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Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow

EDUC 202 Classroom Map and Reflection

Directions: Observe in a classroom setting, draw a map of the classroom, and then answer the questions below the map. Utilize your best writing skills. Katie Fabian
cooperating school: students name: grade/subject: date:

Linkhorn Park Elementary School

4th Grade cooperating teacher: Mrs. Moller April 15, 2014



objective of observation:

Classroom Layout

Using the space below, draw a map of the classroom where you are observing, including seating arrangements, placement of furniture, computers, telephone, and other equipment.

continued on the next page

1. Give a brief anecdotal description of these classroom elements: use of technology, lighting, traffic patterns, instructional displays, management, and motivational elements:

Majority of students will be facing the same way in order to have perfect view of the Smart Board. Students are arranged in a form of a lecture hall in a college classroom, or even a high school classroom. This arrangement enables students to move up and down the aisles to go from place to place around the room rather than curves and moving left and right.
2. What are some ways you observed that the physical arrangement of furniture enhanced or supported a positive learning environment?

Majority of students are facing the same way which makes the students not become distracted with seeing some across the room either looking at them or not paying attention to the teacher. Jack who is a autistic student works better when working alone, but is offered to work with groups when there is group work needed in an assignment.
3. What are some ways you observed that the physical arrangement of the furniture detracted, inhibited, or took away from a positive learning environment?

There is one minor distraction with having the two desks facing inward on both sides in the middle row. I would either put those four desks in a separate line or have them go in one straight line like the other two rows.
4. What are some ways you observed that the visual resourcesdecorations, bulletin boards, etc.enhanced or supported a positive learning environment??

There is a bulletin board with the Class Constituion which is a board with the classroom rules that all the students signed in the beginning of the year near the teachers desk. The calendar and School Supplies are in the back of the room. The library is in the back left corner with a large carpet for students to read during their Daily 5 session time when they are finished with their assignment.
5. What are some ways you observed that the visual resources detracted, inhibited, or took away from a positive learning environment?

I think the calendar should be presented in the front of the room with the smart board. This will have the student have easy access to the Todays Date and future events that will happen in the upcoming month.
6. What are some ways you observed that the teacher physically moved around in, and otherwise interacted with the physical space?*

The smart board space is a great wide and big space for the teacher to move back and fourth on the smart board when writing on the board. The rows enable the teacher to see all students from the front and back of the room to make sure all students are on task and ready to learn.
7. What are some ways you observed that the students physically moved around in, and otherwise interacted with the physical space?*


You may wish to focus your attention on the teacher for 15-20 minutes or so; or upon one student for 15-20 minutes; or upon two students simultaneously in order to better answer questions 6 and 7.

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