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April 3, 2014 Table 2 Research Group Field/Theoretical Notes

For this tables research, Daniella was the reader and Zoey was the illustrator. Both very strong-headed girls, they often clashed in their table of six and stressed the other four students out. The table arrangement is in two rows of 3 tables each all facing one another. Daniella is at one end while Zoey is at the other end of the table. Since she is the reader, Daniella is instructed to read the research to her table as everyone follows along. Because of her soft voice, students at one end of the table have a hard time hearing her. As a result, students at this table often scream, unintentionally, at Daniella for her to speak up. It seems as if Daniella gets discouraged after many yells and starts retreating into her seat. I suggested the group move to the library, a small carpeted area so they could sit in a circle to better hear each other. Zoey, looks unhappy to move her seat as she let out an exasperated sigh. I sit with the group and model to Daniella how I wanted her to read to her group. Daniella, I want you to hold up the paper, point to the section youre reading, make sure everyone else has their finger on it, then you start to read once you make sure everyone is in the right place, I explain as I held up the paper to demonstrate what I meant. I sat next to Zoey in the circle with Daniella across from me. As Daniella read, I glanced at Zoey, who was leaned on the bookshelf looking at the door. When she caught me looking, she glanced down at her paper. It looked to me as if she had no idea where Daniella was reading. However, when

Daniella got stuck on the word diversity, Zoey quickly jumped in, Its diversity, in a deadpan voice. Following that, Daniella grunts at Zoey, I know. You cant just give me a minute to figure it out? I cut in, to stop any possible arguments that would stress the group out and say, That sounds like a good idea- to sound out a word when we get stuck. Maybe after we try and if we still dont know, then we can ask a group mate? The four quiet students nod as Alex goes, That sounds great. So people dont have to fight anymore. Daniella finishes reading the front page of the research and I leave the circle. Before I left, I told the group, I love how we came up with a solution for what to do if we get stuck on a word. I also would like to thank everyone in this group for being patient with one another. That really shows me that you guys are cooperating. As I circulated the room to help other groups, I kept my eye on Table 2. After 10 minutes of cooperation with them, I rewarded them with a reward system that is used in the classroom- raffle tickets. I handed students in Table 2 a ticket and thanked them again for working so well together.

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