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Case Presentation Form Assignment 1.

Counseling interns name: Nicole Caron

2. Client/Students first name: Student # 3 Age: 16 Grade: 10th Gender: Male Sexual orientation: Unknown Race/ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino Religion: Unknown Economic class (free-reduced lunch), first generation, Family background: Lives with parents and sister 3. Date session occurred; session number; length of session Occurred: April 25, 2014 Session: 12 Length of Session: 9 minutes 4. Use S.O.A.P. (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) notes to capture the presenting issue: Subjective: The client previously told me that he was experiencing symptoms of OCD. We talked about how he was feeling and I asked him if he would like me to sit down with him and his parents to talk about what is going on. He wanted to talk to them on his own over the weekend and this vide shows what came out of the conversation he has with his mother and father. I wanted to check in with him to see how it went and to see if I should intervene. The client described (in a previous session) feelings of having to check to make sure the door was locked several times, and to check if his alarm was set over and over. Objective: The client is well groomed and does not show any negative attendance patterns. The client seemed to be in a good mood this session and he seemed more relaxed then he often does Assessment is written from the counselors perspective regarding the clients presenting problem. Identify whether the root of the problem is: This is a psychologically issue. If the problem continues, or gets worse, it could have an impact on the students academics and his career in the future. This could also affect his social development and his relationships at school and outside of school could be impacted from the OCD. Plan: The client took initiative and talked to his parents about what was going on. His plan is to stop these thoughts in his head and not give into them. I am not sure if this is enough of a plan to help the client if he truly does have OCD. I talked with the client about what it would look like if the problem gets worse and let him know that he can talk to me if the OCD symptoms get worse or continue to happen. If he mentions this issue again I would like to speak with his parents/doctor about it. a. Microlevel: I will continue to work one on one with this student.

b. Mesolevel: I will collaborate with the students parents and doctor if the student feels like this continues to affect him. c. Macrolevel: This level involves addressing systemic barriers that impede on client development or bringing the issue to others awareness. 1. What multicultural factors are at play? How multicultural factors influence the clientcounselor relationship? The multi-cultural factor at play is that the student is a person of color and I am a white counselor. This plays a role in the relationship because when working as a counselor here I am seen as an authority figure, where the student is not in a place of authority in this situation. I want the student to be able to advocate for himself (when necessary) and be able to come to me when he does not feel like he can advocate for himself. This student does do a good job of advocating for himself and talking to teachers and parents when he feels like he can. What counseling theories are you using in this session and what evidence do you have to support this? I used person-centered counseling in this session. I listened to the client and encouraged him to make his own decisions about the issue at hand. I was just there to support the client and let him know that if he wants to take this issue in another direction we can also do that. List three things that you did well in the session with the client. List three things that you can improve on in your session with the client. Did Well: o Asked clarifying questions. o Provided the student with empathy. o Let the student know I was there if he needed additional support. Improve On: o I felt rushed in this session because I had 2 students waiting for me. This is something I have struggled with in the past and can feel myself rushing through sessions when I have others waiting. I would like to slow down a bit and make sure the client has expressed his feelings on everything that he needs to. o I would like to ask more questions around the clients feelings about what happened to him in the past. o I would like to make a better plan with this client. I am not satisfied with him just telling the thoughts to stop if they are really occurring over and over.



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