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164 E. Alvarado Street Pomona, Cali ornia !1"6" "14.##$.1"$%

OBJECTIVE: &esidential 'ro'ert( manager seeks urt)er o''ortunities, 'art*time 're erred. PROFESSIONAL PROFILE: Proven )istor( o ac+uiring skills, develo'ing relations)i's, and leveraging resources to satis ( com'eting customer demands and e,'ectations. -ver % (ears o e,'erience as .ousing Coordinator or t)e &egenerative Coo'erative o Pomona /40 residents1 2nde'endent 'ro3lem*solver Persuasive communicator 4it) 4ell*develo'ed oral and 4ritten skills .ig)l( organi5ed 4it) a 'roven a3ilit( to 'rioriti5e 4ork* lo4 and assess customer needs Com orta3le in all 'ro essional 4orking environments 6le,i3le availa3ilit( EXPERIENCE Regenerative Cooperative of Po ona Housing Coordinator 6e3ruar( %01% 7 Present 8as res'onsi3le or inding 'otential residents, giving tours and guiding t)em t)roug) t)e intervie4 'rocess, collecting rents, tracking inances, ordering and stocking cleaning su''lies, and general 'ro'ert( management. 9ecause 2 4as a3le to ind via3le candidates or o'en rooms +uickl(, rental income or t)e co*o' increased %1: in %01$ rom t)e 'revious (ear. Free!an"e M#$i"ian %00# 7 Present Per ormed various musical services or ;0< clients, including com'osing, arranging, and recording music, and transcri3ing s)eet music. .oned skills o sel *motivation, inde'endence, sel *marketing, and negotiation. Ca!PIR% &#nger an' &o e!e$$ne$$ Ca paign /=C 9erkele( C)a'ter1 Volunteer Event Coordinator >anuar( %00! 7 Ma( %010 Co*directed t)e 'lanning o an event t)at involved recruiting 'eo'le or t4o di erent com'onents? undraising and a da( o volunteering. @4o o our cam'aignAs undraising teams ranked among t)e to' ten in t)e nation or t)e event. @)e volunteer turnout increased com'ared to 'revious (ears. E(UCATION 9.A. Cognitive Science, Music Minor =C 9erkele(, %011

REFERENCES 8ill Bort)o Co*o4ner, &egenerative Coo'erative !0! 9rad ord St Pomona, CA !1"6" 4kort)o "14.#";.$;"6 /cell1 Mike Miller Co*o4ner, &egenerative Coo'erative $1# E Alvarado St Pomona, CA !1"6" scootmike( !4!.%!%.$"66 /cell1 And( Coodman &egular 6reelance Music Client 11$0$ Dor3( &d Bansas Cit(, M- 641$" $10.$;!.;!!# /cell1 #16.!1%.#04$ /)ome1 Mic)ael Carcia &egular 6reelance Music Client 4""% Clenal3(n Dr Eos Angeles, CA !006; $10.!1!.#%$1 /cell1

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