFileName)); this.amount = amount; this.isCoin = isCoin; this.addActionListener(listener); } public double getAmount() { return this.amount; } public boolean isCoin() { return this.isCoin; } } JTextField txtMoney=new JTextField(10); JTextField txtChange=new JTextField(10); JTextField nothing=new JTextField(10); double counter; String counterConv; String StrPrice; DecimalFormat change=new DecimalFormat("#0.00");

private JButton getButton(String text, String command) { JButton button = new JButton(text); button.setActionCommand(command); button.addActionListener(this); return button; } private MoneyButton getCoinButton(String text, String iconFileName, double a mount) { return new MoneyButton(this, text, amount, true, iconFileName); }

private MoneyButton getProductButton(String text, String iconFileName, doubl e amount) { return new MoneyButton(this, text, amount, false, iconFileName); } private MoneyButton getProductButton(String text, double amount) { return new MoneyButton(this, text, amount, false); } public VendingMachine() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setSize(600, 400); setTitle("Title"); setResizable(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel left=new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,2)); left.add(getCoinButton("1p", "onep.gif", 0.01)); left.add(getCoinButton("2p", "twop.gif", 0.02)); left.add(getCoinButton("5p", "fivep.gif", 0.05)); left.add(getCoinButton("10p", "tenp.gif", 0.1)); left.add(getCoinButton("20p", "twentyp.gif", 0.2));

left.add(getCoinButton("50p", "fiftyp.gif", 0.5)); left.add(getCoinButton("1", "pound.gif", 1.0)); left.add(getCoinButton("2", "2pounds copy.gif", 2.0)); left.add(getButton("Done", "done")); add("West",left);

JPanel top=new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); top.add(new Label("COINS IN")); top.add(txtMoney); txtMoney.setEditable(false); // disable the ability to change the result top.add(new Label("CHANGE OUT")); top.add(txtChange); txtChange.setEditable(false);// disable the ability to change the result . top.add(getButton("Reset", "reset")); add("North",top);

JPanel right=new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,2)); right.add(getProductButton("Mars", "mars copy.gif", 0.5)); right.add(getProductButton("Snickers", 0.75)); right.add(getProductButton("Twix", 1.0)); right.add(getProductButton("M&M", 0.50)); right.add(getProductButton("Bounty", 1.50)); right.add(getProductButton("Skittles", 1.20)); add("East",right);

// label added with nothing written on JPanel middle=new JPanel(); nothing.setEditable(false);

middle.add(nothing); add("Center",middle);

setVisible(true); }

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source instanceof MoneyButton) { MoneyButton button = (MoneyButton)source; if (button.isCoin()) { counter+=button.getAmount(); counterConv=String.valueOf(change.format(counter)); txtMoney.setText(counterConv); } else { StrPrice=String.valueOf(button.getAmount()); nothing.setText(StrPrice); } return; } else if (source instanceof JButton) { JButton button = (JButton)source; String cmd = button.getActionCommand(); if (cmd=="reset") { txtMoney.setText(""); txtChange.setText(""); counter=0; } else if (cmd=="done") { double total=0; double in=Double.parseDouble(txtMoney.getText()); double out=Double.parseDouble(nothing.getText());

if (in>=out) { total=in-out; } else if (in<out) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Not Enough"); txtMoney.setText(""); nothing.setText(""); txtChange.setText(""); } txtChange.setText(""+ change.format(total)); } } } }

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