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Student: Sarah Overall data and student work samples The following graph represents the pre and

d post figurative language assessment results given to students in this study. Each of the five participants being closely studied as well as the overall class average has been included.

Figure 1 Survey ONE

Figure 2

Survey TWO

Figure 3

Student work samples Taken from participants riter!s "otebook#Figures $ % & Taken from classroom wiki # Figures ' % (

Week THREE/FOUR: Writer s Note!ook )ritically thinking and responding to literature. *ere

are two e+amples of this participants work before blogging on wiki ,taken from

riter!s "otebook-.

Figures $ % & Week s ONE and TWO. )onstruction of Figurative /anguage online wiki poster 0 Figure '

Wordle "ro#e$t e%ample: embedded on student classroom wiki

Figure (

Week FOUR. 1ase group blogging responses to a famous poet. TASK: base groups were presented with one famous poem a day and were asked to critically read2 analy3e and respond to the blogging 4uestion. *ere are a few e+amples of this participants work before blogging ,taken from riter!s "otebook-. &lo''in' e%amples !y parti$ipant on $lassroom wiki Figure 5

(!ase team response )rom Ro!ert Frost poem* The Road Not Taken+

(student response to musi$ video ,Roar- !y .ate "erry re'ardin' )i'urative lan'ua'e+

,student response to literature reading: Gracies Canoe Trip question five: What is the personification in line 1? Change the sentence so that the sun is still personified but with a new human quality !

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