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ACCT 4911 Internship Supervisor Final Evaluation Complete and return as an email attachment at the end of the internship

period. A copy of this document should also be in your interns final portfolio. Please type this evaluation. Name of Intern Mary Jane Navarro Name of Field Supervisor Sherry Yelvington email _____________________ email:

Internship Location: Memphis College of Art Business Office

Strongly Agree The quality of this students work was consistently excellent. This student was reliable about fulfilling the requirements of the internship. This student reported to work on time consistently. This student never had an unexcused absence. 5 4 3 2 Strongly Disagree 1

5 5 5

4 4 4

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

The student demonstrated professional behavior. and appropriate dress for our organization. The student contributed positively to our organization. The student meshed well with our organizations culture

5 5 5

4 4 4 Yes: X

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

If a position was open in my organization, I would extend a job offer.

No___________ No___________

Would you recommend this student to another employer as an intern? Yes: X Would you be willing to write a letter of reference for this intern? YES

What recommendations would you make to the student for his or her next work experience? MJ did an excellent job and became quite proficient in the position. She is eager, ask questions and displays an interest in the different aspects of the position that goes beyond needing a grade for her course and shows what I believe to be one of the most needed and desired traits of an employee not just knowing how to do something but why it is done.

Additional Comments and Suggestions For The Fogelman College of Business and Economics Internship Program:

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