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Shy Wegiel 2/22/2012 N362- Discussion- Affordable Care Act Assignment: Start a dialogue on the Affordable Care Act.

Discuss the main components of the Act, who was assign to implement the law, how is the law being implemented in Hawaii. What impact will it have on health care professionals and the citizens of Hawaii. The Affordable Care Act guarantees access to health care for all Americans, creates new incentives to change clinical practice to foster better coordination and quality, provides patients with more information to make them more value-conscious consumers, and changes the payment system to reward value (Kocher, Emmanueal, & DeParle, 2010). More than 45 million Americans are uninsured. As a result they experience increased morbidity and mortality. Even some Americans who have coverage face barriers related to financial strains and accessibility to care. Changes in Medicare will help reduce the financial barriers that decreases medication adherence (2010). The Act removes annual and lifetime limits and outlaws other insurances practices, that frequently deny people care when they need it the most. Lower healthcare costs by making preventive screening visits free by eliminating cost sharing and co-payments. Serious conditions can be diagnosed when treatments are most effective by making it easier for physicians to get their patients the right tests and treatments (2010). There are many changes related to the Affordable Care Act. RNs can anticipate that there will be unpredictable pressures and unintended consequences arising from the healthcare reform (Buerhaus et al., 2012). The RN profession will thrive rather than struggle if strong clinical leadership, participate in developing an achievable vision of the future, and if supported to take risks and innovate to improve the quality and efficacy of care delivery (2012). Increasing the education and preparation of nursing leaders, will be increasingly vital to nursing. The emphasis on teamwork and the leadership skills of RNs are important factors in the success of the healthcare reform. Health care will become driven increasingly by payment incentives that reward quality, safety, and efficiency (2012). The leadership, advocacy, and passion that drives the nursing profession will be what makes a difference in the upcoming years. Nurses in Hawaii, should be prepared to further their education and take a more active leadership role. After we graduate from this program, I plan to finish my bachelors and further my education so that I am better prepared for the changes in the healthcare field. It is projected that 32 million people will be newly insured by 2019 (Health Reform, 2012) This increase in the amount of patients along with issues related to reimbursements and the strain in finances will put more stress on hospitals. The bottom line is that it doesnt matter how many Americans have health insurance if there are no hospitals left in business to treat them. Not too long ago, we witnessed hospital closures and staff cuts in Hawaii. Hospitals are businesses and without reimbursements and payments we could see more financial difficulties and changes in the Hospitals here in Hawaii. Karissa mentioned 83,000 Hawaii residents who are uninsured finally receiving healthcare under the Affordable Care Act. She also mentioned the possibility of healthcare workers being out of jobs. I agree with her statement but I also see the potential for growth. With an increased in number of patients, hospitals will need enough employees to tend to the needs of these individuals. Nurses may be the healthcare professionals needed to fill in the gap between an increase in patients

and the strain on finances. As I mentioned earlier, nurses should be prepared to further their education. Nurses can take on a more active role as nurse practitioners while also rising as leaders in the healthcare field. The Affordable Care Act can be beneficial to individuals who have no health insurance as well as help those who have substandard coverage. As a future health care profession, I think about the reduction in adverse outcomes due to early detection along with preventive care at its finest. With increased access to health care, we are able to detect illness early resulting in a decrease in adverse outcomes, disability, and mortality. I am also aware of the concern related to the implications of possible financial burdens on our already stressed economy. Although this may be true, I believe that there is no reason that all American citizens should not have healthcare. As healthcare workers, we want to make a difference. I would much rather make a difference promoting health and detecting diseases early rather than waiting until individuals are in advanced stages of disease.

Resources Buerhaus, P. I., Desroches, C., Applebaum, S., Hess, R., Norman, L. D., & Donelan, K. (2012). Are Nurses Ready for Health Care Reform? A Decade of Survey Research. Nursing Economic$, 30(6), 318330. Health Reform Source. (2012). Health reform hits main street. Retrieved from Kocher, R., Emanuel, E. J., & DeParle, N. M. (2010). The Affordable Care Act and the Future of Clinical Medicine: The Opportunities and Challenges. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 153(8), 536-W.190.

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