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The top 15 online MBA programmes

Average time to complete (years)* Online delivery Programme diversity Additional notes Online teaching materials (%)*

Course fee (local currency)

International students (%)

International mobility rank

Programme delivery rank

International faculty (%)

International board (%)

Online interaction rank

Women students (%)

Women faculty (%)

Women board (%)

Programme name

Business school

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

IE Business School Warwick Business School Northeastern University: D'Amore-McKim University of Florida: Hough Indiana University: Kelley Durham University Business School Babson College: Olin Thunderbird School of Global Management Syracuse University: Whitman Arizona State University: Carey Bradford University School of Management University of Nebraska-Lincoln Open University Business School Drexel University: LeBow Centrum Catlica


Global MBA+ Blended Warwick MBA by Distance Learning D'Amore-McKim Online MBA Internet MBA Online MBA Global MBA Babson MBA Blended Learning Program Global MBA Online iMBA Carey Online MBA Distance Learning MBA University of Nebraska-Lincoln Distance MBA MBA MBA Anywhere Virtual Managerial MBA

8 10 7 1 2 15 6 4 3 11 9 12 14 13 5

5 11 7 1 3 15 6 2 4 10 12 8 14 13 9

34 36 31 23 22 37 29 34 30 25 39 31 46 35 17

30 25 39 31 23 26 28 32 29 24 33 19 36 36 21

28 12 17 12 21 42 15 24 11 6 36 20 21 17 31

55 76 19 20 26 59 17 32 21 24 30 8 35 32 30

90 58 3 1 22 63 2 30 10 1 76 7 48 7 10

82 12 4 0 4 37 12 36 0 1 36 0 36 0 85

1 43,200 2 22,500 10 $69,300 14 $50,600 7 $62,900 3 19,000 8 $77,200 5 $69,800 12 $70,800 11 $54,600 4 13,500 13 $25,600 6 17,100 15 $64,000 9 S/.64,500

1.3 3.5 2 2 2.5 3.5 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 2 3

96 100 100 85 95 100 72 80 94 100 100 100 100 85 90

* Data in these columns are for information only and are not used in the rankings

Rank in 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



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