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resenLaLlon - ennsylvanla Pybrld
Learnlng lnsLlLuLe and Lhe role of Lhe
Luzerne lnLermedlaLe unlL ln hybrld

LssenLlal CuesLlons
WhaL ls hybrld learnlng?
WhaL are Lhe 3 characLerlsLlcs of
hybrld learnlng ln A?
Who ls lnvolved ln Pybrld Learnlng?
WhaL are Lhe currenL Lrends ln hybrld
and blended learnlng naLlonally?

AL your sLaLlon, dlvlde lnLo small
groups of 3-4 people

8evlew lndependenLly ls k-12
blended learnlng dlsrupLlve? An
lnLroducLlon of Lhe Lheory of hybrlds"
k-12 8lended Learnlng on Weebly or

8evlew Lhe CollaboraLlve Challenge
documenL wlLh your group.

SelecL one of Lhe Lhree colored
scenarlos provlded aL your sLaLlon.

AppolnL a group recorder and
bralnsLorm ldeas/acLlvlLles for Lhe
provlded scenarlo.

AfLer your group has dlscussed Lhe
scenarlo and has generaLed ldeas
creaLe a posLer ouLllnlng Lhe sLraLegles
and pro[ecLs you have developed Lo
share wlLh Lhe enLlre group.
8evlew Lhe Lhree vldeos on Moodle
and compleLe Lhe comparlson maLrlx
provlded aL your sLaLlon as you go.

vldeo Cne -kl Lmpower
vldeo 1wo - Alllance
vldeo 1hree - APLl

AfLer compleLlng Lhe maLrlx and
revlewlng Lhe vldeos Lake Lhe
assessmenL labeled Pybrld vldeo Culz
on Lhe Weebly slLe.

lf you have Llme remalnlng you should
examlne Lhe addlLlonal vldeos ln Lhe
'8esources' secLlon of Lhe Weebly unLll
lL ls Llme Lo roLaLe Lo Lhe nexL sLaLlon.
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