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Please note that survey two was collected/results were analyzed on March 18, 2014

Student Wiki Survey #2 Class Results- 25 total participants

Part I Question 1: What are your thoughts about these interactive figurative language ga es! "o these ga es hel# you re e ber the various ty#es of figurative language! $elow are four e%a #le student co ents regarding how figurative language interactive ga es hel#ed the aster these conce#ts &the bar gra#h below co ents show cases the class results'(

a( )*o e of these ga es are fun and challenging( + few of the ga es are very easy( ,he challenging ga es hel# e to loo- at e%a #les of figurative language and to tell the difference between the different ty#es(. b( ),hese ga es do hel# e re e ber the various ty#es of figurative language we are learning( /t is a fun way to hel# your brain re e ber the (. c( ),he ga es are fun and you do not even -now your doing figurative language(. d( ),he 0uiz ga es are very hel#ful if you want to see what you need to woron( 1verall these ga es are a big hit(.

Part II!Question 2: "igurative #anguage $a%e Ratings Please note2 ,he researcher too- each ga e rating fro the 23 #artici#ants and averaged the together to create the bar gra#h below(

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&eac'er!Researc'er Re lection: ,he researcher introduced these #articular figurative language during wee- one of the study( ,he following notes/observations were ta-en during the ti efra e students were actively engaged on these ga es( all students caught on 0uic-ly to ga e directions and ob4ectives students were highly engaged5 laughing, getting u# out of seat to show another student their wor-/score/ga e, s iling students in the follow u# survey re#orted &as shown above' these ga es were effective in assisting the to aster the various ty#es of figurative language students as-ed throughout the research #ro4ect if they could go on these ga es during )free ti e. or )language arts fle%ible ti e.( ,he researcher according to her notes, observations, and survey/ga e ratings can conclude that the interactive ga es that followed each orning figurative language lesson were hel#ful and considered a eaningful tool to students when astering the figurative language content( 6astly, on one of the #arent survey7s they entioned how uch their son li-ed the #ersonification bas-etball interactive ga e and how it was hel#ful in understanding and using figurative language(

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