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Councilmember David Alvarez

City of San Diego-- District Eight

For Immediate Release April 28, 2014 Contact: Lisa Schmidt (619) 210-9499 cell

Alvarez Fights for Community Services

SAN DIEGO (April 28, 2014) Councilmember Alvarez has issued the following statement regarding his votes today on Council Item 151 (FY 2015-FY 2019 Consolidated Plan and FY 2015 Annual Action Plan for the City of San Diego HUD Entitlement Programs) and Council Item 200 (Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agreement Second Amendment for One (1) Year Extension with Rural/Metro): The action taken today on the update to the Consolidated Plan does not support nonprofits. This federal funding is a resource to underserved neighborhoods and should be spent on programs that serve the community they are meant to benefit. As a result, nonprofits will be receiving less funding in the future from the City. These organizations are a valuable community resource and should not see their funding decreased in order to backfill the Citys infrastructure deficit, which is far too large to be solved

Additionally, I was proud to join my Council colleagues in approving a one year extension to the contract with our EMS service provider, which adds an ambulance unit that will serve communities along the border. The addition of this unit will improve response times and ensure our all of our neighborhoods receive the emergency services they deserve. ###

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