Pirtfolio Sems 2 201213

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May 20, 2013 Ellis: Period 1 Strohmeyer: Period 3 Jones: Period 7

Meteor Crater

Madalyn Williams Academy Portfolio- Semester 2 2013

Verbal Expression

In Language Arts we performed speeches about our weekends.

Written Expression

Research paper for LA on Albert Einstien. Persuasive on proving why he was important to history.

Written Expression
Evidence on Edmodo, communication site for students of certain classes.

Use of electronic resources to turn in assignments.

Inquiry Thinking Skills

Various assignments in which I interpreted topics and responded to prompts about them.
History Assignment: defining the causes of the American Revolution

Language Arts assignment: interpreting prompts from To Kill a Mockingbird

Inquiry Thinking Skills

NHD Projectinterpreting events from history, collecting them, and displaying them.

Electronic Presentation Skills

During a Saturday Academy Class, we created electronic presentations.

Time Management Skills

School scheduling and homework reminders.

Organization Skills

Filing for apps; organization of tools by affiliation and for accessibility.

Organization Skills

Organized backpack- never any papers loose, everything has proper place and proper order (in order of schedule and placed for accessibility).

OConnor Community Service

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