Istar English Language Arts

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Heather Pappas Maggie February 18, 2014 and February 20, 2014 English and Language Arts ISTAR


ISTAR KR: Demonstrates awareness of Sounds Rating: 3 and 4 On February 20th at approximately 10:15 AM Maggie picked up a baby doll. I asked her what the baby needed. She responded, I,I,I rocking the baby to sleep. She swung the baby doll back and forth in her arms for about 30 seconds. She then walked over to the wooden shelf under the front window and kneeled down with her baby doll. She leaned the baby doll forward and began singing the ABC song, just as the staff at the centers sing to the children as they help them wash their hands. Next step: Identifying words that sound alike and rhyme.

ISTAR KR: Demonstrated awareness of Symbols Rating: 2 After lunch, on February 20th around 11:40 PM Maggie walked near the fire place and looked at the collage of her familys pictures on the wall. I asked her, Who are those people in the picture? Can you tell me about them? She pointed to a picture of herself and said, Thats me. She then pointed to another picture and said Thats daddy. After she named several individuals in the pictures she pointed to all the woman or girls in the collage and said, This is a girl and this is a girl. Next step: To identify sounds and letters in her own name and also be able to distinguish letters from words.

ISTAR KR: Uses print for pleasure and information Rate :2 and 3 On February 20th at 11:30 AM Maggie walked over to the basket of books and picked up a book called, Snow. She brought the book over to Ms. Johnson held right-side up. She handed her the book and turned the pages as Mrs. Johnson read the words. Before she turned each page her eyes looked at the book from top to bottom. Next Step: Pointing to letters when asked.

ISTAR KR: Comprehends details, events, and main ideas Rate: 2 At the beginning of the day on February 18th at approximately 9:15 AM Maggie brought over a book and handed it to me. As I turned the page Maggie pointed to the horse on the page and said, Thats a horse. She then began feeling the textured portion of that particular page. Next Step: Describing pictures of places in books, and talking about characters and settings .

ISTAR KR: Writing for a specific purpose or audience Rate: 1 and 2 During art time, Maggie grasped her paint brush and dipped it into the blue paint. She held the paper down with one hand and held the paint brush with the other. She made short back and forth strokes with the brush towards the center of the paper. Next Step: Drawing shapes of objects to communicate a meaningful message . ISTAR KR: Using writing implements Rate: 2 At approximately 9:40 AM on February 20th Maggie walked over to the kitchen table. I said, Maggie would you like to choose a piece of paper and draw? She said, Yes, and walked over to the art cubbies and picked up the green paper and green markers. She made short lines in a variety of directions in the corner of the paper. Next Step: Copying a circle and a horizontal line

ISTAR KR: Demonstrates receptive Language Rate: 3 During circle time (10:30 AM) on February 20th the children began singing, Four Cats Jumping on the Bed Maggie stood up and said, I want to hold a kitty. The lab student said, Maggie if you would like a kitten you may come up and take one to where you are sitting. Maggie walked over and retrieved a white kitten. Next Step: Answering if.what questions.

ISAR KR: Demonstrates expressive language Rate:4 On February 18th at approximately 9:30 AM Maggie picked up a small yellow spiky ring and said, The baby needs this. I asked, Why does the baby need the yellow ring? She responded by saying, It's a bracelet for the baby. Next Step: Using more than one descriptor word in a sentence and using conjunctions.

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