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Solsky Hannah Solsky Judith Sylvester MC 4001 Section 1 3 April 2014 Event Planning Diary Jan.

28, 2014 Entry #1: The Pitch After hearing a out !ick "utts #ay and the universities plan to $ake %S& a s$oke free ca$pus' ( )uickly egan rainstor$ing ideas to help get students involved in the cause* ( reali+ed that in order to pro$ote and infor$ students a out %S&,s fight for a s$oke free ca$pus' ( -ould need to put together an event* ( decided to call $y event .eau/ S$oke 0ree' as ( thought that students -ould find it catchy and intriguing* .eau/ S$oke 0ree -ould e a lively event and -ould e held at 12 p*$* on March 11 on the 2arade .rounds* ( -anted there to e various tents set up as -ell as a live perfor$ance* So$e of the tents -ould e handing out pa$phlets e/plaining the ha+ards of s$oking' -hile others -ould e providing infor$ation on the specifics of %S&,s plan to $ake the ca$pus s$oke free* 3his -ould provide students -ith helpful infor$ation' -hile also giving the$ a chance to ask any )uestions regarding the policy* (n order to $ake the event $ore appealing for students' ( thought that it -ould e a good idea to have food vendors such as 4aising Canes and S$oothie !ing* ( liked the idea of this event ecause ( thought that it -ould increase a-areness' -hile also getting people e/cited for !ick "utts #ay* ( also thought that it -ould e a fun idea to have t5 shirts thro-n out to the cro-d during the and,s perfor$ance* Ho-ever' ( )uickly reali+ed that ( -ould face $any o stacles6 such as the cost of the event and getting the $aterials that ( -ould need to turn this idea into a reality* (n addition to this' ( egan to have reservations a out -hether ( -ould e a le to get vendors to participate* After revie-ing $y ideas' ( decided that it -ould e est to keep $y slogan' ut think of a $ore achieva le idea for an event* Feb. 11, 2014 Entry #2: Thinking o !e" #$ea% After reali+ing that .eau/ S$oke 0ree -as out of $y ele$ent and possi ly unachieva le' ( reali+ed that ( needed to develop a rand ne- idea* ( tried to think of neideas for several $inutes' ut ca$e up -ith nothing' so ( decided to te/t $y friend Caroline' -ho is also in the class* After rainstor$ing various ideas -ith her' -e decided that it -ould $ake things easier if -e put together an event as a tea$* 7e did not settle on an idea' ut si$ply ounced around various thoughts and decided to talk $ore -hen -e sa- each other in class* Feb. 12, 2014 Entry #&: The 'eginning% o Ple$ge a Pack an$ (ea)* +,oke Free #uring class' Caroline and ( first decided that -e -anted to co$ ine oth of our ideas in order to co$e up -ith the na$e of the event8 2ledge a 2ack and .eau/ S$oke 0ree* 3he event -ill e held fro$ 11 to 3 p*$* on March 11 in 0ree Speech Alley and -ould e a si$ple event6 ho-ever' it -ould still dra- in students to 9oin the cause and infor$ students -ho previously did not kno- a out Act* 211* 3o $ake this event a

Solsky success' a ta le' t-o chairs' infor$ation pa$phlets' a anner and display' different colored sharpies and lollipops need to e provided* 3he anner -ill e ased off of 3o acco 0ree Su$$it,s design* 3o cut costs' Caroline and ( -ould e -illing to dra- out the anner and paint it* Students -ill sign their na$e on the anner and state a short reason -hy they support %S& eco$ing a s$oke5free ca$pus* :nce the student has signed the anner' -e -ill provide the$ -ith a pa$phlet to further their kno-ledge a out the policy along -ith the har$ful side effects of s$oking* A lollipop -ill also e given to students to thank the$ for supporting the policy* Feb. 12, 2014 Entry #4: -etter o #n.)iry Caroline and ( -rote a letter of in)uiry to Ca$pus %ife* (n our letter' -e e/plained e/actly -hat the event -ould entail and -hat -e -anted to achieve fro$ hosting it* 7e -ere careful to provide a very detailed plan -ith e/a$ples of -hat students could -rite on the anner' since this -as the first ti$e Ca$pus %ife -ould e hearing a out the event* (t -as i$portant to do this ecause Ca$pus %ife is the one -ho -ill approve our idea and help kick5start the event* Feb. 24, 2014 Entry #/: 0evi%ion% to 1)r Event :nce -e talked to 2rofessor Sylvester a out the event' -e decided that it -ould e est and easiest to host the event on March 1; instead of March 11* 3his is ecause 2rofessor Sylvester -ould already have space in 0ree Speech Alley fro$ !ick "utts #ay* Hosting 2ledge the 2ack and .eau/ S$oke 0ree -ould also pro a ly e $ore effective on March 1;' ecause -e could have people sign our anner -hile also handing out tickets for the tailgate* 3his -ill $ost likely dra- in a igger cro-d* 18 2arch 2014 Entry #3: Pro,oting the Policy Caroline and ( did not end up hosting the event* 3here -as a lot of planning to do and -e did not talk to Ca$pus %ife in order to get the event approved* <ven though -e did not host the event on the date that -e previously hoped to' -e have een thinking of -ays to pro$ote the policy* 7e -ould still like to have 2ledge a 2ack and .eau/ S$oke 0ree' ut at a later date* 14 2arch 2014 Entry #5: 6i$eo (n an effort to keep pro$oting the policy' Caroline and ( -anted to video students on ca$pus and ask the$ )uestions a out the policy* 7e -ent to sorority ro- since -e are oth in sororities and kne- that -e -ould e a le to find friends -ho -ould e -illing to participate* 3hrough this' -e -ere a le to find out that a lot of people have heard that %S& -ants to $ake its ca$pus s$oke free' ut that they still have a lot of )uestions regarding the policy* 7e -ere also a le to see that $any students are in favor of %S& eco$ing a s$oke free ca$pus ecause they have kno-n so$eone -ho has died fro$ s$oking*


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