Permission Form To Conduct Wiki Writing Research

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Sarah W. Starkweather 1050 Wilmington Pike We t !

he ter" PA 19#82

Phone: 484-266-2200 FAX: 484-266-2299 email: eoneill$w%a &.net Fi'th-(ra&e)We t !he ter Area S%hool *i tri%t

Dear Parents/Guardian, I am currently a graduate student enrolled in a Masters Program at West Chester University. Starting Monday, January !th I "ill #egin my $inal masters course entitled %D%&''( )eacher *esearcher. +ne o$ the assignments $or this course re,uires me to develo- a case study and to conduct research on students during school. My research and case study has led me to $urther e.-lore ho" technology, our classroom Wi/i as "ell as other educational online a--lications, su--orts/motivates $i$th0grade students during the "riting -rocess as "ell as the overall learning in the classroom. )his case study "ill #e conducted over a three month -eriod and "ill end mid May. I am as/ing you to allo" your child to -artici-ate in three online Wi/i -ro1ects, modeled and monitored #y me. )his research study has #een -resented and a--roved #y Princi-al Dr. 2ronson. While on our classroom Wi/i, your child "ill #e doing a variety o$ cross0curricular -ro1ects related to classroom discussions/content. )hroughout the study, I "ill #e collecting data $rom your child in the $orm o$ re$lection surveys to monitor their -rogress and hear their voice in regards to these Wi/i -ro1ects. 3our child "ill also #e as/ed to -artici-ate in classroom #logs and the develo-ment o$ their o"n "i/i -age. 2ll -arents are invited to vie" our classroom Wi/i at anytime, as your child should share their student user name and -ass"ord "ith you 4this is the same as their district user name and -ass"ord5. 3ou "ill #e invited to vie" your child6s Wi/i "or/ sometime in June. )his "ill #e an e.citing time $or your child to sho" you their "or/7 3our child6s identity and "or/ "ill #e /e-t com-letely con$idential.

Please sign #elo" and return $orm #y( Monday, February 3rd I$ you have any ,uestions or concerns -lease $eel $ree to email or call. )han/ you $or your su--ort and coo-eration in res-onding to this re,uest. Sincerely, Mrs. %ri/a +68eill 9i$th0Grade )eacher at SWS
____________________________________________________________________________ _________ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8o, my child does not have my -ermission to -artici-ate. 4student6s name5 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3es, my child does have my -ermission to -artici-ate. (parents signature)

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